Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I heard one commentator say that we cannot call the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing a circus because that would be an insult to clowns everywhere. I couldn’t agree more. I intend this column to be my opinion completely unfettered by political correctness or even good manners.

Personally I don’t believe Dr. Ford was abused by anyone. I wasn’t there but neither, apparently, were her list of witnesses who have said it never happened. I believe Dr. Ford probably thinks she has been abused by someone, somewhere, sometime. I don’t. I also believe Ford probably suffers from mental issues and probably takes medication for those issues. She says she is afraid to fly yet she flies all over the world for vacations and in pursuit of her interests. To me she was just not credible at all. I further believe Ford had been schooled and prepared for this hearing by Trump haters who would rather destroy Kavanaugh, and incidentally America, than see this confirmation move forward.

I watched as aptly named Sen. Jeff Flake looked like a frightened school boy being harangued by his teacher in that elevator. I was embarrassed for him and for the people of Arizona. Well, Flake and his handlers got what they wanted. That being yet another FBI investigation of this accusation. That investigation is supposed to last no more than one week and be limited to the accusation by Ford. That won’t take a week. She doesn’t remember where or when the alleged attack occurred. Only that she was fifteen and had been drinking beer. She should remember though that people go to jail for lying to the FBI. The FBI could be finished in one day.

Then what? Do you really think that the cabal who is funding this attack on America is just going to say, okay, they won and we lost? Not a chance. There will be other screams of first one assault then another. They will say that the FBI wasn’t given enough time. No, this is not going to end until good people end it.

So, Ron, how do good people end it? I’m glad you asked that. First, recognize what is really happening here. This is a well-financed assault on our system of law and order. There are a few multi billionaires who seem to have decided to buy America one elected Representative at a time. Soros is on record as saying he owns the Democrat party. He bought it and therefore he owns it. Well guess what Mr. Soros. You don’t own any part of my country or any political party. You’ve been had.

I am not going to tell you that the Republican party is innocent in this affair because they aren’t. But I will say this. Any Senator of either party who votes against Kavanaugh to be confirmed should be put in the unemployment lines. Today, Kavanaugh is the best possible vehicle we have to keep America free. I would question the intelligence of anyone who doesn’t understand that. Oh, and by the way, sadly for the liberals, there will be other Supreme Court Justices to be named before Trump leaves office.

This is what I think is going to happen next. The FBI will conduct their investigation and we will have absolutely nothing more than we have right now. Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed and be seated on the Court. The Democrats will come away from this looking like complete disloyal idiots.

What I hope will happen is that arrests will be made and persons will be seeing serious prison time for this travesty we have just witnessed.

This final note to liberals everywhere. You have come dangerously close to getting a lot of American citizens really upset. I think and I hope this energizes Americans everywhere to get off their duffs and vote. The swamp needs a lot more cleansing.

Ron Scarbro

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