Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I would be among the first to tell you that I have been somewhat disappointed with our current Congress. They basically have done nothing about immigration or securing our borders. They haven’t solved the mess Obama created with Obamacare. Veterans’ issues have basically had lip service. No, we have a lot that has not been done.

In just a few days we will have a midterm election. We have the opportunity to change out the Congress. We get to throw the bums out. Before we do however, there are just a few things I would like to point out.

Had we had a Democrat President and a Democrat Congress with our last election, this is what we wouldn’t have. We wouldn’t have Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. We wouldn’t have had the tax cuts which have spurred our economy more than anything in the recent past. We wouldn’t have had the reduction in onerous regulation which has hampered business for years. We most certainly wouldn’t have had a GDP over 4%. We wouldn’t have 3.8% unemployment. There is much we wouldn’t have.

With Donald Trump at the helm, the world looks at us differently. What was apologetic wussiness has become powerful “America first.” What was bowing to tinhorn dictators in funny costumes has become standing straight and tall demanding respect. What once was trade agreements where America always got the short end of the stick, has become a fairer, more equitable system of trade. What once was our involvement in so-called global climate agreements has become a saner more sensible approach to actual science. What was a military struggling to maintain equipment, has become once again the world’s strongest, mightiest military on earth and the world knows it. No, this is a different world and we have a different Sheriff.

North Korea now understands the fact that we, and the rest of the free world, will never allow them to possess nuclear weapons or threaten their neighbors. Terrorist nations like Iran will never again be paid billions to be nice. Reasonable people with any common sense know that Iran will never just be “nice.” All of these rogue nations are gazing over their horizons looking for what easily could be a military force the likes of which they have never seen before bearing down on them. The world has gotten the message.

So, here comes this election. Do we change out everything? Do we put Democrats in power? Do we really want to go back to the time where America was spit on? Where our citizens were taken hostage for no legitimate reason? Do we want a stagnant economy with huge unemployment numbers? Do we want a GDP of 1 or 2%? In other words, are we better off now than we were two years ago? You be the judge.

Do you want an America with Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters screaming at the cameras stirring up mobs with discord and hate? Do we want an America where the military and police officers are looked down upon and disrespected? Do we want an America where the government owns everything and controls it? Can you look at Venezuela and say, that’s for me? If any of this is what you want, then the Democrats are your party. And God help us.

Truly, never in our history has an election been more important. Like the president recently said, “Do you want mobs or jobs?” You decide.

Ron Scarbro

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