Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t want to see President Trump impeached, she wants to see him in jail and she made that ridiculous comment while he was in England on a State visit in violation of every political norm we adhere to. Hmmm. Let’s see now. What does it take to put someone into prison? First you have to commit a crime. Then you have to be indicted, arrested, tried, found guilty based on evidence, convicted by a jury of your peers, and subsequently sentenced by a judge. Attention Speaker Pelosi. It might come as a shock to you but this isn’t some third world banana republic. We are a country of laws. What is needed to put someone in prison is listed above and all you are missing is all of them.

Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t make them a criminal. Just because someone beats you in a free election, that doesn’t constitute a crime. Just because someone is instituting policies that prove conclusively that your policies have been wrong all along, doesn’t make him a criminal. It instead points out the folly of the Democrat position on almost everything.

Wake up and look around you. You represent a district that is an embarrassment to all of America. The once beautiful city of San Francisco is now a ghetto. I used to love to travel there and eat in some great restaurants. No more. I wouldn’t run my sheep through San Francisco today for fear they would be contaminated by that environment.

The Democrat Party, which you control almost single handedly, is largely responsible for an invasion at our southern border that goes unabated and only gets worse every day. This country is watching you. You and your co-respondents are failing at your jobs. Worse than that, your failures are encouraging even more illegality. These illegal immigrants are not going to be Democrat voters. They are much more likely to be inmates in jail or at least deported.

Here’s a thought. Why don’t you try to figure out a way to be supportive of our President instead of the nonsense and disrespect you are showing. You are a Representative of America, not Mexico. You do not negotiate for this country. That’s the president’s job. In the recent past, you could have faced serious consequences for your actions.

The entire Congress seems to be a covey of clowns so deeply ingrained in politics that they cannot do the work they were hired to do. The Democrats in Congress are trying to get a raise. Raise? I think we should fire the whole bunch and start over with patriots of both parties. Patriots who put America first and are respectful of whomever the President is. We have serious problems that are far more important than phony investigations of any opposing point of view. We have investigated enough.

To show you how ridiculous this all has become and how some people are interpreting this, I just read a letter to the editor in my local paper that offered this opinion. The writer believes both Trump and Pence will be impeached, found guilty by the Republican controlled Senate, removed from office, thereby making Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, the next President. She would then name Hillary Clinton as Vice President, resign in favor of retaining her spot as the Speaker and make Hillary president. The writer then opined that would put the country back on the road to recovery. As you can see from this letter, wing nuts live everywhere, even here in the deep south.

I don’t know what this idiot is smoking, but they should guard their stash. It is much too potent to get into the hands of mere mortals. Look what it did to this one.

Speaker Pelosi, your days as Speaker are numbered and you know it. Be graceful. Be respectful. Go out like a lady. Bake cookies, tend your flower garden, join a book club. Anything, just leave this country alone.

Ron Scarbro

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