Wednesday, February 27, 2019


I haven’t commented yet on the Jussie Smollett situation. It has been my practice to wait until all of the facts are in before I step out on a limb. Apparently some of the Democrat Presidential hopefuls are under no such restriction. Almost as soon as the news of the “hate crime” was reported, they took to the microphones to scream and moan about how black people and especially black homosexuals are victimized by evil white men often wearing MAGA caps. Oops. Looks like they spoke too soon. The truth is now out and will keep coming out.

It appears that Smollett planned this whole pretend attack in order to draw more attention to himself to ultimately get an increase in his salary. Apparently he thought if he could get sympathy from the public by playing the victim card, he would have an easier time negotiating with the producers of his TV show.

The police department, after an exhausting and expensive investigation, has said there was no hate crime. I disagree. There definitely was a hate crime but, Smollett was not the victim however. No, Smollett was the perpetrator and he has been arrested and charged. The American people, more specifically Trump supporters, were the victims. All the clowns who tried to get out in front of this deal were the victims. Smollett should be prosecuted for hate crimes as well.

By the way, he has much bigger problems than just falsely reporting a crime. It has been reliably reported that he had sent himself a threatening letter which included some mysterious white powder through the US Mail. Again, this was purportedly designed to gain sympathy for his salary negotiations. That my friends is a Federal crime punishable by up to twenty years in Federal Prison. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

There are definitely some lessons to be learned here. Smollett has been written out of the script of his TV show and his career is probably over for good. To those individuals who tried to gain some kind of notoriety by publically crying about this “hate crime,” get the facts first.

Another lesson might be available to the Washington Post. They are currently being sued for 250 million dollars for defamation of character by Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School student who was confronted and overtly abused by a Native American activist. The Post, in their zeal to defame anything Trump, including a MAGA red cap, falsely reported on the confrontation. Had they done their jobs and looked into what really happened, they probably wouldn’t have reported anything because the truth of what happened did nothing to further their goal of embarrassing Trump and his supporters. Exactly the opposite happened. I hope this kid takes the Washington Post apart brick by brick. It long ago ceased being a reliable source of news. They have joined the New York Times as little more than dead fish wrap.

I don’t know what it is going to take to get this country back on track. Historically haters don’t fare very well. Liars, especially members of the media who lie and publish false news, are usually drummed out of business. What is going to happen when Trump overwhelmingly wins in 2020? That just might be the day it all turns around. That will also probably be the end of the Democrat control of the House of Representatives.

There will always be people like Jussie Smollett sliding out from under rocks. Our responsibility is to find them out and discard them from the midst of good people.
Remember, look before you leap, think before you speak, and finally, even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if he just kept his mouth shut.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


One of my favorite radio talk shows comes out of St. Paul, MN. It is called Garage Logic and is hosted by master cynic, Joe Soucheray. Joe has many items of interest on his daily agenda but one of his best observations is this, “The trouble with liberals is that they cannot connect the dots.”

We just witnessed a classic example of this last week starring the Democrats’ favorite little socialist, newly elected Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Amazon had been looking for a location for a new headquarters. Many states and cities were competing for the chance to get this headquarters and the 25,000 jobs that would come with it. Incidentally these are jobs which pay on average $125,000 a year. The Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City offered Amazon tax breaks and incentives totaling about 3 billion dollars over a ten-year period. Now this would be subtracted from the estimated 30 billion dollars of tax revenue such a move would create.

Well, when Ocasio-Cortez and some of her lefty liberal allies heard of this, they screamed. They wouldn’t hear of a multi-million dollar corporation like Amazon getting these tax breaks. In fact they were so adamant about the whole deal they created a hostile environment opposing the deal. It got so ugly that Amazon decided they would go somewhere else, taking their 25,000 jobs and the billions of dollars in tax revenue with them.

Ocasio-Cortez was so excited that she had to run a victory lap and hold a press conference bragging about the fact that she had stopped Amazon. She told the interviewer that the 3 billion dollars promised to Amazon should and would be spent on more important things like roads and teachers, etc.

Now, mind you this young lady is a graduate of Boston College with a degree in economics. Alexandria, hello, there is no 3 billion dollars you moron unless Amazon builds their headquarters and generates the income that would produce the tax revenue in the first place. I guess Alexandria must have missed a few classes.

Not to be outdone by New York’s newest socialist, the great state of Minnesota has once again gifted the country with one of their finest. Somali born Muslim, Ilhan Omar was elected to the Congress. Among her first official acts was to embarrass her entire state as well as her supporters by overtly announcing her blatant, anti-Semitism.

Omar needs to understand that Israel is one of our best allies in the entire Middle East and we are their biggest supporter. We will continue to be Israel’s friend and supporter whether this idiot likes it or not. In fact she was even required to apologize by Her Highness, Nancy Pelosi for her idiotic remarks. The absolute last thing the Dems want the country to know is how anti-Semitic many of them are becoming. When Pelosi forces you to apologize, you know you have messed up big time. How any American Jew could still be a Democrat is a mystery to me.

Connecting dots doesn’t require a lot of intelligence. It does require common sense however. A radical Muslim like Omar is lucky to be able to live in a free country like America. She has been here long enough to understand where this country stands on issues like our support for Israel. I would suggest if she wants to keep her job in the Congress, she had better learn to think before she speaks.  

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, February 13, 2019



Regular readers of these columns will doubtlessly recognize me as unapologetically politically incorrect. I have always been amazed by the fact that the very people who most object to censorship of any kind, practice censorship on steroids through political correctness. Certain words and descriptions are just not allowed. Certain thoughts are equally forbidden. That PC culture has also spawned a new class of people who go through life with the mistaken opinion that they are right and infallible because they are never challenged. And that if you don’t share their opinions, you are wrong. This column will be my attempt to put a lie to that nonsense.

For example, it has become politically incorrect to call a moron a moron, especially when that moron is a minority. One shouldn’t call an idiot an idiot even when it is obvious. Well, I’m sorry but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a moron. Have you seen her “green new deal”? She and her moronic co-sponsor, Sen. Ed Markey of Mass., have released what they call a first draft of what the future looks like under Democrat control. They would eliminate all air travel. They would eliminate cattle because of their willy nilly need to release methane gas into the atmosphere through flatulence. Besides, you shouldn’t be eating meat or drinking milk or eating cheese anyway. And if you wish to go to Hawaii, you will have to take the train. What?

Now think about this. You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to think the American people or any people for that matter would go along with this nonsense. It is easy enough to identify AOC as a moron but, what is really disturbing is the fact that she won an election in her district. What does that say about her constituents?

Just look at our Congress. Rep Hank Johnson, Dem of Ga., who thinks Guam is floating. Rep Sheila Jackson Lee, Dem of Texas, who thinks we have landed a man on Mars and planted a flag. She apparently doesn’t know the difference between Mars and the moon. Rep Maxine Waters, Dem of Calif. has been ripping off the taxpayers for years living in a million-dollar mansion far away from her own district while supposedly representing one of the poorest Congressional districts in this country. Again, what must their constituency think? Do they even think? Being a minority is neither a reason nor an excuse to be stupid. And being a minority shouldn’t inoculate you from the truth either. When you go to the carnival there are some rides which have this sign, “In order to get on this ride you must be this tall”. There should be a sign in the Congress that reads, “In order to serve in this body, you must have this level of intelligence”. I suspect the reason no such sign exists is because that would empty the halls of Congress.

The media is guilty of malfeasance in all this. When they put a microphone in the face of one of these morons and they spout some stupid opinion, the media should call them out on it. It is political correctness which stops them.

Many years ago I wrote monthly columns called the “Moron of the Month”. I stopped because I was overrun by candidates for the honor. Today’s collection of idiots would overwhelm any effort to single them out.

Americans have rights. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We also have the right to our opinions. Sadly that includes the right to be wrong. Years ago I heard this, “Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you are an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Democrat Kathy Tran, Delegate in Virginia’s Legislature, introduced a bill that would allow abortion up to the date of delivery of a baby. The legislation was co-sponsored by twenty other Democrat lawmakers. Tran was questioned about the bill and she offered some explanations. For example, she advises, a woman could legally terminate a pregnancy up to and even after she goes into labor. The viability of the baby is of no consequence. Basically all the mother has to say is that the baby would compromise her mental health. Also, she could abort if the baby is malformed or has some other disability like Down Syndrome. I wonder if she could abort if the baby was the wrong sex or the wrong color. Who knows? It would seem there are no limits.

I have a question. What if her husband compromises her mental health? Could she legally kill him too? What if she has other older children? I can attest to the fact that children can strain one’s mental health. Can she kill her older children as well?

The Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia was also questioned about this bill during a radio interview. Democrat Ralph Northam, who by the way is also a physician, offered some truly frightening answers to the questions. Like, what if the baby is born alive and the woman then decides she doesn’t want it? What then? The Governor said the baby would be kept comfortable until a decision was made between the woman and her doctor. Then they would just kill the baby. Hmmm. And they call this women’s health? My question is, what about this isn’t murder? What about any of this isn’t homicide? Is this what liberals call abortion? Is this what the liberals call women’s health? What about the baby’s health?

The Governor got into deep trouble because he called the fetus a baby. Suddenly a forty-year-old photo which has been around for years was publicly aired. Now the liberals want his head on a stick. The lesson here is, if you don’t want to commit political suicide, always follow the Democrat talking points.

Fortunately the Republican majority has defeated the bill. Sadly though, they have advised that as soon as the Democrats get a majority, the bill will resurface and they will be powerless to stop it.

New York on the other hand isn’t troubled by Republican majorities. I don’t think Republicans could survive in New York. Democrat Governor Mario Cuomo just signed basically the same bill into law in his state. Now New York, mind you, doesn’t approve of capital punishment because it apparently is cruel and inhumane. But it is okay to kill an innocent baby. I’m having a real hard time understanding that premise. Another thing to keep in mind is Cuomo is Catholic. I wonder what his trip to the confessional would be like. When he signed the bill making murder legal as long as it was murder of a baby, his staff and the onlookers stood and cheered. Do they even realize how that looks to the civilized world?

Is this what we have become? Since all of this has come to light, medical experts have almost unanimously agreed there is absolutely no medical reason to terminate a pregnancy in the third trimester. If there was a problem with the fetus, it would be obvious in the first trimester. At some point in the gestation period, abortion becomes less of a matter of women’s health and more just a matter of really ugly birth control. 

If and when that point comes where a baby is born alive and subsequently killed for the convenience of the mother or the doctor, arrests must be made and the charge must be homicide. Murder is murder.

Ron Scarbro