Wednesday, September 12, 2018


How great it is to be an American. We are guaranteed by our Constitution life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have choices. When we come to an intersection in the road, we get to decide whether to turn right, left, back up, go straight ahead, or just stop all together. We are free people.

Having the freedom to choose doesn’t guarantee that we will make the right decision every time however. In fact you can look back over your life and know that every decision you have ever made has brought you to where you are. It is possible that on an occasion when you turned to the left and went on your way, things could have been very different had you turned right.

Today our country is in turmoil. In my lifetime I have never seen such discord and disarray. We seem to be letting our political differences split us at the seams.

One very serious split is represented by the selection of Supreme Court judges. One of the main reasons I voted for Donald Trump was upcoming Supreme Court appointments. I believe the absolute best chance for our country to survive lies with the Supreme Court and it must be filled with patriotic constitutionalists who can read and understand the simple words in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and make rulings based entirely on what the Constitution has to say. It is not a “living” document. Politics should have no place in the Supreme Court. Who could be opposed to that?

Sadly there does seem to be some definite opposition to not only President Trump’s pick for the Court but to the Constitution as well. As I have watched the charade going on in Washington dealing with Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, I am embarrassed for the Democrats and for the country. Some of those potential Presidential candidates for 2020 have taken moronic behavior to a new low. If you can watch Senators Corey “Spartacus” Booker and Kamala Harris and think they represent America, you would be mistaken. They represent the fringe of this country both on the east and west coast. The vast middle of America is a completely different place. We are center right politically and becoming even more to the right. Fringe, fanatic, far left politics is un-American and should be identified as just that.

Did you hear Canadian Jim Carrey recently bragging about socialism? Someone should tell him that if socialism should ever take hold in this country his entire net worth, approximately 150 million dollars, would be taken away from him and redistributed to people who, according to Carrey’s own words, need to be taken care of. Maybe Carrey should consider taking himself back to his socialist utopia, Canada, if he is so uncomfortable here. If the Hollywood “elite,” as they like to call themselves, spent just a moment to study what socialism is really all about, they might come away with a different attitude. Maybe a quick trip to Cuba or Venezuela could realign their thinking.  

America is nearing three hundred years of age. Granted we have made some mistakes over these many years, but we have survived and we continue to thrive. We do so because of our Constitution and our way of life. It doesn’t need to be “fundamentally” changed as a recent former President called for. We just need to continue to grow.

I love the fact that we have choices and we must continue to guard against anyone wanting to take choice away from us. Election Day is coming soon. Choose wisely my friends. We have the right to be right and the right to be wrong.

Ron Scarbro

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