Wednesday, December 29, 2021


In less than a year Biden and his puppeteers have destroyed basically everything Trump accomplished during his presidency. It is easy to see the results of his/their edicts and efforts to erase everything Trump from the scene. Let's take a look at what has been done and what that has caused. 


One of his first official acts was to stop the Keystone Pipeline. Then he stopped oil drilling and exploration on any federal lands. Cause and effect. Gas prices started going through the roof. Since oil was being produced at a much smaller level, we lost our energy independence which Trump had created.  Biden then had to beg OPEC to produce more. Just last year we were an exporter of oil. Now, after just less than a year of Biden, we are again an importer of oil. And we are at the mercy of people who don't like us very well to produce for us. It is sad but it's also embarrassing. 


Next, probably because of pressure from the ultra left, he decided to pull out of Afghanistan. I was certainly ready to get out of that hell hole but, there's a right way and there's a wrong way. Biden chose the wrong way. Soldiers died because of this incompetence. Americans and our allies were abandoned because of pure stupidity. 


We also lost the respect of our friends in the area. These are friends that we may well have to call on again to deal with the unfinished business in Afghanistan. 


Next on the list of causes and effects is inflation. When the government pays people to sit on their butts and not work, guess what? That's exactly what they do. Now we have a major labor shortage. We don't have enough truck drivers to haul the freight we need. Today, hundreds of container ships are anchored offshore waiting to be unloaded. The big problem is that so much of what we need is produced in other parts of the world. Trump was heavily involved with bringing manufacturing back to this country. Biden has done nothing toward that end. 


The Federal Reserve is pumping more and more money into this inflationary market. We have only seen the beginning of inflation. For some reason liberals can't seem to understand basic economics. You cannot punish the producers to enrich the nonproducers and think you are making headway. Nonproducers don't create jobs. Government doesn't produce anything. Money flows downhill. Never uphill.


Crime is tearing up our major cities. Smash and grab robberies, drive by shootings, murder, you name it. It is exploding. When liberal judges and District Attorneys put bad guys back on the street, this is what happens. Biden deals with this by denying it is happening. In fact he seems to believe all he has to do is say it isn't true. He is much more interested in global climate change and tree equity, whatever the hell that is.  


So now we deal with the "pandemic". The Democrats have long held that a good crisis is a terrible thing to waste. They have no intention of wasting this particular crisis. Do you remember two years ago when we were told we have to level the curve? I guess we didn't get it done. It's like every time we seem to be getting ahead of this insidious disease, another variant comes along. I don't know about you, but I have had a belly full of this pandemic. 


All Biden seems to do is threaten people who haven't been vaccinated. The idiotic mayor of New York City is shutting the city down because of his need to be a dictator. His term ends Friday. Go away. Free people don't handle mandates very well, as all of these tin-horn officials will see soon.  


I am hanging on by my fingernails for the next election. I anticipate an absolute blood bath.


Ron Scarbro December 28, 2021


Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year that I don't want to use this spot to gripe and complain. I do that enough. We all have so much to be thankful for and to be happy about. The bad stuff will still be there next week. 


My Christmas memories are all so sweet. They are filled with family and friends. There is always music and yummy food. There's even an aroma of Christmas. 


I hope you have a happy Christmas and that this season is filled with memory-making events. Thank you all for reading these columns. I'll be back at it next week.


Merry Christmas

Ron Scarbro Christmas 2021


Wednesday, December 15, 2021


For the most part this blog deals with political events and current events. I try to offer opinions on pressing issues and generally create discussion. I hope I have been successful in that effort. Today, however, my mind is wandering back to an event from my past that re-emerged recently and has haunted me until I decided to write this piece. I hope this has value for you. It has for me.


Several years ago I was driving with my aunt, who at that time was a recent widow. I don’t remember where we were going or why, I just remember that we had gotten ourselves lost. When I finally decided that I didn’t know where I was, I brought up the matter with my aunt. I noticed that she was crying. I thought this is crazy. We are going to figure out where we are in a few moments and everything will be fine. As it turns out, that was not the reason why she was crying. 


She said “I used to get so mad at your uncle. It seemed every time we went driving, we would get lost. He would never prepare for a trip by checking a map and he wouldn’t stop and ask for directions. It used to just drive me crazy. Today though, I would give everything I own just to be lost with him one more time.” That comment stuck in my mind and as I said re-emerged recently. 


My aunt died a few years later and went on to join my uncle. Who knows why such events come back into one’s memory. Perhaps they are lessons we are taught that from time to time come back to us to help us along our life’s journey. I am sure we all have those experiences. 


Now that I am in my eighty-first year on this earth, I think of these things. How would my life be if I suddenly had to face it without my life partner? How important are those little irritants that are a part of life? Would they still be irritants? Or would they become precious memories?  Our lives become so fixed and in some ways mundane. We eat, sleep, and the next day do it all over again. We fret about our kids. We worry about the market. And the next day we do it all over again. The reality is that this is my life. These are the memories that will sustain me if I were suddenly alone. 


Some time ago I wrote a piece about living like you are dying. Don’t let a day go by that is wasted. You will never get to see it again. While it is easy to say, it becomes more of a challenge to live it. This is what I am going to do. I plan to live out my days with the understanding that all that is my life may well need to be the memories that sustain me later. Even the little irritants. I plan to hold those as precious memories. I hope you might do the same.


Ron Scarbro August 13, 2011; updated December 15, 2021


Wednesday, December 8, 2021


If the human race survives for the next five hundred years, and I think that's truly iffy, one wonders what the archeologists of that time will think when they dig us up. Imagine all they will see. What will they find? How will they explain our existence?


When we today look back on human's early days, we see astounding things. We sometimes laugh at how early humans saw the world. We are often amused by their reactions to natural phenomena. Do you think they worried about the temperature of the earth or the level of the ocean, though? I believe they appreciated warmth when they were cold and moved to higher ground when the water rose. I doubt that they wasted a lot of time worrying about things that were totally out of their control. 


In this column I will try to show some of the nonsense that identifies us and these times. How about the idea by some that humans have more than two genders? Obviously we have males and we have females. They were put on the earth for a purpose and that is to make more humans. What exactly is the purpose of "transexuals"? Even though they call themselves males and females, their purpose on earth is fuzzy at best. 


When future generations see our art, what will they think? When they uncover a Hunter Biden masterpiece will they mistake it for a kindergarten art project? Or, is that an insult to kindergarten art projects? 


How about our music? What will they say when they hear rap? Even worse, what about Justin Bieber doing Christmas songs? 


What will they say when they examine the politics of these days? How do you think they might try to explain that voters, with full knowledge, elected an individual to serve as president with the mental capacity of a ten year old? Will they laugh at us the way we laughed at the antics of people we study in our past?


They will see a country that had everything going for it who started listening to alternative ways to govern. That introduced leftist, Marxist philosophies which ultimately tried to destroy America. 


I am certain they will be amazed that we gave the media the power to control so much. They might hear the name George Soros, and they will probably wonder, who was he and who gave him so much authority?


I can only hope that, first of all, we survive as a people for five hundred years, and that we get back control of our country so that we can. I recently saw a poll that showed 66% of those polled felt we were going in the wrong direction. The amazing part of that poll is that 26% found we are going in the right direction. Hmmm. Who in the world are those people? 


There is a price to be paid for stupidity. There are consequences for bad decisions. We can only hope that we take advantage of our free elections to get rid of the morons and put sane, intelligent, functional people back in charge. The archeologists of the future will know if we made the right decisions.


Ron Scarbro December 8, 2021    



Wednesday, December 1, 2021


No. One of the most important words in our language. As parents we use the word a lot. We use it to protect and to teach. When your young child wants to play with an electrical outlet, you say no. Loudly and clearly. As a matter of fact you probably say no a lot more than you say yes. 


The problem comes when no is not used enough. A big problem comes when the Judicial system doesn't use the word no. They seem more likely to say the word maybe. 


A good example is when a youngster is arrested for a minor crime and comes before a judge to face his punishment. Instead of using this opportunity to teach through punishment, many times these youthful violators are given a slap, and not too hard, on the wrist and sent back out onto the streets to commit worse crimes. How many times have we seen felons being charged with violent crimes with a criminal record as long as your leg? In many cases they should probably have been in prison already for crimes committed in the past.


This clown in Wisconsin who mowed down all those people watching a Christmas parade had just been released by a judge with a bail of $1000. He has been a criminal most of his life. This latest crime? Well, he ran over his "baby momma" and her child. No doubt attempted murder. How can this ridiculously low bail be justified by any sane individual? Six people are now dead, so far, because of this miscarriage of justice. The judge should be arrested for abetting this crime and the murders. One wonders how much the bail would have been if the judge were held criminally responsible for this criminal's actions.


In California any theft of less than $1000 is now classified as a misdemeanor instead of robbery. Most of the ultra liberal prosecutors in California won't even prosecute misdemeanors. Therefore, the bad guys go unpunished only to steal again. The result is that many retailers in major cities in California are closing their doors and moving out. If you are in San Francisco don't even look for a Walgreens or a CVS pharmacy. They have moved out. 


There is yet another result of a lame, ineffective judicial system. People often feel the need to take the law into their own hands. We have just seen a couple of examples of that. Again, in Wisconsin a young man was arrested and charged with murder for trying to protect his property. He fortunately was found not guilty. In Georgia however, the story was different. Three men decided to chase down a young man they believed was stealing and killed him. They were all found guilty of murder. Rather than calling the police, they took the law into their own hands. 


Clearly the liberal's response to crime is terrible. If you don't punish these youngsters when they are first caught, most won't become good citizens on their own. They need to feel the sting of the law when they snub their nose at it.


We expect parents in a loving home to teach their children right from wrong. Sadly that doesn't always happen. In many cases the father/sperm donor is absent and not involved with parental duties. Fatherless homes are a recipe for disaster. 


While the word no is sometimes hard to hear, I assure you it will be heard at some point in a person's lifetime. It may come from a judge at the sentencing. 


Crime is rampant in this country today because of liberal attitudes toward criminals. It will only change when we change it.


Ron Scarbro December 1, 2021