Wednesday, February 27, 2019


I haven’t commented yet on the Jussie Smollett situation. It has been my practice to wait until all of the facts are in before I step out on a limb. Apparently some of the Democrat Presidential hopefuls are under no such restriction. Almost as soon as the news of the “hate crime” was reported, they took to the microphones to scream and moan about how black people and especially black homosexuals are victimized by evil white men often wearing MAGA caps. Oops. Looks like they spoke too soon. The truth is now out and will keep coming out.

It appears that Smollett planned this whole pretend attack in order to draw more attention to himself to ultimately get an increase in his salary. Apparently he thought if he could get sympathy from the public by playing the victim card, he would have an easier time negotiating with the producers of his TV show.

The police department, after an exhausting and expensive investigation, has said there was no hate crime. I disagree. There definitely was a hate crime but, Smollett was not the victim however. No, Smollett was the perpetrator and he has been arrested and charged. The American people, more specifically Trump supporters, were the victims. All the clowns who tried to get out in front of this deal were the victims. Smollett should be prosecuted for hate crimes as well.

By the way, he has much bigger problems than just falsely reporting a crime. It has been reliably reported that he had sent himself a threatening letter which included some mysterious white powder through the US Mail. Again, this was purportedly designed to gain sympathy for his salary negotiations. That my friends is a Federal crime punishable by up to twenty years in Federal Prison. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

There are definitely some lessons to be learned here. Smollett has been written out of the script of his TV show and his career is probably over for good. To those individuals who tried to gain some kind of notoriety by publically crying about this “hate crime,” get the facts first.

Another lesson might be available to the Washington Post. They are currently being sued for 250 million dollars for defamation of character by Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School student who was confronted and overtly abused by a Native American activist. The Post, in their zeal to defame anything Trump, including a MAGA red cap, falsely reported on the confrontation. Had they done their jobs and looked into what really happened, they probably wouldn’t have reported anything because the truth of what happened did nothing to further their goal of embarrassing Trump and his supporters. Exactly the opposite happened. I hope this kid takes the Washington Post apart brick by brick. It long ago ceased being a reliable source of news. They have joined the New York Times as little more than dead fish wrap.

I don’t know what it is going to take to get this country back on track. Historically haters don’t fare very well. Liars, especially members of the media who lie and publish false news, are usually drummed out of business. What is going to happen when Trump overwhelmingly wins in 2020? That just might be the day it all turns around. That will also probably be the end of the Democrat control of the House of Representatives.

There will always be people like Jussie Smollett sliding out from under rocks. Our responsibility is to find them out and discard them from the midst of good people.
Remember, look before you leap, think before you speak, and finally, even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if he just kept his mouth shut.

Ron Scarbro

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