Wednesday, December 30, 2020


I think I just heard a collective sigh of relief. 2020 is finally coming to an end. What a year it has been. Let's take a quick look at what we have been through and what, possibly, we have next to deal with. But for now I will just say, wow, what a year. 


First, let's look on the bright side. We have a vaccine. By early spring everyone who wants the shot will get the shot. We, as a group, will have "herd" immunity and this particular ugly little virus will have been kicked to the curb. Covid will rapidly just become an ugly memory. That should take care of one of our problems. 


Our next problem will not be so easy to deal with. That being a Joe Biden presidency. Personally I believe he is up to his ears in illegal dealings with foreign governments. I also believe all of this will soon be proven for all the world to see. Biden's future has yet to be decided. How will we deal with this? I cannot answer that question.


That brings us to our next problem. Kamala Harris. Is there any sane individual in this country who honestly thinks she could actually fulfill the job of President of the USA, the most powerful person in the world? Not me. Pure nonsense. 


This country is going to be tested yet again because today we are two countries separated by politics. One side, the Republicans, who believe in the traditional America. A law-and-order country governed by a Constitution which has served us since our beginning. A country whose people are willing to work and be responsible for their own destiny. 


That other country seems to want to change our system of government into European socialism. They apparently believe that the money supply will never run out. They want to eliminate police departments, open our borders to anybody who wants to show up. I think they have this idea that if everything was legal, we wouldn't have any crime and therefore no need for police departments. They want everyone to be dependent on the government. In addition, they want to eliminate private gun ownership. 


Well, I have some bad news for them. Their pipe dream is never going to happen. The people who own guns are not going to "turn them in" or sell them back to the government, or any other silliness the liberals can come up with. One doesn't have to look far to find countries where guns were confiscated. Armed people are citizens. Disarmed people are subjects. Those of us who own guns know that well and we will choose to continue being citizens, not subjects. 


So here comes 2021. How will it be different? Will it be different? This virus has shown us clearly how vulnerable we are. Tin horn politicians have shown us clearly how easily they can become dictators. Sadly, we have shown them how easily we can be bulldozed by "executive orders" that even most police departments won't enforce. 


The future is truly up to us. I do not believe we can continue on the path we are on. Matters are going to arise early in the new year which will test our resolve.


But we have been tested before. We survived Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Can we survive Joe Biden? Of course we can and will. Remember in just two years we will have another election. That will be our opportunity to set things right again. I don't know if Biden will last that long, but hopefully he can't cause that much damage in such a short time. 


In the meantime keep the faith. Thursday will be the year 2020 and Friday will be 2021. If 2021 is a better year, it will be up to us. Have a great new year, get your shot, and stay healthy. 


Ron Scarbro New Year 2021


Wednesday, December 23, 2020


It will soon be Christmas. I know what it means and I trust you do as well. It has always been my favorite time of the year. I love the greeting, "Merry Christmas". It is cheery and bright. Who couldn't love such a greeting? Well, I found out. 


A few years ago I served as Chairman for a discussion and coffee group. I decided one year to invite a Jewish professor to our discussion to explain the Hanukkah holiday. She came and did a great job of explaining that tradition. During the question and answer period I asked what I thought was an innocent question. When someone greets you with Merry Christmas, I asked, does that offend you? I admit I was not prepared for her answer. She said she most definitely was offended by that greeting. She was even repulsed by it. And not only the greeting but all of our Christmas traditions.  The trees, the lights, the music, and all of it. 


After a bit of ranting we moved on to other subjects and I was left to wonder at what we had just experienced. Who could take offense at this innocent but heartfelt greeting? 


I came away from that discussion feeling sorry for that lady. I also don't plan to get her any presents. I will however, continue to offer the greeting “Merry Christmas” to anyone I see during this time of year. I do not plan on asking their religious preference beforehand either. If they are offended, they have my sympathy.


Is it just me, or are people more prone to being offended these days? When I greet someone with a seasonal greeting, it is not intended to offend. On the contrary it is offered for what it is. Just a cheery hello. I have never sought to determine the religious affiliation of the person I was greeting, if any. It doesn't matter to me. 


Of course you remember Ben Stein, a very funny, yet extremely intelligent man. Ben is also very Jewish as are all his ancestors. He was asked a similar question about Christmas. He said he loved the season and all its traditions. He is especially fond of "bejeweled, tinsel covered", his words, trees. He also loved that they were called Christmas trees. 


I am sure you are aware that some people choose to call them "holiday" trees. Well they are but the holiday is Christmas and no amount of political correct nonsense will ever change that. 


So then. In this free country you are free to celebrate any holiday tradition you wish or to not celebrate at all. As for me and my house we will celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus and we will keep the traditions of centuries before us.


To you, with no offense intended or implied, we wish a very Merry Christmas and the hope that your new year will be healthy and happy as well.


Ron Scarbro Christmas 2020


Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Here comes the vaccine. Here comes the posse that will rid us of this terrible scourge. The creation of this medicine is a virtual miracle. Never has our government moved this quickly. 


All during the Presidential campaign we were told that Trump had no plan to deal with this mess. They were clearly wrong, but what else is new. The Democrats should apologize for their rhetoric, but of course they won't. Fortunately, we have a bit of time to distribute the vaccine before Biden takes the reins. Hopefully we can get it to the majority of our citizens before the Dems mess things up. 


Our next political contest is, of course, the runoff election in Georgia. All I want, and I believe most of the people of this country want, is an honest election. Did you hear me Stacy Abrams? Stay out of this. Everything you touch has a stench about it.


We all know what is at stake. Basically the future of this Republic. And if we have learned nothing else from this "pandemic", it is that our republic is very fragile. It is hard for me to believe how many governors, mayors, and local administrators could become dictators so quickly and that the people would allow it.


This vaccine is happening just in time because it is clear that the good citizens of this country are fed up with the arbitrary rules and regulations issued by officials who have no authority to issue such rules. The moronic mayor of New York City just warned there could be a complete shutdown of restaurants and bars for maybe a couple of months. If he honestly thinks that's going to happen, he might be dumber than even I think. Any law or regulation is only as good as people's willingness to obey or the State's ability to enforce. Like I just said earlier, the people are fed up. 


I just hope we can be patient just a bit longer. All this crap will be behind us soon and we will return to normal, whatever that means.


And to the would-be emperors and czars who decided they would make laws and pass edicts. Your days are numbered. If you want to make laws, get elected to a legislative body. That's where laws are made. Enjoy your last few days in the limelight because you will soon be relegated to the trash heap of bad choices. 


The next situation which will be front and center for all of us is the economy. There will be a bump in activity in the near future which will make it appear that we are back but it is going to take a while to recover. No doubt an aid package from our government would be helpful. Time will tell if that is forthcoming. Anyone who understands basic economics knows any money put into the hands of the people who suffered at the expense of government regulations will be spent and put right back into the economy. Restaurants didn't close down because they wanted to. They closed because the government forced them to. It is now time that same government came to their aid.


In the meantime I counsel patience. This too will pass.


Ron Scarbro December 15, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. My wife has decorated our house for the holiday. We have mostly traditional Christmas music on our system. It is all beautiful.


Another thing that has happened is the weather. Here in southern Georgia we usually have very mild winters. But, since the beginning of December, the weather has gotten much cooler. Now, I understand it is nothing like what is experienced up north, but it is a shock to the systems of us southerners. It also is quite nice because cooler weather is a lot more Christmasy. 


In years past when our kids were small, it was always a treat to shop for their presents. I also enjoyed shopping for gifts for my wife. I have to admit though, when I saw the toys available to my kids, I was a bit jealous. They were much more elaborate than when I was a youngster. Had they been around then I would have had a problem growing up. 


I remember well the looks on the little one's faces when they saw the presents under the tree on Christmas morning. One Christmas stands out. A friend of ours got my son a toy power lawn mower. When he pushed the mower around the house, he almost broke the sound barrier. It sounded like a real mower. Guess what we got to hear all day. 


Well, they grew up and have families of their own. Even the grandchildren are now grown. We have decided there is no way to shop for their Christmas anymore so we take the chicken's way out and just write checks. It isn't as exciting, but it gets the job done. Besides, we just cannot keep up with all the electronic gadgets that are out there.


The next big change in our Christmas is the receiving of gifts. Like so many people our age, if we want something, we go get it. Our Christmas list today would cover things like pandemics and world peace. A cure for cancer would be nice also. Obviously those items cannot be bought. 


So, we give thanks for what we have. We give thanks for our family. Thanks for the blessing of another day and the good health we enjoy. Some of our family will be with us for Christmas dinner. I will prepare prime rib, twice baked potatoes, roasted asparagus, and we will top it off with another of my wife's special homemade pecan pies. That is our traditional Christmas feast. We ask everyone to park their special diets at the door for this meal. 


Finally, we give thanks for the holiday and for the true meaning of it all. It is a celebration of the birth of the Christ child. We will play the traditional carols that proclaim the event for all to hear. We will sing along. Regardless of how we sound, we know our music will be heard in Heaven. We will relish the peace and the love that the season brings. And as we sleep and dream, visions of sugar plums will dance in our heads. We hope the same for you.


Ron Scarbro December 7, 2020


Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Have you been paying attention to Biden's cabinet picks? I have. It's Obama 2.0. Including none other than the valor stealing, medal tossing, war deserter, John Heinz Kerry. If Ocasio Cortez and Bernie thought they were going to get Biden to commit political suicide by adopting their socialist agenda, they best rethink that pipedream. 


Before Biden is done he will have offered jobs to every unemployable political hack in Washington. He is refilling the swamp, and it appears there is no shortage of swamp dwellers to choose from. Fortunately, there will be another election in two years and the healing can begin, again.


Now for my predictions. First, I believe both of the Republican Senatorial candidates in Georgia will win their run-off elections in January. Their opposition is beyond lame and downright dangerous. 


Next, I do not believe the Democrats are anxious to return Pelosi to the Speakership. There will be, at the very least, a royal battle. Regardless of whom the Democrats go for, the Republicans will pick up enough seats in the next election to be the majority party and will then pick their own Speaker.


I further predict that the Senate will see a net gain of several Republicans in the next election. Certainly enough to neutralize the so-called progressives. I also believe Biden secretly hopes they do to give him a firewall against the squad and the Bernie crowd. It will also be a firewall against Democrat leftist nonsense.


Essentially Biden will have just two years to screw up everything before the Republicans come back to repair the damage. 


When you examine the Washington scene, what we are seeing is the good old boy network. I believe they see themselves as the ruling elite. That is the primary reason Trump was so despised. He wasn't one of them and wouldn't play by their rules. I have heard talk of him running again in 2024. I sincerely doubt that. He has given enough to this country. He should just return to his billionaire lifestyle and give the naysayers his middle finger. 


Elections have consequences for a certainty. The country makes their choices and lives with the result. It is painfully obvious what the consequences of this last election will be. At the very least we will see the third term of Barack Obama. If, like me, you didn't like the first two terms, you absolutely will not like the third. 


Basically, the only real hope we as a country have, is to retain the Senate. If Biden has the Senate and the House, the damage they will create will take years to repair. The economy will be the first victim. Next will be our status as a world power. Finally, citizenship will lose its value as millions of illegal aliens will be ushered into citizenship. 


What has always amazed me about the Democrats is they continue to do the same old things they have always done expecting a different result. Some call that the definition of insanity. It just never works. 


We do have the good fortune of a Constitutionally committed majority in the Supreme Court. Thank you, President Trump. That will also slow the leftist movement of some in this country. And no, the Democrats will not pack the court. They would have to have a lot of help from moderate legislators to accomplish that and it doesn't exist. 


We just have to toughen up and survive two years of crap before we have to fix it again.


Ron Scarbro December 1, 2020