Friday, December 20, 2024



As I have said before, Christmas is my favorite time of year. From my earliest days, it was always special. As a kid, my folks didn't have much money, so Christmas was often kinda skimpy. But it didn't matter. We always made it special.


When my own kids were growing up, we tried to make every Christmas memorable. I think if you asked them today, they would say we were somewhat successful. I'll never forget them running down the hallway to get to their stockings and presents. I remember one year my son got a plastic toy power mower. The problem was that when he pushed it, it sounded like the real thing. That is a terrible sound to hear all Christmas morning. But, we endured. Thinking back on it, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.


It's not the same now. In many ways that is good. We spend more time contemplating the real meaning of the holiday. For example, we will attend church Christmas Eve for a candlelight service and Communion. We don't send cards anymore. And I think a lot of people have made that choice. We still have a beautiful tree that's all lit up and we still exchange gifts.


We listen to the beautiful music of the season. Some of my favorites.  It helps to make the season bright. 


This is to be my Christmas blog. Linda and I take this opportunity to wish for you the happiest Christmas and of course the most prosperous of new years. We have been so blessed this past year and we wish those same blessings for you in the coming year. Please don't forget what this season is all about. It is precisely because God loves us that we are blessed in such a special way. Take advantage of that love He has shown us and make your new year better than ever. 


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Ron & Linda Scarbro


Wednesday, November 27, 2024



My Thanksgiving blog is simple. I am thankful for you. I am thankful that I have the unfettered opportunity to rant without fear. I appreciate living in this great country. I am thankful for my family, my health, and most of all my dear wife of over 60 years. I am continuing to recover from recent medical issues but plan to get back to work on my blog very soon. Thank you for reading and offering your encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.





Thanksgiving 2024


Thursday, November 14, 2024


Ever since the election we have heard the talking heads refer to the “transfer of power.” I have a different view. The power has never changed hands, only the leadership has changed. The power is now and has been in the hands of the people. Our simple job is to make sure it is used wisely. We change out our “leaders” with every election. But the power stays where it belongs, in the hands of the people.


Trump is in and has a Republican Senate. That should bode well for Republicans, and the whole country. With cooperation and intelligence, this country should prosper and move ahead. But, will it? Will they work together or will they just play politics? That is the question. The stock market seems to be happy with Trump, but will that last? Who knows? 


Here's what I believe. We, the people, have a rather unique opportunity to prosper and move ahead. We have to hold these people's feet to the fire. We need to recognize our commitments to allies and not let them down. I trust Trump to handle that well. But, at the same time, we need to stay out of affairs that are none of our business. Too often we seem to inflict ourselves on others. There is no future in that. 


My thoughts. Let us take advantage of the opportunity we have to move ahead. Any rhinos in the Senate, if they are not on board, should be shown the door. We are living in a serious time and we had best take care. It is just too dangerous not to. 


We have Trump at the right time. He knows what has to be done and I believe he will do it. Weenie liberals just go sit in the corner and let the adults get the job done.


Ron Scarbro November 12, 2024



Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Dear Readers,


Dear Readers,


I’m writing to tell you that due to my recent medical problems I have failed to post on my blog. I am definitely on the mend and will be back to posting very soon.


Thank you for your patients.

