Thursday, May 30, 2019


Oops. The Democrats have had some more bad news. They just can’t seem to get a break. The latest bad news, and this is really bad, President Trump has declassified most of the documents regarding the Russian interference probe. That means that all of the lies that created this phony investigation in the first place will now be revealed in their entirety. All of the players in this phony inquiry will now be confronted with the truth. It is no wonder the Clappers, Brennans, and Comeys are screaming foul. Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are in deep doo doo. They all know what is coming down the pike, and it will not end well for any of them.

It is no wonder the loud mouth Members of Congress who supposedly had hard evidence of collusion are headed for the hills, Adam Schiff chief among them. There is no place to hide Mr. Schiff. You will be called to account for your lies as well as all who conspired with you. Attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of this country is a serious crime and the penalties are severe. What is really bad is that currently we don’t know how high up the ladder this conspiracy goes. How many in Obama’s cabinet were involved or maybe even Obama himself? Time will tell. One thing is certain, you don’t want to be in front of the fan when it all hits.

There is a great deal at stake here. The American people demand an accounting. They demand answers from the FBI. Answers from the Justice Department. The entire Obama bunch which were probably up to their armpits in this conspiracy. No doubt Hillary would have done anything to win that election. To me, in this particular conspiracy, she is less liable because she was trying to get elected. She paid for a phony dossier and would have dictated the contents if she could have and maybe did. But, she was not on the government’s payroll at the time as were most of the co-conspirators. She has much more to be answering for concerning e-mails and the phony pay for play “Clinton Foundation.” Her judgment day is coming.

My question to you today is simple. Do you trust the FBI to be fair and honorable? How about the Justice Department? Do you have confidence in the institutions of government? How do you feel about the Congress? Have you ever wondered how Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Dianne Feinstein have all become multi-millionaires when none of them have ever actually held a job other than in the Congress?

For the sake of the country we must find a way to clean up these agencies so that we can once again believe in them. Contrary to the opinion of some, I was not around when this experiment called America began, but I’m pretty sure our Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves if they could see it now. Career politicians enriching themselves at the expense of the American taxpayer was never a part of our founding.

I believe in the election process. I believe the American people, for the most part, try to choose wisely. There have certainly been some hiccups, but for the most part we elect the proper people. We will again in 2020. The Democrats have greatly overplayed their hand and they will get their just reward in the next election. If they persist in this impeachment nonsense, they are only guaranteeing themselves absolute and total defeat in 2020.

Over the next few weeks a great deal of information will be released. The real liars will be identified. The self-righteous, arrogant hacks who thought they knew best will face judgement for their criminal conspiracy. And it can’t happen soon enough.

Ron Scarbro

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