Wednesday, May 30, 2018


A little while back, North Korea test fired several missiles with the obvious intent of threatening the west. We didn’t like that. So, President Trump began rattling sabres and calling out little Kim and North Korea for their nuclear ambitions and the mainstream media went crazy. He’s going to get us into a nuclear war. Their hair caught fire. Then the president instituted part two of his obvious strategy, talking to the Chinese and basically forcing Kim to the negotiating table.

Everything was going well until “Beloved Leader” Kim Jong-un decided he would test this new President. After all, it had worked so well with Trump’s predecessors and he saw where Iran got concessions and pallets of cash. It seems as though he decided he would also demand some concessions from us. Apparently, being allowed to survive wasn’t enough incentive. He even went so far as to issue bellicose warnings and ridiculous criticisms of our Vice President. His aide called him a political dummy. Oops, big mistake. It is quite obvious that little Kim doesn’t realize with whom he is dealing. This isn’t Obama. This isn’t Madeleine Albright. This isn’t Hillary Clinton. No, this is Donald J. Trump and he doesn’t play games. Trump is as serious as a heart attack. This negotiation is going Trump’s way or it isn’t going anywhere. Trump cancelled the big meeting. Well, the media has again gone crazy.

I can say this with certainty, I’m sure glad Donald Trump is handling our negotiations with North Korea, and all the other little tin pot dictators in the world and not Nancy Pelosi, or Hillary Clinton, or the mainstream media. To hear all of their criticism, one would think they were the experts in all things, especially our foreign policy. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is because of ineffective actions on our part in the past that it has come to this.

Under Trump this world is coming to the realization that we will no longer be treated like a lap dog. Things have changed. Venezuela just released a Mormon Missionary which they had held on some trumped up charge for two years. I’m pretty sure they saw the handwriting on the wall. America is once again regaining the respect that we, as the preeminent world power, deserve. The world should know that they can have no better friend than America, or no worse enemy.

Now it appears that North Korea is reexamining their stance. They are trying to walk back their comments and again looking to have a sit down with President Trump. Attention Pelosi, Hillary, mainstream media, et al, it’s called the art of the deal. Something you obviously know nothing about. I would encourage you all to keep your mouths shut and your eyes open. You might learn something.

What also is painfully obvious is that many in the media would rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well. Personally, if I were a Democrat, and thank God I’m not, I think I would also try to read the handwriting on the wall. President Trump is succeeding and he is doing it without Democrat help or support. Don’t you think the voters see that? Do you honestly believe the public at large believes the media? November is going to be another wake-up call. Not only will the Republicans retain their majority, they will likely gain seats in both the House and the Senate.

In the next few weeks we are going to see the release of the Inspector General’s report regarding the Hillary investigation and I predict orange jumpsuits might become the new uniform of the day. There will be a lot to go around. Trump won and Hillary lost. Otherwise we might never have known about the mess that the Justice Dept and the FBI have become. It’s about to get fixed.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


I’m a little confused. Since this last school shooting where a seventeen-year-old wing nut steals guns and enters a school and kills ten people, we have heard a never-ending chorus from gun control advocates. We need more laws to control guns. We need better background checks to keep guns out of the hands of nut cases. We need better laws governing the sale of ammunition. The screaming goes on and on ad infinitum.

Here is my confusion. Concerning just this last school shooting, it is already illegal to steal, guns or anything. It is already illegal to bring guns into a school. It is already illegal to kill people with guns or knives or any other way. Exactly what new law could one propose which would in any way stop what just happened?

Consider these facts. In this country we have more guns than people. In this country we have literally trillions of rounds of ammunition. I recently heard on the news that just in Jacksonville, Florida alone so far this year we have had fifty-six homicides. One wonders how many homicides occurred in the rest of the country so far this year. How about Chicago or Baltimore or Los Angeles? And guess what. Every single homicide was illegal. Every single shooting was illegal. Do you think these killers give a damn that they are breaking the law? Do you really believe that if any new law was passed these killers would suddenly get religion and turn in their weapons? If you would believe that, then I have some very attractive, recently filled in, swamp land to sell you. Another little tidbit. Not a single one of these killings was done by an NRA member. None of these killers had a conceal carry permit. It should not come as a great shock to you but, lawbreakers break laws. They don’t care what the laws are.

This has become a political football. The liberals blame the NRA. What total nonsense. I think what these gun control people really want is the repeal of the second amendment to the Constitution. I think that in their little minds they believe if there was such a repeal, all the guns in America would just suddenly disappear. Well, I have some sad news for these folks. If guns were truly outlawed, only outlaws would have guns. Is that so hard to understand? The only way to stop a gun is with a gun. Good guys with guns are the only insurance that bad guys with guns don’t control the streets.

Even with all we hear in the press, school shootings are really quite rare, but one is too many. A number of solutions are being considered to combat these killings. I have offered in the past one such solution. It is very simple and by far the least expensive answer to school shootings. Arm the teachers. Select a few willing teachers, preferably military veterans, train them in both gun usage as well as crowd control, heavily advertise that any shooter who appears in the school will die where he stands and see what happens. One of the primary reasons killers choose schools is that they know there will be no one shooting back. Killers like gun free zones. If you were a killer, wouldn’t you?

Several school districts are considering placing sworn police officers in the schools also and that will work but it is expensive. Some, of course, don’t want any of those scary guns in their schools. Well, I’m sorry but, school shootings are a reality of our times and we have to get a handle on the situation.

Guns are not going to be outlawed. The second amendment is not going to be repealed. America is armed and that is good. If some nutcase wants to go into a school and start shooting, then he should spend eternity right where he stands.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


I played basketball in high school. Our team was not very good. I point that out because we had a squad of cheerleaders who either didn’t know we weren’t very good, or just didn’t care. I can still remember being on that court and hearing them scream and yell as if we were the state champions. I loved our cheerleaders.

Back then cheerleaders were all girls and they also were the cutest of the girls in the school. But, they were also athletic, talented, and energetic. They had to compete to make the squad and not everyone who tried out made it. The same was true for all of the sports teams. Some made the team and some did not. Those who didn’t make the teams managed to go on about their lives probably finding something else to participate in. Life goes on. So, what happened to this very fair tradition?

In Hampton, New Jersey, the East Hampton high school has passed a new rule that says everyone who tries out for cheerleader makes the team. Their ruling is that if anyone fails to be accepted on the squad, then all must be disqualified. It makes no difference whether one is athletic, talented, capable, or anything else, they either all make the team or no one makes the team. This happened because one parent was upset that her little girl was not accepted so she complained loudly enough that the new rule was instituted.

What does this kind of nonsense teach our children? The primary lesson is that regardless of your effort or your qualifications, you will always be awarded the prize of success. When that youngster gets out of school and faces the real world, he or she is going to have a terrible awakening. It just doesn’t work that way. Some gotta win and some gotta lose. That’s the way of the world. In our lives we have victories and we have losses. Both teach us lessons. I know in my life I have learned much more from my failures than I ever learned from my victories. Failure helps us appreciate our victories more. A life with all success and no failure would be boring to say the least. Life is all about learning and that learning never ends.

What is the school’s responsibility concerning preparing young people for life in the real world? Granted they must teach the basics of reading, writing, and math. But it doesn’t end there. They are also teaching social responsibilities, or at least they are supposed to be. Competing for success in the classroom translates to competing for success after school is over.

In school, youngsters are taken away from their homes and the safety of that environment and placed with others who are in the same position. As adults we leave the safety of our parents’ homes to face the real world on our own. We must be prepared for that experience. Schools have a major role in that preparation. In the real world one must compete for jobs and for success. It is not guaranteed. If youngsters face their after-school lives believing that they are owed success, they will learn very quickly that the world doesn’t work that way.

Liberals view this as unfair. They apparently think everyone should have an equal outcome regardless of their talent or effort. This is the genesis of the participation trophies. Win or lose, everybody gets a prize. Again, it just doesn’t work that way.

Consider an elk herd. The strongest bull fights for the right to breed the cows in the herd. This is nature’s way of insuring that the strongest genes are passed on to the next generation of elk. In our world the smartest, most talented, and the most capable succeed. Those who sit around waiting to be given their trophies usually fail. Sorry liberals, but it is just the way of the world. Some gotta win, and some gotta lose. Deal with it, okay?

Ron Scarbro.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018



Apparently North Korea is preparing three American hostages, which they have held for several years, for release back to us. It has been announced that this is an effort to curry favor in the upcoming negotiations with President Trump. These hostages either traveled to North Korea for jobs as teachers, missionaries, or just as tourists.

(Update: The 3 hostages have been released and are due back in this country on May 10, 2018.)

I have a question. Wouldn’t you think an individual smart enough to teach at university level would be smart enough to know what happens to Americans who travel to that hell hole? In some cases, individuals who are just tourists are arrested and sentenced to long terms at hard labor for any charge North Korea wishes to impose. They don’t have to break any law as we know it. They just have to be available to serve as bargaining chips for Little Kim.

Why on earth would anybody want to travel to that God forsaken mud hole for any reason, let alone a vacation in the first place? North Korea is the home of scared and desperate people who are starving for the most basics, food and water. It has been said that in North Korea, grass is considered a vegetable and you never see a stray dog. One can be arrested for any reason or for no reason. Little Kim kills anybody he chooses to kill with impunity, even his own relatives. He is also the only North Korean who is overweight.

When someone decides to put themselves in mortal danger that is usually just their problem. But, when they put their entire country in danger, it is everybody’s problem. Why is it so hard to understand that by traveling to places like North Korea or Iran they are putting themselves in a position of serving as bargaining chips or maybe as shields against an attack by our forces or anybody’s forces? The North Koreans see them as useful idiots and will try to trade them for concessions.

We, as a country, must now decide whether or not to take into consideration the lives of those who went there and put themselves in that position. I know what I would do. I don’t believe you can fix stupid. I believe if someone decides to park his brain at the door and go into the lion’s den, they are choosing for themselves how and when they want to die. Why would I get in the way of that decision?

Fortunately for these people who find themselves at the mercy of an insane dictator, we probably will take their lives into consideration when we negotiate or before we attack. I’m pretty sure the North Koreans are figuring on this.

If and when we do get them back in this country, we should make an example of their stupidity. We should make it crystal clear that future such idiotic travelers to places like North Korea, will be abandoned in the same way they abandoned their own country. We have travel advisories for very good reasons. We have travel restrictions for the same reasons. If you just have a death wish, don’t include your whole country in your selfish fantasy.

As Trump enters into talks with this little dictator there are certainly no guarantees that anything positive will come of it. But, remember the reason North Korea is agreeing to the summit. They have figured out that they absolutely have to decide to co-exist in the twenty-first century or else they will surely perish. The ball is in Little Kim’s court. As I said, you can’t fix stupid. We will just have to see if they get on board.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


I guess I should feel special. Yet another liberal has chosen to identify me and those who think like me in a less than complimentary way. Of course this isn’t the first time this has happened. I remember when Bill Clinton was being cornered by allegations of sexual impropriety and out and out lies, Hillary decided to defend him by calling me and others who thought like me, part of a “vast right-wing conspiracy”. I don’t know about you, but I loved being a part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. I even had a coffee mug with “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” written on it. Obviously there was no conspiracy because Clinton was subsequently impeached and disbarred for lying to a Grand Jury about the whole affair.

Then there was Barack Obama who accused me and other rednecks like me of “clinging to our religion and our guns”. I confess. He nailed it. I am a gun owner and I probably am a redneck too, but I am also proud of my religion. I know he meant it as an insult, but I took it as a compliment. That’s the problem with us rednecks, we don’t know when elite liberals are trying to insult us. Sorry.

Now comes Hillary again. All of us Trump supporters were identified as irredeemable and belonging in a basket of deplorables. Really Hillary. Is that the best you can do? It’s no wonder you lost a cinch election. It’s so unlike you. Oh, wait a minute. Maybe it is exactly like you.

Well it just happened again. I was treated to a political intellectual analysis by none other than “Meathead”. You may know him as Rob Reiner. Reiner is another Hollywood lefty. He identified me and my cohorts, you, you, and you, as “the lunatic fringe”. Hmmm. What do I think about that? Well here’s what I think. Opinions like Reiner’s and the other liberals mentioned earlier have about the same value to me as passed gas. It usually stinks and it disappears in a matter of seconds.

Weaponizing political differences and insulting those who don’t share their opinions is the new politics in American. Actors should act and singers should sing. When I want political analysis, I go to a political intellectual for opinion. When I want to hear people recite or sing someone else’s lines, I will seek out singers and actors.

Considering the Hollywood crowd, they have a product to sell. It is either movies or music. Doesn’t it seem rather counter-productive to alienate over half of their prospective buyers? Jim Acosta, CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent, just said that Trump supporters’ elevators don’t go to the top floors. That would be another alienation of over half of the population of the country.

I wouldn’t watch CNN or go to a movie with Rob Reiner involved for anything and millions think like me. Singers like Barbra Streisand and Harry Belafonte are wasting their collective breaths trying to entertain me. Their political opinion is like so much passing gas and they should just shut up and sing.

Like many of the readers of this blog, we have or had careers in business. Can you imagine how much harder selling your product would be if you or one of your salespeople alienated over half of your prospective buyers with their big mouths?

Think about the National Football League. There is the real possibility they may not recover from their decisions to marginalize their audience by allowing their employees to show blatant disrespect for our country, our flag, and our military. I know they lost me and several of you have expressed a similar thought.

Professional football, movies, and music are for my entertainment. They should park their political opinion at the front door and just entertain.

Ron Scarbro