Wednesday, February 13, 2019



Regular readers of these columns will doubtlessly recognize me as unapologetically politically incorrect. I have always been amazed by the fact that the very people who most object to censorship of any kind, practice censorship on steroids through political correctness. Certain words and descriptions are just not allowed. Certain thoughts are equally forbidden. That PC culture has also spawned a new class of people who go through life with the mistaken opinion that they are right and infallible because they are never challenged. And that if you don’t share their opinions, you are wrong. This column will be my attempt to put a lie to that nonsense.

For example, it has become politically incorrect to call a moron a moron, especially when that moron is a minority. One shouldn’t call an idiot an idiot even when it is obvious. Well, I’m sorry but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a moron. Have you seen her “green new deal”? She and her moronic co-sponsor, Sen. Ed Markey of Mass., have released what they call a first draft of what the future looks like under Democrat control. They would eliminate all air travel. They would eliminate cattle because of their willy nilly need to release methane gas into the atmosphere through flatulence. Besides, you shouldn’t be eating meat or drinking milk or eating cheese anyway. And if you wish to go to Hawaii, you will have to take the train. What?

Now think about this. You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to think the American people or any people for that matter would go along with this nonsense. It is easy enough to identify AOC as a moron but, what is really disturbing is the fact that she won an election in her district. What does that say about her constituents?

Just look at our Congress. Rep Hank Johnson, Dem of Ga., who thinks Guam is floating. Rep Sheila Jackson Lee, Dem of Texas, who thinks we have landed a man on Mars and planted a flag. She apparently doesn’t know the difference between Mars and the moon. Rep Maxine Waters, Dem of Calif. has been ripping off the taxpayers for years living in a million-dollar mansion far away from her own district while supposedly representing one of the poorest Congressional districts in this country. Again, what must their constituency think? Do they even think? Being a minority is neither a reason nor an excuse to be stupid. And being a minority shouldn’t inoculate you from the truth either. When you go to the carnival there are some rides which have this sign, “In order to get on this ride you must be this tall”. There should be a sign in the Congress that reads, “In order to serve in this body, you must have this level of intelligence”. I suspect the reason no such sign exists is because that would empty the halls of Congress.

The media is guilty of malfeasance in all this. When they put a microphone in the face of one of these morons and they spout some stupid opinion, the media should call them out on it. It is political correctness which stops them.

Many years ago I wrote monthly columns called the “Moron of the Month”. I stopped because I was overrun by candidates for the honor. Today’s collection of idiots would overwhelm any effort to single them out.

Americans have rights. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We also have the right to our opinions. Sadly that includes the right to be wrong. Years ago I heard this, “Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you are an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Ron Scarbro

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