Friday, October 4, 2024



Hurricane Helene visited us yesterday. I have seen worse storms. We had a few limbs down with associated debris, but no major issues. We were told the winds that hit us were over 80mph. I slept through most of the storm. 


This morning we looked around and felt we had dodged a bullet. Then we tried to turn on the television. Ooops, no tv. No internet. Oh, and no phone either. We figured they will have it up and running very soon. My mistake. I'm writing this in the evening and everything is still not working. 


Now it is the next morning. Still no internet or anything else. It's called isolation. That's kind of a strange feeling to me. I can't watch football. I can't call anybody and they can't call me. In the twenty-first century, you're not supposed to be this isolated. But, what are you going to do? I decided to call the internet provider and ask for an update. A recording told me someone would get in touch with me in maybe 48 hours. Hmmm.


It is now the next day, and guess what. Still no internet, no phone service, and no tv. Our provider has had two beautiful days to affect repairs and nothing is fixed.


This is a time when I need to call on my best trait. That trait is patience. I can hear those of you who know me personally. Patience is alien to me. Besides, patience is overrated. 


It is now the morning of the third day, no change. One would think that nobody knows what they are doing. Now I begin to worry about those whose very life depends on these services. 


Finally, they got it fixed. I have internet and a phone. Trust me, it wasn't because of my patience. I still don't understand why this took so long. 


Just a few years ago, none of this technology even existed, and now we are so used to it that we are lost when it disappears. I wonder how smart it is to be so dependent on something so frivolous as the internet. Oh well, I guess that is just what today is. 


I am amazed as to how relieved I am to have all my services restored. I am no longer isolated. Now I have phone service, but I don't want to call anybody. And nobody is calling me. Anyway, life is back to normal, whatever that is. 


Ron Scarbro October 3, 2024




Friday, September 20, 2024



It would certainly appear that somebody wants to assassinate Donald Trump. So far, thank God, they have failed miserably. They will probably continue trying and will probably continue failing. 


I never cease to be amazed by the sheer numbers of wingnuts that walk our streets. What could they possibly be thinking? In the far-out possibility that they could inflict a serious wound on Trump, that would just make him more difficult to beat in an election. 


Here's the reality. Trump and Harris are our candidates. There have been many elections in my lifetime where I just wanted to vote no, but that has never been an option, and it won't be this time around. 


Another reality is that one of them will be our next president. The anti-Trump people believe Trump is a dangerous choice. I believe Harris is far more dangerous to this country than Trump and millions of Americans think like me. 


If you are one who believes Trump is a danger to our country, then make sure to elect a Congress that would keep him in check. On his own a president has very limited power in this country. He needs a compliant Congress to get anything done. That's the way our forefathers intended and that's the way it is. 


Personally I believe we need a strong president like Trump. There are countries in the world who would view a female president no higher than their goat or sheep. Doesn't make it right, just makes it true. 


We live in a dangerous world. With every new weapons system, it only grows more dangerous. I don't believe it is America's job to be policemen of the world, but adults have to be aware of what's going on. Iran is not going to be satisfied until they either rule the world, or get bombed back into the fifteenth century where they belong. Personally I favor the bombing. They want you to believe it's a religious thing, but I think we all know the truth. The God I worship is a God of love, not hate. That seems to be something many of the Middle Easterners have forgotten.

Ron Scarbro September 19, 2024


Thursday, August 29, 2024



I find it quite interesting that Kamala Harris plans to reduce inflation as soon as she is elected President. I have a question. Where has she been the last four years? If she has the plan to get our economy back on track, why hasn't she already put it to use? She also says she can fix the border. Okay, same question. Why hasn't she already fixed it? 


I suspect, like you, this is just political rhetoric with no real plan for utilization. Talk is cheap and political rhetoric is probably the cheapest. 


Those of you who know me personally know that I am just a simple man. So it would follow that my solutions to our problems would also be simple. 


Consider our economy. My first answer is to get the government's foot off of the neck of the fossil fuel industry. Not only should we not be buying oil from other countries, many of whom are very unfriendly to us, but instead pumping our own and selling it to them. Russia's very existence depends on selling oil. We should be their number one competitor. This would also serve to bring prices down on our own products. We become an exporter, not an importer. I am simply amazed that we don't already do this. 


The southern border is another problem to be sure. Since Trump left office it has gotten much worse. He stopped the “catch and release” program which largely kept the border secure. Biden canceled that very effective program for no good reason that I can imagine. Trump's program was to stay in Mexico until the court found that you could continue to this country. What could be wrong with that? Well, Biden didn't like it and ended it. 


We, the people, must decide what kind of government we want. We have to decide how much crap we'll put up with. It is obvious our country is of at least two different minds on the issues we face. Do we want a secure border? Do we want cheaper gas prices? Do we want adults running our government? Or, do we just want things to run as they are until chaos takes over? It's up to us. 


We have an election coming up soon. Do we choose the same ol, same ol, or do we demand change. It is really simple. The Democrat party will keep us in the mess we're in and the Republicans will get it fixed. Your choice. Choose wisely. 


Ron Scarbro August 28, 2024