Thursday, May 30, 2019


Oops. The Democrats have had some more bad news. They just can’t seem to get a break. The latest bad news, and this is really bad, President Trump has declassified most of the documents regarding the Russian interference probe. That means that all of the lies that created this phony investigation in the first place will now be revealed in their entirety. All of the players in this phony inquiry will now be confronted with the truth. It is no wonder the Clappers, Brennans, and Comeys are screaming foul. Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are in deep doo doo. They all know what is coming down the pike, and it will not end well for any of them.

It is no wonder the loud mouth Members of Congress who supposedly had hard evidence of collusion are headed for the hills, Adam Schiff chief among them. There is no place to hide Mr. Schiff. You will be called to account for your lies as well as all who conspired with you. Attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of this country is a serious crime and the penalties are severe. What is really bad is that currently we don’t know how high up the ladder this conspiracy goes. How many in Obama’s cabinet were involved or maybe even Obama himself? Time will tell. One thing is certain, you don’t want to be in front of the fan when it all hits.

There is a great deal at stake here. The American people demand an accounting. They demand answers from the FBI. Answers from the Justice Department. The entire Obama bunch which were probably up to their armpits in this conspiracy. No doubt Hillary would have done anything to win that election. To me, in this particular conspiracy, she is less liable because she was trying to get elected. She paid for a phony dossier and would have dictated the contents if she could have and maybe did. But, she was not on the government’s payroll at the time as were most of the co-conspirators. She has much more to be answering for concerning e-mails and the phony pay for play “Clinton Foundation.” Her judgment day is coming.

My question to you today is simple. Do you trust the FBI to be fair and honorable? How about the Justice Department? Do you have confidence in the institutions of government? How do you feel about the Congress? Have you ever wondered how Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Dianne Feinstein have all become multi-millionaires when none of them have ever actually held a job other than in the Congress?

For the sake of the country we must find a way to clean up these agencies so that we can once again believe in them. Contrary to the opinion of some, I was not around when this experiment called America began, but I’m pretty sure our Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves if they could see it now. Career politicians enriching themselves at the expense of the American taxpayer was never a part of our founding.

I believe in the election process. I believe the American people, for the most part, try to choose wisely. There have certainly been some hiccups, but for the most part we elect the proper people. We will again in 2020. The Democrats have greatly overplayed their hand and they will get their just reward in the next election. If they persist in this impeachment nonsense, they are only guaranteeing themselves absolute and total defeat in 2020.

Over the next few weeks a great deal of information will be released. The real liars will be identified. The self-righteous, arrogant hacks who thought they knew best will face judgement for their criminal conspiracy. And it can’t happen soon enough.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


We the people have hired a Congress to do the business of government. What we have though is a bunch of self-centered political hacks who are far more interested in destroying Donald Trump than fixing anything. Most of these people are individuals I wouldn’t even allow in my house, let alone in the Congress of the United States.

When the voters of this country elected a majority of Democrats to the House, they opened up the floodgates to an unending series of investigations, subpoenas, and harassment of the President and his cabinet. They don’t care that we are being invaded on our southern border by individuals from all over the world. They pay lip service to issues but never do anything but resist the President. God help any Democrat who may, at some point, get elected President.  

Do you think the Democrats actually believe any of their nonsense is true or are they just looking for ways to gain an advantage in 2020? Let’s face it. The Dems are in trouble. Trump has proven the Republican conservative policies of governing work. He has shown clearly that Obama’s eight years were a dismal failure. President Trump has spent the last two-plus years trying to undo the mess that Obama left us with, and he isn’t finished. He has done all this while under continuous, relentless, attack from the Democrats and their allies in Hollywood and in the mainstream media. Imagine what he could have accomplished in these last two years had he been allowed to just serve as he was elected to do. Note to the Democrats, today Trump’s approval ratings are the highest in his Presidency. Higher, incidentally than Obama’s. So, to put it bluntly, your crap isn’t working.

The Democrats want to impeach the Attorney General. Why? Because he won’t break the law for them. They want to impeach the President. Why? Because he beat their anointed darling, Hillary Clinton. They want to grill Mueller about his investigation. Why? Because he didn’t find what they wanted him to find. The fact that it didn’t exist is unimportant. Even if these radical Democrats manage to impeach this President, the Republican Senate will never convict him. The Democrats will come away looking silly. Oh, and by the way, the Trump Administration just got their 100th judge confirmed. More bad news for the Democrats because these judges can actually read and understand our Constitution.

If I were a pro golfer, which I am decidedly not, I would be what used to be called a “super senior.” In English that means I’m an old man. What’s happening in this country won’t affect me that much. But it will most seriously affect my children and grandchildren. And that concerns me. I want for them what was available to me.

As a young man I had the world in front of me. I was able to achieve all that my limited talent and ability would afford me. I had the freedom to try. I could succeed or fail, but it was all on me. I was lucky enough to find a helpmate who shared my dreams and worked for our success. We lived and continue to live the “American Dream.” I want the same for my children and grandchildren.

America doesn’t need to be “fundamentally” changed. It needs instead to return to the values that were with us from the beginning. Our Constitution doesn’t need to be rewritten, it just needs to be reread.

I am so looking forward to the IG, Michael Horowitz’s report. He has been investigating the investigators. He has been looking into what started all this collusion delusion. I hope and believe there will be indictments and jail time for many from Obama’s Administration. When that report is released the narrative will dramatically change. A whole bunch of people are looking over their shoulders, and they should be.

Members of Congress should be paying attention too. Many, or most of them, will be in the crosshairs in 2020.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


One of the first things I look for in the morning newspaper is the birthdays. It’s probably silly, but I like to see how people are doing as they age. I usually am surprised by the names I read and the ages of those people. These are the athletes, entertainers, people of note, and other heroes of my youth. How did they get so old?

Next, I look to see who died and how old they were. Last week it was Doris Day. She was 97. I was astounded. She was one of my favorites. She was a bright eyed, beautiful lady who seemed so full of life. This morning I awoke to learn of the passing of Tim Conway. Truly, one of the funniest people I have ever known. To those who never saw him perform on the Carol Burnett Show, I can only say you missed it. It would be difficult to pick my favorite skit that he did, but the time he portrayed a dentist who accidentally shot novocaine into his hand and then continued to try to do his dentist chore was hilarious. Harvey Korman was his patient and Harvey lost it. I had trouble catching my breath as I watched it. If you ever get the opportunity to see this bit, even if you have seen it before, I encourage you to see it again.

Recently my wife and I decided to burn a CD with some of our favorite music. We spent a good deal of time coming up with the right songs and the right singers. It turned out great. It was only after listening to the CD a few times that we realized, most of the entertainers on it were deceased. Our favorite singers all seemed to be gone. But when you think about it, why wouldn’t they be? After all, the clock is ticking on all of us.

Our favorite sports heroes of the past are dying off. The same with most of the entertainers of our youth. That’s sad, but at the same time it has its upside. Consider the lives they lived. Consider that one could spend their lives entertaining others and making them happy. What a great legacy. Even today, we can turn on the radio or the sound system and hear the songs we have loved forever again and again. Many of the great events in sports are recorded for all time. We can look at them when we want.

Another thing I became aware of recently was a note from an old friend of many years. He wrote to me about events we were involved with many years ago. He then kindly told me that I had influenced him and even somewhat inspired him in those days. We were both very young and frankly, I had no idea that I had had any such influence on him or anyone for that matter. That then is the point. We just don’t know when we are influencing someone else by our words or by our deeds either good or bad. Rarely do we hear about it.

I think there is a moral here. Sing your song. Speak your mind. Do your dance. But remember, someone is probably watching or listening. You never know how you are influencing them. If you are funny, make someone laugh. If you can sing, please someone’s ears. In other words, give what you have. Share what wisdom you have. Someone’s life may be improved by your actions.

When the anchor announced the passing of Tim Conway just a week after the death of Doris Day, she said, “Can’t we please just stop the clock?” Of course the answer is no. But we can remember. We can enjoy the legacy these individuals have left us with. In our thoughts and our minds people can and do live forever.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


If you are a Democrat involved with the responsibility of electing and reelecting Democrats in 2020, last Friday was a very bad day for you. You got a triple dose of bad news. Oh, it was great news for the country, but very bad news for the Democrat Party. The economy grew at the rate of 3.2%, unemployment fell to a decades low of 3.6%, and wages increased at a rate of 3.2%, and the stock market continues to explode upward. It can’t get much uglier for the Democrats.

So, what to do. You call a meeting of the best thinkers and spin doctors in your party to come up with spin and “talking points” to help explain away these gains for America. I can see it now. The meeting comes to order and you have the floor. You all know that for the past eight years under Obama, we advanced the theory that the American people were just going to have to get used to a stagnant economy. We told them manufacturing jobs were never coming back. Mediocrity would be the new normal. We told them that candidate Trump would have to have a magic wand to change things. I thought we had everybody convinced and then sadly, Trump won.

He put forward policies that we have never tried in modern times. He reduced taxes. He eliminated onerous regulations on business. He basically wiped out years of Democrat thinking. He cut loose the ingenuity of the American people and they have prospered like never before. He is renegotiating trade agreements that we said would never work, but they seem to be working. He has made us Democrats look like a bunch of idiots. What are we going to do? And he has done all this while under a relentless all-out attack by our entire party with the help of the mainstream media and our allies in Hollywood.

Those gathered in the meeting began shifting their feet and getting even more uncomfortable. They replied, we’ve done everything we know to do. We have accused Trump of every crime we could come up with. We spied on his campaign. We leaked phony information and got warrants from FISA courts using lies and unproven data. We have had him under investigation since he first came into office and it hasn’t worked. Some of us are beginning to think that maybe, God forbid, we got it wrong and they were right all along. Maybe free enterprise and self- responsibility really do work. Maybe allowing actual self-governing is superior to government controls over everything. Wow, who would have believed that?

Nonsense, came the roar from the assembled meeting. We just have to double and triple down on our accusations. The media will publish anything we tell them. It is just a matter of time. After all, we don’t have anything else. All we can offer is more Democrat policy with tax increases, and more regulation.

Or we could just lie. Did you hear Bernie? Right after the numbers came out he told his audience that normal everyday people will not benefit from this economy. I know what he said was stupid, but some of his people believe him. So we have to lie.  Lie about the numbers. Lie about the economy. We have to make people understand that mediocrity isn’t all that bad. They need to understand that all that extra money they have should actually go to the government so the Democrats can spend it. After all that message has worked in the past.

We also need to continue in our fight to challenge any state that requires voter ID. If a voter has to prove they are alive, legitimate, and who they say they are, we’ll never win an election.

Our message has worked in the past so there is no reason to think it won’t work in 2020. In other words, we have to make chicken salad out of chicken s...!

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


I was listening to a TV preacher today who made this statement: isn’t it amazing what we put up with today that in the very recent past we would never have allowed?

What have we become? Several states have legalized the “recreational” use of marijuana. New York forbids any employer from drug testing in order to get a job. Several states are trying to legalize infanticide. Many, many states now recognize as legal the marriage of persons of the same sex. Sanctuary cities and counties abound. Some states even call themselves a sanctuary state. In many states and cities across the country men who choose to live as women can use the bathroom facilities of women. The same is true in some public schools. Young children choose which bathroom to use based on how they feel on a particular day. This thinking also allows them to participate in whatever team sports they want without regard to their gender, which also includes the use of the showers, by the way. Truly, what have we become?

The left would have you believe that this is all new “progressive” thinking. They want me to think that the traditions and values of our history are passé. They believe our Constitution is old news and needs to be updated to include the “feelings” of the progressives. They want to open our borders letting anyone from anywhere in at will. Some of the more radical among them want to do away with cattle, airplanes, and fossil fueled automobiles. Where do these morons come from?

Many on the left now want socialism to be their form of government. Most are not old enough to know what so-called socialism has caused in the past. They don’t know about the USSR, or Red China, or even Cuba. They seem to refuse to even consider what is happening to Venezuela.

Most have never experienced anything but peace and prosperity. They don’t realize that the life they are now living was purchased for them by the blood of patriots, the sweat and intelligence of entrepreneurs, and insured by the very laws our Constitution provides. The colleges and universities which forbid any speech contrary to their leftist views forget that their very existence is paid for by the same people they so detest.

These people who want to change my country into something unrecognizable to me and all freedom-loving people better hope I never get to become Emperor. I would change the thinking of so many of them.  

My first official act would be to reinstate the draft. Now I know the military doesn’t like this idea because even now the vast majority of youngsters in America would not qualify to serve based on intellectual and physical deficiencies. How sad is that? I remember when the draft hung over the lives of every young man in this country. It forced everybody to work harder in school. It forced people to obey the law for fear of being moved up the list. But it also served to make America the strongest country on earth.

Next, I would institute term limits on elected offices. Seniority would be a thing of the past. Committee Chairpersons would earn that title, not just qualify by being there the longest. Political contributions, also known as bribes, would be illegal and punishable by prison. Besides, term limits would take care of a lot of that influence peddling.  

This is in my first day in office. I would also require the execution of anyone who killed a first responder doing their duty, and it wouldn’t take twenty years of appeals to get it done.

The so-called “progressives” are probably shuttering at these words, so be it. They shouldn’t be surprised to learn that I am not alone in my thinking. Not to worry. I sincerely doubt any progressive would ever read anything like this blog. It might cause them to “feel” bad.

Ron Scarbro