Wednesday, July 28, 2021


I recently wrote expressing my concern about the mental aptitude of Joe Biden. It doesn't take a medical degree to see how much he is failing every day. His grasp of obvious matters is terrible. He cannot respond intelligently to simple questions. He seems to be in a fog. 


I am a Republican who voted for the other guy but that is not a factor in my appraisal of this situation. This situation is dangerous. We don't live in a vacuum. The whole world is watching us. 


The next problem is Kamala Harris. She is better suited to manage a girl scout troop than this great country. Sadly that brings us to the next problem, and it's a huge one. That would be Nancy Pelosi, who, as you know, would be next in line for the Presidency. Please somebody, wake me from this nightmare.


One of the first responsibilities of citizens who live in a free country is to vote, but to first educate themselves on the issues and the candidates. Joe Biden became President because of an anti-Donald Trump vote, not a pro Joe Biden vote. Biden's handlers kept him hidden in a basement and far away from intelligent questions during the campaign. The media seemed okay with that arrangement and basically guaranteed Biden's win. Now we are all left with the aftermath.


Because of stupid actions on pipelines and oil drilling, gas prices are through the roof. Inflation has only begun to show its ugly head. And, it's only going to get worse. All items in the grocery store are getting more expensive. 


While all of this is bad enough, the real danger to this great country is that the world is watching us. That world includes our friends and, of course, our enemies. They all see what is obvious to us and that is the weakness of our President. Not a good image to portray to the world.


I believe the Democrats will stop at nothing in order to get and keep power. You are seeing today what happens when they have that power. What I don't understand is why normally intelligent people who happen to be Democrats can't see what they are doing to this country. And if they do see what they are doing, why? Who gains by the destruction of our economy and our way of life? How does the national media benefit from the collapse of a free America?


I'm sorry if this column sounds like fear mongering, but frankly I am afraid. Not so much for myself because at my age I won't see too much of this failure, but for my children and grandchildren. And I fear for my country that I love. 


The question is, what is a reasonable response to what they are doing? I do not believe it is to take up arms against our government. We don't have to do that. It is as simple as good people who care about the direction of the country getting to the polls and electing the right individuals to take care of it. For the sake of the future of America, we absolutely have to get rid of idiots like Nancy Pelosi. We absolutely have to regain a majority in both the House and the Senate. 


One other point. Just because a person has an R after their name, that doesn't necessarily cause them to vote the right way. We need strong leadership to hold a Republican caucus together. The Democrats do that and we have to fight fire with fire.  


We have several months ahead of us with the wrong people in charge. Biden probably won't be around for the finish of his elected term. Harris could destroy a lot in a short period of time. If we elect the right people in the next election, we can put the reins on those who would ruin this country. It is truly up to us. Freedom is fragile. We have to protect it.


Ron Scarbro July 28, 2021


Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Crime is exploding in all of our major cities. The politicians, of course, are blaming guns. We have to get rid of guns. Nobody needs these assault weapons of war. Nobody needs a magazine that will hold fifteen rounds of ammunition. One city, San Jose, Calif., has even passed a law requiring individuals to carry liability insurance in order to carry guns. Wow, that ought to fix it. 


I have a question. Who thinks for one moment that gang bangers, armed with stolen guns, ready to kill at any time, are going to rush out and buy liability insurance for these weapons? Why is it so difficult for politicians to understand that gun crimes are committed by bad guys, not law abiding citizens? Regardless of how many gun laws you pass, it isn't going to have any effect on the people who are committing these gun crimes. Chicago, which has some of the most restrictive gun laws in this country, is the murder capital of the country. 


Personally, I have owned guns for most of my life. I have had extensive training in the use of firearms. I have enough ammunition to last quite a while if I had to. And, guess what? I haven't had to kill anybody yet. I have a conceal/carry permit and so does my wife. We, and people like us, are not the problem. And, by the way, while I use these guns for hunting, I also have them for the purpose of self protection. Protection not just from criminals but also protection from my own government.  


It should be pointed out to these politicians that there are probably more guns in this country than people. One of the first things dictators do when they try to take over a country is to ban weapons. They do that so they won't have to face those guns. 


Does anybody believe Castro would have been able to take over Cuba if the Cubans were armed? The message is clear. Disarmed people are subjects and armed people are citizens. 


My view on the gun control issue, as you might expect, is a bit different. Most of the people who are arrested for committing crimes today have long records of crimes and convictions. Why are they on the street and not in jail? What do you have to do to be put in jail? I can remember when auto theft was punishable by a minimum of twenty years in prison. I saw a case recently where a twenty year old was arrested for auto theft and an examination of his record showed he had been convicted three times in the past for the same crime and had served his time. What? How much time? Without a doubt he should have been in prison. 


Now let's examine the current position of the Democrats. They want to abolish guns. They want to defund the police. They want to open our borders to anybody who shows up. They want to abolish cash bail. What could possibly go wrong if they get their wishes? Do you think you would be safe in your home or even on the street?


I have some suggestions for these liberal cream puffs. How about we give as much regard and concern to victims as we do for criminals. How about we stiffen our laws and punishments for the bad guys who never seem to get the message. How about we show support for law enforcement instead of constantly trying to blame them for the crime they are working to eliminate.  


It might be wise for us to consider a famous Benjamin Franklin quote. Loosely translated he said, those who would trade liberty for security will get neither nor will they deserve it. I'm with Ben. Deal with crime by dealing with criminals and leave the good guys alone.


Ron Scarbro July 20, 2021 


Wednesday, July 14, 2021





I have purposely kept religion out of columns on this blog. I believe one's religion is their private business. Personally, I am a Christian. What you are, if anything, is your business. 


This column might border on an exception to my own rule. I received a forward recently from my daughter which I want to share with you. This is a song offered by Reba McEntire with words that say it all. 


We all know that our country is in trouble and the people we have hired to fix it are incompetent at best. So, please enjoy this brief departure from my normal columns and I will return to red meat issues next week. 


Ron Scarbro July 12, 2021


Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Are we losing America, or are we giving her away? To me it is simple enough to see that we are headed in the wrong direction. I spoke last week of the very real possibility that a large number of people don't agree, but think instead where we are headed is correct. 


There is a growing number of people who believe we will soon be to a point where our response choices are limited. 


I am writing this column on Independence Day. As I write I imagine how our forefathers must have felt during their time. I believe they were fed up. Here they were being governed by a Monarchy several thousand miles away across an ocean. They were being taxed but without any real representation. They knew that if they objected, especially in writing, they were putting their lives on the line. But they did anyway. They created the Declaration of Independence and they sent it to the King of England. 


As you might expect, the King took exception. How dare these colonists disrespect me. He then decided he would teach them a lesson. Well, you know the rest of the story. A lesson was indeed learned. Not by the colonists but by the British as farmers with squirrel guns came out of the hills and sent the mightiest military on earth packing, twice.  


The message here is clear. When a government no longer has the respect and regard of the governed, that government has to be tossed. That is exactly what we did.


Are we headed in that direction again? That's a fair question. During this last year we have all seen how truly fragile our freedom is. We have seen governors, mayors, city councils, even school boards take onto themselves dictatorial powers using the "pandemic" as justification for their actions. They enacted laws illegally, and attempted to force their agenda on a free people. It didn't work. Many, if not most of these tinhorn would-be dictators will be looking for new jobs very soon. 


When Biden took over the reins of government, he decided to change everything Trump had accomplished. He basically opened up our southern border. Since then, our country has been invaded by people from all over the world. 


He also decided that we shouldn't be energy independent, so he cancelled the Keystone pipeline. He then stopped all drilling and exploration on Federal lands. Thanks to Biden's actions, gasoline prices have gone through the roof. In fact, prices on everything are soaring up. Inflation, which was being controlled under Trump, is now becoming a huge problem. 


The next big item on Biden's agenda is a major tax and spend program designed to placate Democrat states and cities. Of course we, the people, will have to pay for all this.


In order for the Democrats to retain control of government, they want to pack the Supreme Court to ensure their lefty programs will survive court challenge. 


The question is, is it time again for us to declare our independence? If so, how far would we or should we go? 


We have a very important election coming up in 2022. According to all the polls, the Republicans should retake both the House and the Senate. If that happens, even with an idiot like Biden in the White House, he would be impotent. The country would survive. The key then is to make sure the Republicans take over the Congress. 


I can't believe, except for a few radical morons, anybody wants a shooting war within this country. Our forefathers gave us remedies to fix ourselves. It is time for saner adults to come forward and fix this mess.


Ron Scarbro July 4th, 2021