Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Attention Democrats. Your coup has failed. That’s probably going to break your heart but regardless of your efforts, your coup has failed. Some of the Democrats in Congress just can’t seem to get it through their heads that Trump will continue to be the President for several years to come. It has been reported that approximately one hundred Democrat Congressmen have decided to put forward articles of impeachment. Without the support of Speaker Pelosi, this latest attempt will go down in flames just like all the other efforts to subvert the American system of elections. And she has clearly stated her opposition to this nonsense.

One would think after the Mueller Report and his subsequent appearance at the Congressional hearing, it would be clear to even the densest of the Democrats, it ain’t going to happen. Impeachment of a President requires the commission of a crime. Got it?

Here is what I expect over the next few weeks, after the Congress gets back to “work,” and I use that term loosely, from their latest vacation, this effort will be put forward and it will be defeated and never get out of the House. Another reality is that even if by some quirk of fate they did get it past the House, it would die immediately in the Republican majority Senate. The House Democrats come away from this as a continued embarrassment to their constituency and to the entire country.

Meanwhile, the economy rolls along at record pace because of President Trump’s policies and actions. Absolutely no thanks to anything positive from the Democrats. And no, Obama and Biden had nothing to do with this recovery. They had eight years and were a total failure. Failure is also a legacy.

Do you think the country is paying attention? Do you think the vast middle section of this great country understands how and why we are recovering from the eight years of Obama/Biden? Oh, and do you think Independents are on board with continued harassment of our duly elected President? 

Like most of you, I have seen some of the Democrats’ debates. If that is the best they can do, Trump will eat them alive and the smart ones know that.

I know that out there in this vast country there are some loyal Democrats who have to be scratching their heads. They are looking at having their collective rear ends handed to them in the next election and they can’t seem to put a stop to it. They see as we all do, the split in that once great party. What was once the “loyal opposition” is now nothing more than a bunch of sniveling whiners and would-be socialists. Does anybody really think Harry Truman would be a Democrat today?  I have Democrats tell me that they are not abandoning the Democrat party, it is abandoning them.

The entire Congress is rendering themselves useless today. They are so busy trying to overthrow the government that they have no time to do the jobs they were elected to do. I used to say to some of my employees, be careful that you don’t become more trouble than you are worth. When you cease to be valuable to your employer, you stand to lose your position. Every Member of Congress should hear that.

 This coup attempt can be summed up like this. It has been the story of the three “Rs.” There was Russia then racist, and finally recession. None of it worked. Here’s now a fourth “R”, re-election.

Impeachment is not going to happen. Deal with it. Here’s a novel idea. If you want to sit in the White House, try doing it legitimately. Try winning an election.

Ron Scarbro

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