Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Attention Democrats. Your coup has failed. That’s probably going to break your heart but regardless of your efforts, your coup has failed. Some of the Democrats in Congress just can’t seem to get it through their heads that Trump will continue to be the President for several years to come. It has been reported that approximately one hundred Democrat Congressmen have decided to put forward articles of impeachment. Without the support of Speaker Pelosi, this latest attempt will go down in flames just like all the other efforts to subvert the American system of elections. And she has clearly stated her opposition to this nonsense.

One would think after the Mueller Report and his subsequent appearance at the Congressional hearing, it would be clear to even the densest of the Democrats, it ain’t going to happen. Impeachment of a President requires the commission of a crime. Got it?

Here is what I expect over the next few weeks, after the Congress gets back to “work,” and I use that term loosely, from their latest vacation, this effort will be put forward and it will be defeated and never get out of the House. Another reality is that even if by some quirk of fate they did get it past the House, it would die immediately in the Republican majority Senate. The House Democrats come away from this as a continued embarrassment to their constituency and to the entire country.

Meanwhile, the economy rolls along at record pace because of President Trump’s policies and actions. Absolutely no thanks to anything positive from the Democrats. And no, Obama and Biden had nothing to do with this recovery. They had eight years and were a total failure. Failure is also a legacy.

Do you think the country is paying attention? Do you think the vast middle section of this great country understands how and why we are recovering from the eight years of Obama/Biden? Oh, and do you think Independents are on board with continued harassment of our duly elected President? 

Like most of you, I have seen some of the Democrats’ debates. If that is the best they can do, Trump will eat them alive and the smart ones know that.

I know that out there in this vast country there are some loyal Democrats who have to be scratching their heads. They are looking at having their collective rear ends handed to them in the next election and they can’t seem to put a stop to it. They see as we all do, the split in that once great party. What was once the “loyal opposition” is now nothing more than a bunch of sniveling whiners and would-be socialists. Does anybody really think Harry Truman would be a Democrat today?  I have Democrats tell me that they are not abandoning the Democrat party, it is abandoning them.

The entire Congress is rendering themselves useless today. They are so busy trying to overthrow the government that they have no time to do the jobs they were elected to do. I used to say to some of my employees, be careful that you don’t become more trouble than you are worth. When you cease to be valuable to your employer, you stand to lose your position. Every Member of Congress should hear that.

 This coup attempt can be summed up like this. It has been the story of the three “Rs.” There was Russia then racist, and finally recession. None of it worked. Here’s now a fourth “R”, re-election.

Impeachment is not going to happen. Deal with it. Here’s a novel idea. If you want to sit in the White House, try doing it legitimately. Try winning an election.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Millionaire, pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell from an apparent suicide. That much we know because the breathless media has reported it. We also know that in life Epstein ran with a pretty high-test group. He was arrested for providing very young girls to wealthy, powerful men for, shall we say, fun and games? A lot of big names have been thrown around and they include that bastion of morality, our very own former President, Bill Clinton. 

Let’s examine the events surrounding the death of Epstein. We know that he had been previously arrested and convicted of similar crimes in Florida but received a sweetheart deal from the prosecutor and the courts. It would appear that he didn’t learn from his good fortune and continued to procure and provide young girls to powerful people. He was rearrested. 

He was denied bail because he was a flight risk, well duh, and held in jail. He is alleged to have attempted suicide and was found in his cell in the fetal position with wounds on his neck. He survived. He was then placed on suicide watch, incarcerated in a cell with a cell mate, and watched every thirty minutes as well as video recorded. This is where it gets interesting. After just a few days he was taken off suicide watch. His cellmate was moved out of his cell. He apparently was then left alone in his cell, unattended, for hours at a time. That is until he was found unresponsive and dead in his cell from an apparent suicide. Hmmm.

It has now been reported that the video recorder was facing the wrong way. More hmmm.

Those are some strange circumstances, wouldn’t you say? And who knows, they could be true. Or, they could be a pack of lies. 

It is helpful to know who benefits from a dead Epstein. Remember there is a lot of money, power and influence involved in this group of people who were provided with young girls. So, did he really kill himself? 

I find it interesting that people who seem to have dirt on the Clintons wind up committing suicide. Probably just a coincidence, right? 

A number of both current and former inmates have said that it is impossible to commit suicide in that particular jail. And yet, we are told he did. There was a news report that there were screams and shrieks emanating from his jail cell during the night he was supposed to have killed himself. Death by hanging, as has been alleged, produces no sound because one’s vocal chords are compromised. Now, we are hearing that the jail guards are refusing to assist in the investigation. It just gets curiouser and curiouser. 

Attorney General Barr has said he will get to the bottom of this mystery. The FBI is also involved. I’ll tell you this. The American people demand answers and answers that make sense and are supported with proof. I’m also pretty sure most people don’t give a damn that this pedophile pimp is dead but the circumstances have to be investigated. 

Why was he taken off suicide watch? Why was his cellmate moved? Why was he not looked in on? Did the guards charged with the responsibility of watching him actually fall asleep and forge their time sheets? Again the question, who benefits from a dead Epstein? How many people would have to be looking the other way whether it was a suicide or murder? 

I believe we will get our answers. This clown probably did kill himself. He was certainly cowardly enough to do so. I also believe the malfeasance demonstrated in this case must be punished. 

These final thoughts. The victims in this case, the young girls, must be compensated to the limit of Epstein’s estate. And the other so-called powerful people involved must be brought to justice and their wealth must also be subject to attachment as well. We should never tolerate this kind of crap, period.

Ron Scarbro 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


In every state we have traffic laws. We have speed limits. We have drinking while driving laws. These laws are designed to protect us while we are out on the road. We have these protections and still every day dozens of people are killed and injured by speeders, drunks, and all sorts of traffic mishaps. Does this mean that our laws are insufficient? Does this mean these laws don’t really protect us? Or does this possibly mean that some people just don’t obey laws?

Did you know that in the case of this latest mass shooting in El Paso, it was illegal to bring any guns into the mall where twenty-two innocent people were gunned down and dozens of others were injured? Do you think the evil piece of human waste who perpetrated that crime cared one bit about the law? It has even been reported that this slimeball bought his gun legally. Do you think that if he couldn’t legally buy a gun that he wouldn’t get one anyway? 

As a nation, we need to wake up. Feel-good legislation is just that. When an evil individual has an evil intention, he will find a way, unless he is stopped.

Today thousands of people are screaming to their lawmakers to do something. Pass new laws. Stop the violence. Make all this ugliness go away. Help us feel better. Suspend the Second Amendment. Arrest people for their evil thoughts before they commit any crimes. Never mind what the Constitution says. We need to be protected. 

Well, we might just as well pass laws against lightning. We all know of people who obey the laws. They never speed or drink and drive. In every regard they are model citizens and still, they are victims of senseless crime, or tragic traffic accidents. Things happen. And they rarely happen on our schedule.

Some say there are just too many guns. I, on the other hand espouse a different belief. What if I told you rather than too many guns, I said there are too few guns? What if, in the El Paso situation, some legal gun owner standing nearby pulled out his own weapon and blew the head off the shooter when he started shooting?  

What if, rather than a sign indicating that mall was a gun free zone, it said instead, our good citizens who shop here are probably armed and skilled at stopping crime. Do you think the perpetrator might have looked elsewhere for victims? 

If you saw the video of the shooting in Dayton, Ohio, you saw police advancing immediately on the scene with their guns blazing. The killer was dead in seconds. It has been suggested that had this clown gotten inside the bar, dozens of innocent people would have been killed or wounded. Simply stated, it takes a gun to stop a gun.

Usually it takes longer for the police to arrive. They don’t normally prevent crimes, they clean up after the crime has been committed. 

Most of the citizens of this great country are law abiding people. Most, I am sure, would prefer the police take care of crime. But sometimes one’s choices are few and we have to act.

Personally, I am a military veteran who has received extensive training in firearms of all sorts. I also have a license to carry concealed weapons. It is my hope and my belief that if I were ever in the unlikely situation of being confronted by an active shooter, that should I not survive, I would be found with an empty gun in my hand because I would have emptied it on the shooter.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I can see it now. In many parts of the country Democrats are gathering together looking at each other in amazement, wondering what are we going to do. They have seen the same debates you and I have seen. The smart ones are wondering, is this the best we have? 

I’m sure there are also Democrats sitting in their easy chairs thinking, I could beat any one of those people who are already running. I should probably get into this race. 

Still others are looking over the landscape to try and come up with an alternative candidate knowing that those already running are going to lose big time in 2020. I even heard the name Michelle Obama being thrown about. I’m serious, they’re not kidding. They are desperate. 

Joe Biden continues to be their front runner and that’s okay with the Republicans. You see, the Republicans have the goods on Biden and are keeping their powder dry unless and until he gets the nomination. Then the gloves come off and all hell breaks loose. 

Let’s face it. The Democrat party is in total disarray and I don’t care. They have brought this all on themselves. They have this so-called base which is far, far left represented by Elizabeth Warren and Ocasio-Cortez and the like. Then there is the supposed moderate wing represented by Biden et al. During the debates they continue to take shots at each other creating great ads for the Trump re-election committee. We call it a circular firing squad. 

Here’s a fact. None of the nonsense being spouted by the Democrats today is ever going to become law in this country. True Americans will never allow it.

So, out of fairness, this one time I am going to give, free of charge, the Democrat party the information they need in order to have a chance in 2020.  Now I know it’s not my job but I feel it is only fair to help where I can. 

The steps are simple. First, Democrat Presidential contenders, pick up a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Read and study those documents. Pay particular attention to the parts about freedom of speech and the right to keep and bear arms. Study intently those parts about personal responsibility and self- reliance. See if you can find anything in there regarding free medical care or free college educations. I looked at my copy and I couldn’t find anything about those particular subjects.

Then there’s that sticky border issue. Try as I may, I couldn’t find anything about getting rid of our borders and giving people from all over the world free access to this country. Maybe my copy of these documents has been rewritten. I don’t think so. 

There is just one other document which Democrats may find helpful. It is called “The Declaration of Independence.” This interesting little document came about when we decided that we had had enough interference and high taxation from a country across the ocean from us. We decided that we would create a country of our own, with enforceable borders. We told this King in our declaration that we were free people and that we were guaranteed by our Creator life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness in any way we, as a free people, chose. That was our declaration. Well, needless to say, that King was unhappy with us but he got over it. It took losing a couple of wars to do it, but he got over it.

You see Democrats. I hope this lesson is not lost on you. We free people don’t take too well to government interference in our lives. Never have, never will. We are individually self-reliant and responsible. And most importantly, we are citizens, not subjects. 

There you have it. No charge.

Ron Scarbro