Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Democrat Kathy Tran, Delegate in Virginia’s Legislature, introduced a bill that would allow abortion up to the date of delivery of a baby. The legislation was co-sponsored by twenty other Democrat lawmakers. Tran was questioned about the bill and she offered some explanations. For example, she advises, a woman could legally terminate a pregnancy up to and even after she goes into labor. The viability of the baby is of no consequence. Basically all the mother has to say is that the baby would compromise her mental health. Also, she could abort if the baby is malformed or has some other disability like Down Syndrome. I wonder if she could abort if the baby was the wrong sex or the wrong color. Who knows? It would seem there are no limits.

I have a question. What if her husband compromises her mental health? Could she legally kill him too? What if she has other older children? I can attest to the fact that children can strain one’s mental health. Can she kill her older children as well?

The Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia was also questioned about this bill during a radio interview. Democrat Ralph Northam, who by the way is also a physician, offered some truly frightening answers to the questions. Like, what if the baby is born alive and the woman then decides she doesn’t want it? What then? The Governor said the baby would be kept comfortable until a decision was made between the woman and her doctor. Then they would just kill the baby. Hmmm. And they call this women’s health? My question is, what about this isn’t murder? What about any of this isn’t homicide? Is this what liberals call abortion? Is this what the liberals call women’s health? What about the baby’s health?

The Governor got into deep trouble because he called the fetus a baby. Suddenly a forty-year-old photo which has been around for years was publicly aired. Now the liberals want his head on a stick. The lesson here is, if you don’t want to commit political suicide, always follow the Democrat talking points.

Fortunately the Republican majority has defeated the bill. Sadly though, they have advised that as soon as the Democrats get a majority, the bill will resurface and they will be powerless to stop it.

New York on the other hand isn’t troubled by Republican majorities. I don’t think Republicans could survive in New York. Democrat Governor Mario Cuomo just signed basically the same bill into law in his state. Now New York, mind you, doesn’t approve of capital punishment because it apparently is cruel and inhumane. But it is okay to kill an innocent baby. I’m having a real hard time understanding that premise. Another thing to keep in mind is Cuomo is Catholic. I wonder what his trip to the confessional would be like. When he signed the bill making murder legal as long as it was murder of a baby, his staff and the onlookers stood and cheered. Do they even realize how that looks to the civilized world?

Is this what we have become? Since all of this has come to light, medical experts have almost unanimously agreed there is absolutely no medical reason to terminate a pregnancy in the third trimester. If there was a problem with the fetus, it would be obvious in the first trimester. At some point in the gestation period, abortion becomes less of a matter of women’s health and more just a matter of really ugly birth control. 

If and when that point comes where a baby is born alive and subsequently killed for the convenience of the mother or the doctor, arrests must be made and the charge must be homicide. Murder is murder.

Ron Scarbro

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