Wednesday, August 25, 2021


War is hell. War is ugly. Countries have armies trained to fight wars. They have material and munitions for that purpose. It seems to me that there is always a war going on somewhere in the world. 


We have learned some things over the years about war. The first, and most important, is that there are no ties in war. There are winners and there are losers. And the only way a war ends is when a winner and a loser have been clearly decided. Any other situation doesn't end a war, it only prolongs it. There are tribes in the Middle East of people who have been fighting each other for thousands of years with no end in sight.


Even religions aren't exempt. Different sects fight other sects over interpretation of tenets and beliefs. 


War, then, is a reality of life. 


America, of course, is not exempt from war. We have had to defend our way of life and our borders for generations. We also have been allied with other countries to help defend them. In many cases we have decided to help other countries establish democracy, whether they like it or not. We call it "nation building". 


It used to be our policy that, if we chose to get into war, to win that war. That ended in Vietnam. The liberal media was relentless. They apparently decided that we had to get out of Vietnam. So the liberal, weenie, politicians cut and ran. You remember the people hanging onto helicopters trying to get out of Saigon. That was an embarrassing time for me and many Americans. 


Now we have Afghanistan. To me Afghanistan has no more value than Vietnam. But they both were important enough to send troops and untold millions in treasure and arms. Twenty years later, we were still there, fighting an endless war. It has been endless because we decided rather than fight and win, we would instead try to build a nation. An obvious mistake.


Because of political pressure, our cowardly politicians again decided to cut and run. We didn't win, we just called it a tie. Remember though, there are no ties in war. Just winners and losers. It is pretty obvious to me and probably the rest of the world that, in this war, we are the losers.  


There are literally thousands of people, Americans and our supporters, left abandoned by our decision to leave. They cannot get out. The Taliban has closed all of the roads to the airport. 


I was recently asked how I would handle this situation. That's pretty easy. I would immediately surround the airport with our troops. I would then announce for all to hear that we will eliminate any opposition on the streets, especially Taliban check points, with whatever arms and munitions necessary. I would then keep those roads empty of Taliban until all who wanted out were out. 


The Taliban head goat-herder announced that August 31 was a deadline for our troops to be out of Afghanistan. He said it was a red line for them. If I were in charge, I would show him what a red line looked like, and I don't think he would like it. He seems to have forgotten he is dealing with America. We set red lines, not the other way around. I just hope Biden doesn't forget.    


Remember this, President Biden, we never leave any of our people behind. Everybody gets out. There is no other moral alternative. I don't give a hoot about that rat hole country. But I do care about our people. The Biden Administration made the decision to cut and run. If they leave anybody behind, impeachment proceedings must begin immediately.


Ron Scarbro August 23, 2021 


Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Help me understand something. A year ago we had reasonably priced gasoline. We had reasonably priced food at the grocery store. We had a southern border. We had a paid-for fence under construction at that southern border. We had some illegal entry but it was being handled. And yes, we had covid. But, because of a strong political will, we developed a workable vaccine. People got their shots and life moved on. 


Then, boom. We had an election. Many feel it was a questionable election, but a new President was chosen. He happened to be a Democrat. Now we have had Democrat presidents before but never one who was so obviously incapable of the job. So, what happens when you elect a Democrat President? Especially one who is showing all the signs of mental deterioration. Well, I'll tell you what happens. 


On day one this moron stopped the Keystone pipeline thereby creating the onset of panic among gasoline producers. He added to his ridiculous action a halt to oil drilling on public lands and a halt to shale extraction. While this was only strike one, the result actually turned out to be strike three. And we, the American people, were out. 


We immediately lost our position of energy independence. Our prestige in the world began to wobble. Prices began to rise not only on gasoline but on everything because everything runs on oil. Along with the price increases came shortages. Grocery store shelves began to get vacant. We call this inflation, but remember, this is only after day one of this idiot's reign. 


The puppeteers who control Biden decided that a border around this country is just too ugly and unfair to all the poor folks in the world who need or want to be cared for. So, they set about changing everything Trump had accomplished. They should have remembered the old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, they fixed it all right. It will take literally years to repair the mess Biden and company have imposed on this country. His approval numbers are sinking but that shouldn't come as a surprise. 


At our southern border we are being literally invaded by people from all over the world and why? Because they can, that's why. To those of you who voted for this ticket, is this what you had in mind? This is a Biden problem. He didn't "inherit" this issue. He created this issue. Things were pretty much under control until January 20, day one of the Biden regime. With a stroke of his pen, he destroyed almost everything Trump had built. 


This brings us to Afghanistan. This moron decides to pull out all of our troops at once. In a matter of days, the Taliban has retaken that rat hole country and confiscated our munitions and equipment. We are left scrambling to get Americans out as well as some of our allies. It isn't looking good at this point. It looks a lot like Saigon.


Which one of the brilliant leftist strategists decided the Afghan army could or would defend their country? They headed for the hills just like their President, Ashraf Ghani. These are not what we would call paragons of courage. 


So, here we have it. The most powerful country on earth being brought to her knees by a bunch of goat herders. It doesn't make me proud. How about you?


In their zeal to cancel all things Trump, the Democrats have set in motion the destruction of our American way. All of this in just a few short months. Our only hope of recovery is to get rid of the Democrats in the next election, and pray we can hold out that long. God help us.


Ron Scarbro August 16, 2021


Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Apparently Cori Bush didn't get the memo. Democrats have determined that the mantra, "defund the police", is a political loser. A recent poll shows an overwhelming majority of Americans do not favor any reduction in funding for police. In fact, most think it is absolutely stupid. I certainly do. 


That probably doesn't come as a surprise to normal intelligent people, especially in light of the rise in crime all across the country. The shootings in Chicago alone should frighten everybody. Every major city is dealing with rampant crime. I just saw an item from San Francisco where a gang of young thugs ripped off a retail store in front of employees and security guards. They were not stopped or even slowed down. The store didn't even call the police because thefts of less than $1000 are not prosecuted in San Francisco, thanks to a very liberal prosecuting attorney in that city. Can you just imagine what a reduction in police would do to that already troubled city? The District Attorney in Los Angeles County never seems to prosecute anybody. I guess we all should just sit around the campfire and sing Kumbaya. The late comedian Dave Gardner once said, "I believe we should make everything legal, then we wouldn't have any crime."


What about other great cities in this country? New York City, Atlanta, Baltimore. All of them are under siege from street gangs and thugs. When you consider Chicago with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, the casualty numbers there rival war zones. Most of the shootings are doubtless gang fights. Residents are scared to walk on their own streets. Little children are often the victims of indiscriminate shootings. These morons decide they have been disrespected so they bring out their illegal guns and open fire with no regard to anybody or anything around them. Innocent people are mowed down. 


And so, some Democrats see the answer to all this is to further reduce the police department's ability to deal with crime. At the same time police officers are walking around with targets on their backs by the bad guys and a target on their departments by the so-called good guys. Sane people would call that a lose lose situation. 


I fully recognize the police officer's job is often just cleaning up the mess, but thank God they are there. As a friend of mine, who is a police officer, once told me, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." But they are there and they will come to your aid when you need them. 


So how did this nonsense get started? Who was the first to want the police defunded? I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I would bet it was someone who had regular run-ins with police. Fortunately the vast majority of the American people are glad to have police presence. They are glad to have their calls for help responded to by people who put themselves between them and the bad guys. 


As we get closer to the next election, I think the Dems will get even quieter on this issue. Personally, I don't care if they do. The more they open their mouths, the more they reveal their true nature. And their true nature is what American voters need to see.


Ron Scarbro August 11, 2021


Wednesday, August 4, 2021


I heard the other day that the best way to get rid of the new covid variant was to turn off CNN. No matter what television I try to watch, the only news available is about covid and masks and vaccines. The CDC issues one opinion then within mere hours, they issue another in opposition with the last one. It's virtually impossible to know what is real and what is just politics. 


That brings us to the point of this column. I have said before that covid seems to be more of a political weapon than an actual disease. There is no doubt the Democrats used covid to defeat Trump. They are continuing to use it to control the American people. A huge number of mayors and city administrators as well as school boards are chomping at the bit to further restrict and restrain free American people. Well guess what? A recent poll shows over seventy percent of those polled are not going to put masks back on nor are they going to turn over their lives to dictators. 


This country was very nearly brought to her knees by the last big covid scare and we are still not out of those woods. 


I have had my vaccination. I had two shots. I am supposed to be protected from this virus. If you are not vaccinated, that is your choice. If you get sick, that is on you. What you do or don't do has no effect on what I do. Now the latest news coming from "science" is that even if you are vaccinated, you still should wear a mask. Why? If I am protected by my shot, how could I carry this disease to someone else? And if someone who hasn't received the shot gets this disease, how is that my issue?


The big problem we have here is screwed up messaging. That's the politics of this issue. Here is some truth that seems to have been conveniently forgotten. When this disease first raised its ugly head, Trump not Biden put pressure on the scientific community to come up with a workable vaccine. Both Biden and Harris said that if Trump had anything to do with the vaccine, they would refuse it. How stupid can you be?


The vaccine was produced and in record time. Millions of lives have been saved by this accomplishment. Again, it was Trump's accomplishment, not Biden's. 


Because of stupid pronouncements coming from stupid politicians, millions of people are still not vaccinated. The longer the virus travels around, the more variants will be spawned. Some people very close to me have not been vaccinated. That, of course, is their choice. For some reason I cannot understand, many black Americans have decided against the vaccine. It probably goes back to screwed up messaging. Following the science is very difficult because the science keeps changing. Fauchi has lost all his credibility with me. He appears to have traded his medical license for a politician's license. 


The near future is going to get weird. One would think that anyone wanting the shot would have gotten the shot. Yet, the big push is on. I have heard that some cities are paying people to get this free shot. Some government agencies are now requiring proof of vaccination to enter and even with that proof still require a mask. There is a real possibility some businesses are going to shut down again due to this new variant. 


If the American people allow this, it will happen. If the American people refuse to allow it, it won't happen. The choice is ours.


Ron Scarbro August 3, 2021