Wednesday, January 29, 2020


I have tried to watch some of the so-called impeachment of our President. Frankly it has been so disgusting, it is almost unwatchable. I am writing this on Saturday just shortly after the Republicans have started their defense. If, what the defense is saying is true, and I believe it is, the Democrats should hang their heads in shame. Consider this. If the Democrats had a majority in the Senate today, Trump would be removed from office. With no evidence, no crime, no misdemeanor, the vote of the American people would be thrown out and the Democrats would select a President that suits them without regard to the will of the American people. That my friends, is the real danger here today. 

Future Presidential elections would become irrelevant. In the event voters elect a President who is of a different party than the Congress, all the Congress has to do is impeach him and he would be removed, no questions asked. And that goes for the Republicans as well as Democrats. Any such President would be subject to blackmail. The Speaker simply has to say to the President, give us what we want or we will kick you out of office. Is that what America wants? I think not. That is the weaponization of the impeachment process. 

I have mentioned Joe Soucheray before. Joe is a radio personality whose show is called “Garage Logic”. He broadcasts from St. Paul, Minnesota. Joe has a lot of interesting sayings but one of my favorites is this, “liberals can’t connect the dots.'' It’s one of the main reasons most of their programs fall apart. They never consider what the result of their pipedreams will be. They either can’t or won't connect the dots. They obviously haven’t considered the outcome of this latest political dirty trick. I am quite sure that they have a perfect scenario in their minds that basically eliminates Trump from office as well as removing him from the ballot in the 2020 election. They have publicly announced that they cannot beat him at the ballot box so they have to impeach him. Do you think a political party should have the power to select who will be the President without the vote of the people? I’m pretty sure that is not what the Founders had in mind when they established the rules for impeaching a president.

So, what is next? As much as I would like to see the continued humiliation of the Democrats in the House, I think Leader McConnell should call for a vote and end this charade immediately. It would be for the good of the country.

Then we should put into place a system that stops this kind of political chicanery for all time. Our government consists of three branches. Maybe the answer is to make the Judicial more powerful so as to rein in politicians who scream insults at the President and threaten him. That already is illegal. Why don’t we prosecute offenders? Maxine Waters should be held to account for screaming for the impeachment of Trump on the day he was sworn in as President. 

Look at the millions the Democrats have spent already trying to thwart the will of the American people. Look at the lives that have been ruined in this effort. Look at the reputations which have been destroyed. We need a legal remedy for this nonsense. 

Finally, the Democrats must be held responsible. Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Waters, AOC and the squad, plus all others who have participated in this scam should be summarily removed from office forever. America deserves better. The Congressional districts involved deserve better. 

The Justice Dept. and the FBI absolutely must clean house. Individuals, regardless of their rank, who would lie to any court in order to gain favorable rulings should be prosecuted. And this last frightening thought, if Hillary had won, we would never have known about any of this corruption. This is America. Quit messing with it. 

Ron Scarbro, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Well the high mistress of the swamp has finally brought the articles of impeachment to the Senate. It took a while for her to get around to bringing these phony charges and we finally found out what the holdup was. Nancy Pelosi, in keeping with her solemn, prayerful, philosophy, decided to have special pens made to commemorate the occasion. Apparently not just any pens would do. No, these had to be special pens for the signing of the documents. These special pens are gold plated and personally signed by none other than the Speaker herself. How arrogant can you get? I just hope the taxpayers didn’t have to pay for this farce, but I’m sure they did.

Not content with just the turning over of the documents, Pelosi had to add her snarky comments. She said, obviously aware of the almost certain dismissal of the charges by the Senate, that Trump was impeached and that impeachment will be forever. For all of history he will be on record as having been impeached. Senator Ted Cruz added a thoughtful comment. Yes, and when the Senate acquits him, he will be acquitted forever,

It is important for history that it be noted that the Democrats alone impeached President Trump. This was a Democrat, completely partisan, act designed to negate the 2016 election and to affect the 2020 election. It will go down in history as completely partisan without a single Republican vote and will forever be seen as what it is, a political dirty trick.

For those among you who like history and even like to try to prejudge what history will be, I have something more to consider. 

Like most of the sane people in the world I believe Trump will be exonerated by the Senate and all of this impeachment nonsense will just be a bad memory, that is until election day later this year. On that day I believe Trump will be reelected by a huge landslide and that he will bring a strong Republican Congress with him. That means that Her Highness Nancy Pelosi, will no longer be Speaker and will fade into the dust heap of bad political history. I’m pretty sure that is not the history she had in mind when all this impeachment talk started. And it started well before Trump was even sworn in as President. You see, he committed the unpardonable sin. He beat another anointed one in the Democrat party, Hillary Clinton. 

Some of my more astute readers have said even when Trump is found to be innocent of any of the charges brought by this kangaroo court, the Democrats will just try again to impeach him. I’m sure the wheels are already in motion.

Well guess what Dems, the American people are fed up with this crap. They will not sit still for another round of political gamesmanship. The smart Democrats know that. And yes, there are some smart Democrats. Let’s hope they are smart enough to put this country first instead of their politics. 

We the people have the ultimate power here. Look around you. Look at the numbers. Look at the economy. Look at the state of our nation. No President in recent history has had a more positive effect on this country. Unemployment is at historic lows. Never have we, as a country, been more secure. 

So, what is the Democrat’s problem? Simple. They want the power and they know that Trump will be reelected and they will have to wait again for the power they crave.

The Senate should immediately dismiss the impeachment charges against the President using, among other reasons, the comments by Democrat Professor Alan Dershowitz, legal scholar and former law professor at Harvard. Loosely quoted he said, “even if all of the charges against Trump were proven, there would still be no legal, Constitutional way to remove him from office.” You got that Dems? You should take your gold plated pens and prepare your resumes or otherwise use your imaginations.

Ron Scarbro

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Some Members of Congress are upset with President Trump who, as Commander- in-Chief of the military and within his authority, took a military action which killed one of our enemies without consulting them first. So upset are they that they have decided to enact legislation that restricts the President in the performance of his duties. They want to know first before he does anything so they can decide if they are okay with it. 

Now, let us look at just who would be informed before we carry out any military mission, top secret or not. I am going to point out just a few of the clowns who would be notified before our military could do their job. 

Let’s start with that mental giant, Rep. Hank Johnson, D. GA. Hank who famously believes that the island of Guam is floating like a cork in the sea. You may remember when he cautioned us against stationing eight thousand troops on Guam believing that would cause the island to flip over. Hmmm. Then there’s Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D. Texas. One of her many brilliant questions was whether we had photographed the American flag that Neil Armstrong had planted on Mars. It appears Jackson Lee doesn’t know the difference between Mars and the moon. 

How about the “squad”? These are three women who can’t seem to decide which side they are on. Their loyalties seem to me to be more for the thugs in the Middle East than with our own country. And they want our government to inform them first before we take military action anywhere? They want to have the authority to approve or disapprove of our actions? To quote a line from an old television show, “I don’t think so, Tim.” 

Next comes Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, and far too many others to even name. These, in my view, are not trustworthy people. I wouldn’t share any secrets with them, certainly not one which involved a military mission which could result in harm to our troops.They have proven time and again that they cannot be trusted with any secrets, certainly not secrets which could get our troops killed.

Now I understand these people have been elected by their constituency. I also recognize that Congress is a separate branch of government from the Executive branch. But I do not believe the Founding Fathers ever imagined there would be people like this elected by the people to serve in the Congress. Consider, if you will, the people who voted for Maxine Waters or Hank Johnson. They have to know what idiots they are. What does that say about the voters in their districts?

This is yet another reason to elect intelligent people to Congress. These are the folks who enact the laws which direct our lives. We absolutely must find out who is running and what they are all about. Big money and slick television ads say nothing about the character of the candidate. I have long believed we should have a minimum IQ score to serve in Congress. Sadly, if we did, the halls would probably be empty for the most part.

Fortunately for America, Trump will make decisions for the good of the country and not for the benefit of a political party. We truly couldn’t have a better Commander-in-Chief. 

By the way. I just watched the College National Football Championship which our President and his wife attended. There was spontaneous cheering for them both. Chants of “USA” and “four more years” were loud and clear.  Mind you, this wasn’t a political rally. It was a football game. The Democrats have very good reasons to be worried.

Ron Scarbro January 15, 2020

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


With the skill and precision of a surgeon, we took out one of the most evil generals on earth. Qasem Soleimani, the most powerful of Iranian generals and the right-hand man of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani met his Maker while standing in the airport in Baghdad, conspiring with Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, senior Iraqi militia commander. These two clowns were setting the stage for another attack on our Embassy in Iraq. Had they been successful, hundreds would have died, both Americans and Iraqis. Fortunately for the world, they were introduced to one of our many weapons the hard way and they went on to meet their virgins. Sorry virgins. 

Imagine my surprise and horror waking to the news that some of the Democrats and the left-wing national media were upset by this action. Some even went so far as to eulogize this thug as some kind of hero. Make no mistake. This was a killer of Americans and a scourge on the soil of the earth. Killing this general is the equivalent to taking out one of Hitler’s top henchmen. Do you think back then the media would be criticizing that action?  The answer is no. No because they would have been arrested and charged with treason. No because traitors were dealt with in that era and held to account for their treason. 

Aside from erasing this threat to the world, something else was accomplished by this attack. This was a message to all the little tin horn dictators in the world who have seriously misjudged this country and President Trump. There is for a certainty a new sheriff in town and he isn’t to be toyed with. If you see yourself as an enemy of America, you might want to be aware of what could be circling over your head. You could be next.

The response and reaction we have all witnessed since the attack would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous. Turn on any of the so-called mainstream media television stations and you see young, pretty faces, mostly in their twenties and thirties, acting as if they are experts on national security. It is embarrassing to watch and the network executives should be ashamed. Better yet they should be called to account for their treason before the American people. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are critical in our country. But libel, slander, and treason are very serious crimes no matter what form they come in. 

Whether you like it or not, Iran is at war with the US. It wasn’t our idea, it was theirs. Remember it was them who took our embassy employees hostage. It took the election of Ronald Reagan to get them released. Evidently they have short memories. They decided to continue their war against us by attacking our embassy in Baghdad. To the Democrats and the media, you don’t have to like it. You don’t even have to agree with it. But remember, treason is giving aid and comfort to our enemies and that is just what you are doing. 

To the American people, you are the consumers of the offerings of the national media and the constituents of some of these weenie Democrats. Are they speaking for you? Is this treason something you agree with? Is our success in battle abhorrent to you? Do you think this country has prospered by cutting and running in the face of danger? The answer is no. If you don’t have the stomach for all this, at least have the good grace to just shut up. When you give aid and comfort to our enemies, all you are doing is embolding them which will ultimately cause them even more harm. 

America is the strongest military power on earth by far. In a moment’s notice, we could eliminate any country on this planet, but that is not what we are about.  We do not choose to go to war with Iran either, but we will not run from any situation they put us into. 

Overnight Iran fired a few missiles at an air base in Iraq. This seems to be a measured response designed to show their own citizens that they would strike back. Fortunately for them, it was little more than a fireworks show. This morning the leaders of Iran are breathing easier knowing that they missed any important targets. 

To the leaders in Iran. Take care. The country you save may well be your own.

Ron Scarbro, January 8, 2020

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


2019 has been a very good year. America is in the best shape she has been in for many years. It is quite understandable the Democrats are looking for any way they can to get leverage with the voters. It must be very depressing for them to see what they are up against as they look at the condition of our economy, our unemployment numbers, wage growth, our military strength, and the overall satisfaction of American citizens with it all. 

This isn’t an accident and they know it. We are where we are because of sound Republican policies. Those include tax cuts. Those include the easing of onerous regulations on small business. Strengthening our military and our borders. It is obvious even to Dems that their nonsense just doesn’t work. 

They have decided to move their party even farther to the left and basically become socialists. They have hitched their wagons to the likes of AOC and her squad of socialists. There’s a word for that, DUMB. That’s the word. Do they really think the American voters are going to turn their backs on this booming economy, sit still for tax increases, look the other way while our border is invaded, and watch this country return to the bleak days of Obama and other Democrats? I’m not a betting man but if I were, I’d put my money on a landslide re-election of Trump and a continuation of the policies that have brought this country to this place.

They tried the Russian hoax. They tried the Ukraine nonsense. Then they tried impeachment. Even one of their own said they had to impeach Trump because they could not beat him at the ballot box. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson of Great Britain and Bebe Netanyahu of Israel both won by landslides. Both are conservatives. Are you paying attention Democrats? You are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of politics. It is no wonder that Nancy Pelosi is sitting on the impeachment paperwork. She was against impeachment in the first place and now she is trying to figure out a way to make it all disappear. Can you just imagine the mess that would be if this matter ever does get to the Senate? 

First Joe and Hunter Biden would be subpoenaed and Joe has already said he would never appear. The so-called whistleblower would be called. Adam Schiff would be called. They would all have some very serious explaining to do. FBI personnel who participated in lying to the FISA court would have to, under oath, explain what they were doing and under whose orders. I don’t know how high up the ladder this all goes but I can assure you it would get very ugly. The reality is that you cannot do, in this country, what the Democrats have tried to do and get away with it. There will be a judgement day.

Somebody also needs to explain to Swamp Mistress Pelosi that she does not control the Senate and has no authority in setting their rules. Mitch McConnell will handle the Senate without interference from whiny losers from the Democrat House.

Yes, 2019 has been a very good year and 2020 promises to be even better. My personal retirement fund in the stock market has grown by 30% this year alone and I am looking for another booming year upcoming. I hope and I trust you are also faring well. 

What will top off this coming year will be the landslide re-election of Donald Trump and for him to continue naming proper judges to our court system. Judges who can read and who know that their role is to review and adjudicate law and not to write it.

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Ron Scarbro, January 1, 2020