Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I can see it now. In many parts of the country Democrats are gathering together looking at each other in amazement, wondering what are we going to do. They have seen the same debates you and I have seen. The smart ones are wondering, is this the best we have? 

I’m sure there are also Democrats sitting in their easy chairs thinking, I could beat any one of those people who are already running. I should probably get into this race. 

Still others are looking over the landscape to try and come up with an alternative candidate knowing that those already running are going to lose big time in 2020. I even heard the name Michelle Obama being thrown about. I’m serious, they’re not kidding. They are desperate. 

Joe Biden continues to be their front runner and that’s okay with the Republicans. You see, the Republicans have the goods on Biden and are keeping their powder dry unless and until he gets the nomination. Then the gloves come off and all hell breaks loose. 

Let’s face it. The Democrat party is in total disarray and I don’t care. They have brought this all on themselves. They have this so-called base which is far, far left represented by Elizabeth Warren and Ocasio-Cortez and the like. Then there is the supposed moderate wing represented by Biden et al. During the debates they continue to take shots at each other creating great ads for the Trump re-election committee. We call it a circular firing squad. 

Here’s a fact. None of the nonsense being spouted by the Democrats today is ever going to become law in this country. True Americans will never allow it.

So, out of fairness, this one time I am going to give, free of charge, the Democrat party the information they need in order to have a chance in 2020.  Now I know it’s not my job but I feel it is only fair to help where I can. 

The steps are simple. First, Democrat Presidential contenders, pick up a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Read and study those documents. Pay particular attention to the parts about freedom of speech and the right to keep and bear arms. Study intently those parts about personal responsibility and self- reliance. See if you can find anything in there regarding free medical care or free college educations. I looked at my copy and I couldn’t find anything about those particular subjects.

Then there’s that sticky border issue. Try as I may, I couldn’t find anything about getting rid of our borders and giving people from all over the world free access to this country. Maybe my copy of these documents has been rewritten. I don’t think so. 

There is just one other document which Democrats may find helpful. It is called “The Declaration of Independence.” This interesting little document came about when we decided that we had had enough interference and high taxation from a country across the ocean from us. We decided that we would create a country of our own, with enforceable borders. We told this King in our declaration that we were free people and that we were guaranteed by our Creator life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness in any way we, as a free people, chose. That was our declaration. Well, needless to say, that King was unhappy with us but he got over it. It took losing a couple of wars to do it, but he got over it.

You see Democrats. I hope this lesson is not lost on you. We free people don’t take too well to government interference in our lives. Never have, never will. We are individually self-reliant and responsible. And most importantly, we are citizens, not subjects. 

There you have it. No charge.

Ron Scarbro

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