Help me understand something. A year ago we had reasonably priced gasoline. We had reasonably priced food at the grocery store. We had a southern border. We had a paid-for fence under construction at that southern border. We had some illegal entry but it was being handled. And yes, we had covid. But, because of a strong political will, we developed a workable vaccine. People got their shots and life moved on.
Then, boom. We had an election. Many feel it was a questionable election, but a new President was chosen. He happened to be a Democrat. Now we have had Democrat presidents before but never one who was so obviously incapable of the job. So, what happens when you elect a Democrat President? Especially one who is showing all the signs of mental deterioration. Well, I'll tell you what happens.
On day one this moron stopped the Keystone pipeline thereby creating the onset of panic among gasoline producers. He added to his ridiculous action a halt to oil drilling on public lands and a halt to shale extraction. While this was only strike one, the result actually turned out to be strike three. And we, the American people, were out.
We immediately lost our position of energy independence. Our prestige in the world began to wobble. Prices began to rise not only on gasoline but on everything because everything runs on oil. Along with the price increases came shortages. Grocery store shelves began to get vacant. We call this inflation, but remember, this is only after day one of this idiot's reign.
The puppeteers who control Biden decided that a border around this country is just too ugly and unfair to all the poor folks in the world who need or want to be cared for. So, they set about changing everything Trump had accomplished. They should have remembered the old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, they fixed it all right. It will take literally years to repair the mess Biden and company have imposed on this country. His approval numbers are sinking but that shouldn't come as a surprise.
At our southern border we are being literally invaded by people from all over the world and why? Because they can, that's why. To those of you who voted for this ticket, is this what you had in mind? This is a Biden problem. He didn't "inherit" this issue. He created this issue. Things were pretty much under control until January 20, day one of the Biden regime. With a stroke of his pen, he destroyed almost everything Trump had built.
This brings us to Afghanistan. This moron decides to pull out all of our troops at once. In a matter of days, the Taliban has retaken that rat hole country and confiscated our munitions and equipment. We are left scrambling to get Americans out as well as some of our allies. It isn't looking good at this point. It looks a lot like Saigon.
Which one of the brilliant leftist strategists decided the Afghan army could or would defend their country? They headed for the hills just like their President, Ashraf Ghani. These are not what we would call paragons of courage.
So, here we have it. The most powerful country on earth being brought to her knees by a bunch of goat herders. It doesn't make me proud. How about you?
In their zeal to cancel all things Trump, the Democrats have set in motion the destruction of our American way. All of this in just a few short months. Our only hope of recovery is to get rid of the Democrats in the next election, and pray we can hold out that long. God help us.
Ron Scarbro August 16, 2021
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