Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I would be among the first to tell you that I have been somewhat disappointed with our current Congress. They basically have done nothing about immigration or securing our borders. They haven’t solved the mess Obama created with Obamacare. Veterans’ issues have basically had lip service. No, we have a lot that has not been done.

In just a few days we will have a midterm election. We have the opportunity to change out the Congress. We get to throw the bums out. Before we do however, there are just a few things I would like to point out.

Had we had a Democrat President and a Democrat Congress with our last election, this is what we wouldn’t have. We wouldn’t have Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. We wouldn’t have had the tax cuts which have spurred our economy more than anything in the recent past. We wouldn’t have had the reduction in onerous regulation which has hampered business for years. We most certainly wouldn’t have had a GDP over 4%. We wouldn’t have 3.8% unemployment. There is much we wouldn’t have.

With Donald Trump at the helm, the world looks at us differently. What was apologetic wussiness has become powerful “America first.” What was bowing to tinhorn dictators in funny costumes has become standing straight and tall demanding respect. What once was trade agreements where America always got the short end of the stick, has become a fairer, more equitable system of trade. What once was our involvement in so-called global climate agreements has become a saner more sensible approach to actual science. What was a military struggling to maintain equipment, has become once again the world’s strongest, mightiest military on earth and the world knows it. No, this is a different world and we have a different Sheriff.

North Korea now understands the fact that we, and the rest of the free world, will never allow them to possess nuclear weapons or threaten their neighbors. Terrorist nations like Iran will never again be paid billions to be nice. Reasonable people with any common sense know that Iran will never just be “nice.” All of these rogue nations are gazing over their horizons looking for what easily could be a military force the likes of which they have never seen before bearing down on them. The world has gotten the message.

So, here comes this election. Do we change out everything? Do we put Democrats in power? Do we really want to go back to the time where America was spit on? Where our citizens were taken hostage for no legitimate reason? Do we want a stagnant economy with huge unemployment numbers? Do we want a GDP of 1 or 2%? In other words, are we better off now than we were two years ago? You be the judge.

Do you want an America with Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters screaming at the cameras stirring up mobs with discord and hate? Do we want an America where the military and police officers are looked down upon and disrespected? Do we want an America where the government owns everything and controls it? Can you look at Venezuela and say, that’s for me? If any of this is what you want, then the Democrats are your party. And God help us.

Truly, never in our history has an election been more important. Like the president recently said, “Do you want mobs or jobs?” You decide.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, October 17, 2018



I am not a fan of “hip hop” music or “rap” or any of these new forms of musical expression that seem popular today. I don’t find the expression musical at all and am even taken aback by some of the so-called lyrics. I also don’t know very many of the “artists” who perform hip hop or rap. I am certain that both they and I will survive quite nicely if I never listen to their efforts.

But here comes Kanye West, apparently a hip hop artist. I had heard of him just because he seems to be in the news a lot. I don’t know much about him however. So, here he comes out in the open, a black man, who turns out to be a Trump supporter. Not just a supporter, he is also a strong advocate for the president and conservative principles.

He is opposed to the generational welfare practiced by many in the black community. He is opposed to fatherless homes run by unwed mothers who live on public support. He has said that the black community has basically been sold down the river by liberal politicians. I totally agree with him.

A few hundred years ago blacks were brought to this country as slaves. They were sold to plantation owners who put them into housing, substandard to be sure, but housing nonetheless. They were fed, albeit scraps of food, they were fed. These slaves were not allowed free travel and they were expected to work the fields without pay plus they were expected to reproduce more slave laborers. Since they were considered subhuman, the slave owners easily dealt with their consciences. It was such a good deal they found ways to assuage any guilt they might have experienced. Crops were produced and the plantations and their owners grew richer.

As time went by however, America had a collective dose of conscience and brought this whole slave deal to an end. Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves. Now their lives would be better.

Some of these former slaves began to get educations. Some began to farm and produce goods. Some started businesses. In other words, some former slaves became full-fledged citizens and took advantage of that. Some prospered. Of course, some did not.

Somewhere along the way liberals decided that black people needed to be back on the plantation, so they created the current welfare system and public housing. Black people became once again, indentured servants, not of plantation owners, but of the government. That began what is now generational dependency.

Kanye West and many who think like him, are crying out that this has to stop. All people have to be responsible for themselves and earn their own way. Of course, he is catching hell for his comments. The liberals know if his type of thinking gets popular, their little scheme will collapse. And that scheme, of course, is to keep black people indentured to them to keep their votes. Independent people tend to vote Republican which would be very bad news for Democrats.

Another little item that has the Democrats upset is that while black support for Trump was in single digits early in his Administration, it has now reached over 30% support. That kind of thinking scares the liberal “massas”. They might have to earn the vote of the people with legitimate programs instead of just giving away the treasury.

We all know that minority unemployment has reached historical lows and is likely to get even better as our economy grows. The standard of living for all Americans will continue to get better. A rising tide floats all boats. Of course boats with holes in them will sink as do all things with holes in them, like for example, liberal programs.

Congratulations to Kanye West for speaking out. Hopefully more will.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


There’s good news and there’s bad news. First the good news. Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed and sworn in as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. That’s good news for America. Now the bad news. He was confirmed with only one single vote by any Democrat. That’s bad news for the Democrats. They tried a nasty dirty trick and they failed. America wins and Democrats lose.

Now let’s look at the record of the modern Democrat party. In the very recent past they have inflicted upon this country one of the worst revamps of our medical care system in history known as Obamacare. This was done without a single Republican vote. Since the enactment of this particular travesty, medical care has gotten far more expensive and more people than ever have been excluded from care. Good job Democrats.

Next we have the tax reduction bill. Not a single Democrat voted to have our taxes reduced preferring instead to increase them. This reduction in tax has contributed more to the growth in our economy than any single act in modern times. Unemployment is at an historic low for every segment of our society. Wages are up and growth is continuing. Our GDP will continue to show that the tax reduction is doing what it was supposed to do.

Finally we have what many are calling the final straw. Only one Democrat voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. And that Democrat voted for the confirmation only to save his job. The jury is still out on whether that single act will save him. Trump carried his state by over twenty points.

So then the Dems have had three swings at the ball and they whiffed each time. In baseball they would be out and sent to the dugout. It is my firm belief that many Democrats will be sent to the dugout in November as we watch a red wave taking over.

What will become of all this over the next few days? If you think the money that is behind all this is going to just fold their tents and go away, you are seriously mistaken. This battle they are fighting will continue because they want power and will stop at nothing until they get it. The very few extreme radical Democrats who support this so-call “resistance” are going to find the going tougher and tougher though. Fair minded people of every political persuasion are growing weary of the hard core leftist who have nothing but loud microphones and a willing leftist media to support them. Their ugly rhetoric is truly tiring to people everywhere and they are being turned off by it all.

And guess what Democrats? This is just the beginning. Over the next six years of the Trump Administration, there will be other Supreme Court vacancies. And the president has the list. That list is of qualified nominees for the Court and future nominees will be selected from that list. I truly don’t believe the country will put up with another fiasco like we just witnessed so the resistance will have to come up with something else.

The Democrats have overplayed their hand and have come away looking like morons. The country will now settle down and the Court will hear cases and rule based on the Constitution and not on feelings. Other lower court judges will be appointed and actual law will be enforced, nothing else.

While all of this has been painful, America is the winner. She is the winner for generations to come. Very soon Democrats who want to be a part of this great country again, will see the error of their ways, and rejoin traditional America.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I heard one commentator say that we cannot call the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing a circus because that would be an insult to clowns everywhere. I couldn’t agree more. I intend this column to be my opinion completely unfettered by political correctness or even good manners.

Personally I don’t believe Dr. Ford was abused by anyone. I wasn’t there but neither, apparently, were her list of witnesses who have said it never happened. I believe Dr. Ford probably thinks she has been abused by someone, somewhere, sometime. I don’t. I also believe Ford probably suffers from mental issues and probably takes medication for those issues. She says she is afraid to fly yet she flies all over the world for vacations and in pursuit of her interests. To me she was just not credible at all. I further believe Ford had been schooled and prepared for this hearing by Trump haters who would rather destroy Kavanaugh, and incidentally America, than see this confirmation move forward.

I watched as aptly named Sen. Jeff Flake looked like a frightened school boy being harangued by his teacher in that elevator. I was embarrassed for him and for the people of Arizona. Well, Flake and his handlers got what they wanted. That being yet another FBI investigation of this accusation. That investigation is supposed to last no more than one week and be limited to the accusation by Ford. That won’t take a week. She doesn’t remember where or when the alleged attack occurred. Only that she was fifteen and had been drinking beer. She should remember though that people go to jail for lying to the FBI. The FBI could be finished in one day.

Then what? Do you really think that the cabal who is funding this attack on America is just going to say, okay, they won and we lost? Not a chance. There will be other screams of first one assault then another. They will say that the FBI wasn’t given enough time. No, this is not going to end until good people end it.

So, Ron, how do good people end it? I’m glad you asked that. First, recognize what is really happening here. This is a well-financed assault on our system of law and order. There are a few multi billionaires who seem to have decided to buy America one elected Representative at a time. Soros is on record as saying he owns the Democrat party. He bought it and therefore he owns it. Well guess what Mr. Soros. You don’t own any part of my country or any political party. You’ve been had.

I am not going to tell you that the Republican party is innocent in this affair because they aren’t. But I will say this. Any Senator of either party who votes against Kavanaugh to be confirmed should be put in the unemployment lines. Today, Kavanaugh is the best possible vehicle we have to keep America free. I would question the intelligence of anyone who doesn’t understand that. Oh, and by the way, sadly for the liberals, there will be other Supreme Court Justices to be named before Trump leaves office.

This is what I think is going to happen next. The FBI will conduct their investigation and we will have absolutely nothing more than we have right now. Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed and be seated on the Court. The Democrats will come away from this looking like complete disloyal idiots.

What I hope will happen is that arrests will be made and persons will be seeing serious prison time for this travesty we have just witnessed.

This final note to liberals everywhere. You have come dangerously close to getting a lot of American citizens really upset. I think and I hope this energizes Americans everywhere to get off their duffs and vote. The swamp needs a lot more cleansing.

Ron Scarbro