Wednesday, September 26, 2018


By now everyone has heard of the allegations of this professor from California regarding Brett Kavanaugh. She claims that during a party when they were teenagers she was sexually abused by Kavanaugh. This would have been over thirty years ago. She further claims that she had only remembered the event recently during a psychological session when it magically came back to her. She claims Kavanaugh and a friend of his were “stumbling” drunk, incidentally she admits to also being drunk, and they tried to take her clothes off but she managed to escape.

Both Kavanaugh and this friend categorically and emphatically deny the allegation. In addition, some sixty-five ladies who were all together during the period in question have written glowing letters of support for the Judge suggesting that he was always a consummate gentleman and in their view incapable of the act for which he has been accused.

So, what do we think? The allegation is either true or it is a lie. If it is true, Christine Ford has a right to be heard. If it is a lie, both she and her Democrat operatives who are pushing this, should be ashamed. To me it stinks of dirty politics of the worst kind. Senator Feinstein, who was allegedly given this information, sat on it for several months waiting for the right time to drop it on the American people.

Of course the Democrats, the party of Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Al Franken, and Keith Ellison, are up in arms. What they want above all else is to see Kavanaugh not confirmed. Their second choice is to delay a vote on the confirmation until after the midterms so that Democrat Senators won’t have to vote. Many “red state” Democrats know that if they don’t vote to confirm him, they could be in serious trouble with their own constituencies. This whole deal stinks to high Heaven.

Here’s my question. If the allegation is true, what then? Are we as a nation going to punish a man who has lived an exemplary life for acts he may have committed as a teenager? And by the way, there is no way on earth to prove this act ever even took place. If this is nothing more than a political dirty trick, it is sadistically brilliant. While the accusations cannot be proven, the denial cannot be either. This is classic “he said, she said” and wouldn’t even be permitted in a court of law. The reality is she can only accuse. Is the accusation enough to ruin this man? If it is, we the people should be ashamed.

My next question is what if this is all a lie? What if it is just a political dirty trick of the lowest kind?  Dr. Ford has finally agreed to appear before the Committee to give her version of this event, but only under some very strange circumstances. For example she says Kavanaugh must go first. What? I heard one legal expert say that would be like swinging at a pitch before it is thrown.  And no reporters will be allowed to be present. In addition only certain people will be allowed to ask questions. She also is demanding another FBI investigation. Kavanaugh has been investigated by the FBI six times already. They have refused to do it again. Such an investigation would take several months. Well past the midterms. Hmmm. Sorta makes you wonder, huh?

Finally, Ford’s attorneys and handlers are all Democrat activists who are on record as part of the “Trump resistance.”

Like so many others, I don’t believe this hearing is a search for truth. Truth has nothing to do with this accusation. This is just a Democrat tactic to undermine the will of the American people and to destroy what appears to be a very fine gentleman. If we let this happen, shame on us.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I admit to being a “gee whiz” kind of guy. I am always amazed by what we can do today and how far we have come in such a short time.

A few years back I wrote of a trip my wife and I took, driving from our then home in Minnesota to Yellowstone National Park. We were driving along the highway which paralleled the same route taken by early settlers headed west in wagons. On that particular day it was pouring down rain and at the same time it was very warm, maybe in the 90s. I became aware that I was traveling at about seventy miles per hour, had my windshield wipers on intermittent, and had my cruise control set, and had my stereo radio playing beautiful music. Of course, we had our air conditioner on as well.

As I was deep in thought about the miracles I was experiencing, my cell phone rang. It was my brother calling, incidentally from his cell phone, while he was also traveling from his home in Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon National Park.

Now, just think about that. Here we are, two automobiles, two thousand miles apart, traveling on the open road, occupied by two individuals having a telephone conversation in real time. It’s enough to boggle the mind. Had one of those settlers on his wagon been able to look over and see us, what would he have thought? I leave that to your imagination.

The reason I recall that event was the storm of this past week. Since moving here to the southern Georgia coast, we have experienced two hurricanes and a named tropical storm. All of that in just the past two years.

In the days before the storms I was acutely aware that the weather was beautiful. The winds were calm and the sun was shining. There was no indication of any storm brewing anywhere let alone just off our coast. The only reason we knew anything was the weather service with their radar and sensing equipment watching the storms and their movement. They knew and reported where the storm was, how intense it was, how fast it was moving and in what direction. We were given ample notice to move inland and thereby suffered no appreciable harm.

Imagine if you were an early American, native or otherwise, who had set up camp on the coast to catch some fish, dig some clams, and otherwise provide for his family. There would have been no way you could have known what was just off the coast until it was too late. I wonder how many died in storms like we have just experienced.  

To coin a phrase, “We’ve come a long way baby.”

I recall my early life. I spent my first few years in a home with no indoor plumbing. We had no running water. We had to run and get it. Baths were taken in huge tubs sitting beside the wood burning stove. They didn’t happen that often either. Water was heated on that stove. We didn’t have a refrigerator. We had instead an ice box. The ice man would come and bring us ice based on the sign we put in the window which alerted him to how much we needed. We didn’t know that wasn’t normal. It is no wonder people died of old age at sixty.   

Look at us today and what we have accomplished in just the last few years. Imagine with me where we will be in the next few years. We may well be like the old settler in his wagon looking over at my automobile. Be happy and glad we have what we have today. We are living longer, healthier lives. And the future, well it boggles the mind.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


How great it is to be an American. We are guaranteed by our Constitution life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have choices. When we come to an intersection in the road, we get to decide whether to turn right, left, back up, go straight ahead, or just stop all together. We are free people.

Having the freedom to choose doesn’t guarantee that we will make the right decision every time however. In fact you can look back over your life and know that every decision you have ever made has brought you to where you are. It is possible that on an occasion when you turned to the left and went on your way, things could have been very different had you turned right.

Today our country is in turmoil. In my lifetime I have never seen such discord and disarray. We seem to be letting our political differences split us at the seams.

One very serious split is represented by the selection of Supreme Court judges. One of the main reasons I voted for Donald Trump was upcoming Supreme Court appointments. I believe the absolute best chance for our country to survive lies with the Supreme Court and it must be filled with patriotic constitutionalists who can read and understand the simple words in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and make rulings based entirely on what the Constitution has to say. It is not a “living” document. Politics should have no place in the Supreme Court. Who could be opposed to that?

Sadly there does seem to be some definite opposition to not only President Trump’s pick for the Court but to the Constitution as well. As I have watched the charade going on in Washington dealing with Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, I am embarrassed for the Democrats and for the country. Some of those potential Presidential candidates for 2020 have taken moronic behavior to a new low. If you can watch Senators Corey “Spartacus” Booker and Kamala Harris and think they represent America, you would be mistaken. They represent the fringe of this country both on the east and west coast. The vast middle of America is a completely different place. We are center right politically and becoming even more to the right. Fringe, fanatic, far left politics is un-American and should be identified as just that.

Did you hear Canadian Jim Carrey recently bragging about socialism? Someone should tell him that if socialism should ever take hold in this country his entire net worth, approximately 150 million dollars, would be taken away from him and redistributed to people who, according to Carrey’s own words, need to be taken care of. Maybe Carrey should consider taking himself back to his socialist utopia, Canada, if he is so uncomfortable here. If the Hollywood “elite,” as they like to call themselves, spent just a moment to study what socialism is really all about, they might come away with a different attitude. Maybe a quick trip to Cuba or Venezuela could realign their thinking.  

America is nearing three hundred years of age. Granted we have made some mistakes over these many years, but we have survived and we continue to thrive. We do so because of our Constitution and our way of life. It doesn’t need to be “fundamentally” changed as a recent former President called for. We just need to continue to grow.

I love the fact that we have choices and we must continue to guard against anyone wanting to take choice away from us. Election Day is coming soon. Choose wisely my friends. We have the right to be right and the right to be wrong.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


In recent times the word “racism” has been thrown around a lot. It has seemed to be the normal response when there is a disagreement about any individual when that individual is of a different race.

Hillary and her campaign used it to describe anyone who opposed her run for the Presidency. Obama stooges used the term to define anyone who opposed Obama on any issue. Pro illegal immigration forces use the word a lot to identify anyone who doesn’t agree with them. If you oppose the illegal entry into this country by anyone at any time, you must be a racist.

Well today I am going to cite you some facts to see if maybe you too are a racist. Let’s start with crime. More specifically violent crime. Using the government’s own statistics, young black men are responsible for eighty percent of the violent crimes committed in this country. Now let me remind you, the entire black population represents about twelve to thirteen percent of the population. So then eighty percent of violent crime is committed by young black men under twenty- five years of age out of a population of thirteen percent of the entire population. Do you see a pattern here? Did you also know that over seventy percent of black babies are born out of wedlock? They are then raised by single mothers with little or no father influence and many, if not most, are on government assistance.

Does pointing out these facts make me a racist? Or is any reporting of the facts which identifies one race or another mean the reporter is racist? Is the government being racist by reporting this data? I recall recently there was an individual who was accosting women in a major mall parking lot and trying to rob them. When the alert went out over the television network, they refused to identify whether the individual was white, black, Asian, Hispanic, male or female or anything in between. Apparently to have reported any of those details would have been prejudicial.

Reality can sometimes be difficult. It seems that “political correctness” forbids identifying anyone by their race or their gender. I don’t know about you, but for me if there’s a killer/rapist running loose in the neighborhood and police are looking for that offender, the better description available makes that offender easier to find. If the killer/rapist is offended being described by his ethnicity or gender, that’s just too bad.

And to those among you who continue to offer excuses for the runaway crime committed by these young black men, how do you explain all this?

If you are a law-abiding tax-paying member of the black community, how do you feel when so many young black men commit crime? Do you look the other way? Or do you understand that the statistics which I used earlier in this piece reflect on your entire community. When I turn on the local evening news I am bombarded with the latest shootings and killings. Granted, not all of the shootings are done by black youngsters, but far too many are.

I also hear people cry and moan about police shootings especially of young black men. There is a simple way to greatly cut down on such shootings. Quit committing crimes. Quit dressing and acting like a thug. Respect police officers when they contact you. Don’t resist arrest. When a cop says stop, stop. When he says go, you go. Like it or not, the police officers are the law and they have the authority to retain you and inconvenience you. Deal with it as an adult and you will likely go home unscathed. Put up a fight and you’ll likely suffer the consequences.

If you read this and come away thinking I am a racist for reporting facts, I am sorry you feel that way. The only way to fix a problem is to first recognize the problem. It isn’t going to fix itself.

Ron Scarbro