Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Reparations, are you kidding? Hmmm. What does that mean? According to the dictionary it means repayment for damages or other harm usually caused by war. But because this is an election period the word has come up again. While some may say the word means payment to black people for damage done by slavery some two hundred plus years ago, I think the definition of the word should actually be pandering to black people to get votes. We will see the word thrown around a lot over the next year or so. Politicians think offering the idea of reparations will insure them the black vote. 

I have said this before and I will say it again. I never owned a slave and had I lived during that period of our history, I am more likely to have been a slave than to have owned one. I don’t owe anybody anywhere reparation for anything. Reparation has been defined by some as money to be paid to someone who was never a slave, paid by someone who never owned a slave.

I have heard from many black people who think reparations are just another way of holding black people down and victimizing them even more. All people in this country have an equal opportunity to succeed or fail depending on their talent and effort, even redneck hillbillies.

I personally know an individual who was born in poverty in the mountains of Appalachia who spoke with a definite “hillbilly” accent, was basically uneducated, and for whom college was just not available. When he was barely out of high school, he joined the Army and got to see how the rest of the world lived. After the army he took himself out to California. When he saw how those people lived he decided that to fit in and be successful he had to learn how to speak like they did. So he watched TV and listened to the radio trying to change his accent. Eventually he was able to pull it off and went on to achieve a modicum of success. He was further helped greatly by finding a beautiful young lady who put up with his hillbilly ways and worked hard to make a presentable man out of him. Granted this guy is white but I assure you his skin color had nothing to do with his success. Don’t get me wrong. Many of his friends and associates in the country were successful. Most never left but that was their choice.

The point of this example is that success is available to anybody in this country regardless of their beginnings. I personally know many outstanding black people who have achieved success beyond their wildest dreams by hard work and dedication. I also know some folks, both black and white who are still waiting for someone to come along and give them success. For some reason that train never seems to stop. 

As I see it, we have choices in this world.  We can choose to be successful or we can abdicate and just exist. It’s really up to us individually. We can either provide or be provided for. The color of our skin should not ever be a reason for our success or our failure. Neither should our history be a factor. I can tell you for a fact that hillbillies are looked down on. I can attest to the fact that a person with a hillbilly accent is usually considered to be less than intelligent. Don’t tell Jeff Foxworthy that though. He might wonder if you are actually a redneck. 

I oppose reparations of any kind. I suggest you do the same. We, the people, don’t owe any such payment and the proposed recipients aren’t due any such payment. It is nothing more than ridiculous political pandering.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


There is some stuff that really amazes and astounds me. Every time I think it can’t get any crazier, something else comes along that causes me to scratch my head.

The news reported today that because California is now a state which has legalized the “recreational” use of marijuana, convicts in prison can now possess it. Now they can’t actually smoke it, but they can possess it. What idiot liberal decided on this? What do you suppose the chances are that a person convicted and serving time in prison who possesses marijuana couldn’t figure out a way to light up? I have a friend who opined that Bill Clinton had to have a hand in this decision because the convicts can’t inhale. This must have made perfect sense to him.

Did you know that several holding stations on our southern border are now quarantined? It seems that many of the illegal aliens invading our country are bringing with them diseases we have long ago gotten a handle on. Chief among these diseases is chicken pox and mumps. TB has also been reported. Many of these aliens have come from all over the world where they have never heard of preventative vaccines. And the Democrats in Congress don’t think we have a problem. I think we should pack up a bunch of these illegals and move them into the basements of the morons in Congress who think there is no problem. Do you think they might reconsider it then?

This next little ditty will blow your mind. In Los Angeles there are miles and miles of homeless camps. They are bordering major roadways and residential areas. These homeless areas do not have running water or bathroom facilities. The people are living in filth and with open sewage. Well guess what? Typhoid fever has now emerged. Typhoid fever, a disease of the 1500s caused by the lack of sewers and clean water. Thousands of people have died down through the ages caused by this nemesis. Many, many of these homeless people are illegal aliens who broke into this country and because of California’s “sanctuary” policy have been largely ignored by law enforcement. The next problem is that several police officers have resigned because of the danger of this disease. Good job Mayor Eric Garcetti as you represent your sanctuary city in your sanctuary state. All you people need is a few more billionaires leaving your state before your tax base goes completely to zero. Oh, and don’t expect the rest of the country to bail you out.

In case you think I am just picking on California, no, no. New York and Virginia have passed laws allowing post-birth abortion. That literally means that a baby can be born alive, at term, and then killed. And they call this women’s health? What about the baby’s health? Is the baby not a person? If a baby is going to be that inconvenient to you, keep your clothes on. Murder is murder by any name.

And in that same vein, Hollywood has decided that they must boycott Georgia because of the bill signed into law by Governor Kemp called the “heartbeat” abortion law. In other words, if a heartbeat can be detected, it would then be illegal to abort that infant. The Los Angeles City Council has even decided to forbid travel to Georgia by any city employee on business. Really? Do you promise? Do any of you morons think Georgians give a fat rat’s patootie that you won’t come and visit us? Think about it.

As a traditional American I am truly amazed by some of the stuff I covered in this piece and I didn’t even get to the part where schools are going to be required to have co-ed showers because some kids just can’t decide whether they are girls or boys. What could possibly go wrong with that deal? This I promise you. There is a price to be paid for stupidity. You’ll see.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t want to see President Trump impeached, she wants to see him in jail and she made that ridiculous comment while he was in England on a State visit in violation of every political norm we adhere to. Hmmm. Let’s see now. What does it take to put someone into prison? First you have to commit a crime. Then you have to be indicted, arrested, tried, found guilty based on evidence, convicted by a jury of your peers, and subsequently sentenced by a judge. Attention Speaker Pelosi. It might come as a shock to you but this isn’t some third world banana republic. We are a country of laws. What is needed to put someone in prison is listed above and all you are missing is all of them.

Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t make them a criminal. Just because someone beats you in a free election, that doesn’t constitute a crime. Just because someone is instituting policies that prove conclusively that your policies have been wrong all along, doesn’t make him a criminal. It instead points out the folly of the Democrat position on almost everything.

Wake up and look around you. You represent a district that is an embarrassment to all of America. The once beautiful city of San Francisco is now a ghetto. I used to love to travel there and eat in some great restaurants. No more. I wouldn’t run my sheep through San Francisco today for fear they would be contaminated by that environment.

The Democrat Party, which you control almost single handedly, is largely responsible for an invasion at our southern border that goes unabated and only gets worse every day. This country is watching you. You and your co-respondents are failing at your jobs. Worse than that, your failures are encouraging even more illegality. These illegal immigrants are not going to be Democrat voters. They are much more likely to be inmates in jail or at least deported.

Here’s a thought. Why don’t you try to figure out a way to be supportive of our President instead of the nonsense and disrespect you are showing. You are a Representative of America, not Mexico. You do not negotiate for this country. That’s the president’s job. In the recent past, you could have faced serious consequences for your actions.

The entire Congress seems to be a covey of clowns so deeply ingrained in politics that they cannot do the work they were hired to do. The Democrats in Congress are trying to get a raise. Raise? I think we should fire the whole bunch and start over with patriots of both parties. Patriots who put America first and are respectful of whomever the President is. We have serious problems that are far more important than phony investigations of any opposing point of view. We have investigated enough.

To show you how ridiculous this all has become and how some people are interpreting this, I just read a letter to the editor in my local paper that offered this opinion. The writer believes both Trump and Pence will be impeached, found guilty by the Republican controlled Senate, removed from office, thereby making Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, the next President. She would then name Hillary Clinton as Vice President, resign in favor of retaining her spot as the Speaker and make Hillary president. The writer then opined that would put the country back on the road to recovery. As you can see from this letter, wing nuts live everywhere, even here in the deep south.

I don’t know what this idiot is smoking, but they should guard their stash. It is much too potent to get into the hands of mere mortals. Look what it did to this one.

Speaker Pelosi, your days as Speaker are numbered and you know it. Be graceful. Be respectful. Go out like a lady. Bake cookies, tend your flower garden, join a book club. Anything, just leave this country alone.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

JUNE 6, 1944

I was three years old. But what happened on that day has affected me and everybody else in this world. The readers of this blog know clearly the meaning of “D-Day.” I am troubled though by how many people, mostly younger people, who don’t really know or understand the meaning of this most important date in the history of the world.

We should thank God for men like General Dwight D. Eisenhower and for his foresight and genius in the planning and implementation of this historic invasion of Europe. He knew a lot of people would never return. He knew he was sending young people to their death. But he also knew what was at stake.

D-Day was the beginning of the end of Adolf Hitler and his murderous regime. It was the beginning of the end of his arrogant belief that he would rule the world. It was the beginning of the liberation of France, Belgium, England, and all of western Europe. But it came with a huge price tag.

All over Europe blood and body parts were strewn in the cause of freedom. There are cemeteries filled to the brim with the heroes of that great invasion. Some might say, “What a waste of young lives.” Not the older French citizens who to this day celebrate the Allied soldiers who came to their rescue. The huge cemetery at Normandy is chief among the final resting places of American men and women and their allies who gave their all. Many older Europeans still remember and pay their respect.

As I look out on the world of today, I wonder how many young people, especially college students, even know about D-Day. I fear that because they have never known anything but prosperity, peace, and IPhones, they have no idea of the sacrifice that was given that allows them the freedom they enjoy and take for granted. They loll about sipping on a cup of coffee that cost their parents over five dollars contemplating a future of ease and pleasure without a thought as to how this all came about. That is sad.

To me it’s sad that today’s youngsters don’t have to face a military draft. They don’t have to plan their lives around the possibility of a couple of years of conscripted service to their country. If they did, perhaps they might pay closer attention to what freedom costs. If they did, perhaps they might appreciate more what they take for granted. Freedom is not free. If they had to put on the uniform of their country and do their share to insure our freedom continues, they might see us in a different way.

We must never forget the soldiers and sailors who died for our freedom. We must never forget the holocaust where millions of “inconvenient” people were exterminated by a mad man. We must never forget what can happen when good people stand by and let evil take hold. Don’t think for a moment that it could never happen again. It could.

Today’s military stands guard against tyrants and evil doers. Today’s military stands ready to fight or to help. Our WWII veterans have been called the greatest generation and I don’t disagree, but youngsters of today who give up their relative life of ease to enter the service are rapidly becoming the next greatest generation. God bless them all.

Ron Scarbro