Thursday, October 29, 2020


This will be my last column before Election Day. I have done everything in my power to help produce the right outcome. I have already voted and of course I voted for Trump. To me it was an easy decision.


I believe Biden is a crook. I believe, along with his son, Hunter, he has pocketed millions of dollars illegally, and lied about all of it. I believe most people in this country will never hear the evidence that proves beyond a doubt that he is guilty. The media refuses to report anything that would hurt Biden's chances because they are all in the same boat.


I don't know why. I wish I did. I cannot figure out how Democrat tax-and-spend policies benefit the media.


Did you hear Biden's prediction at the last debate? He said we are headed for a dark winter. I guarantee if Biden is elected, we will in fact be headed for a dark winter. For reasons I cannot understand, liberals see everything as negative. Trump, on the other hand, has a very positive outlook on everything. He is the picture of optimism. 


Speaking of optimism, we will probably have the long awaited vaccine very shortly. It will be available quickly because Trump accelerated the process. Do you suppose Obama will take credit for that too? That vaccine will put Covid 19 on the same status as other flus.


This is going to be very tough on the would-be Dictators like some governors who have made real ugly names for themselves. They will have no place to hide. Their stupid decisions will come back on them big time. 


I am writing this on Sunday ahead of the Senate confirmation vote on our newest Justice, Amy Coney Barrett.  Regardless of the outcome of the election, the Supreme Court will finally be in a position to return to the Constitution for our laws. It is clear the Democrats don't want a Supreme Court with Justices who believe in the actual words as written in our Constitution. Barrett's confirmation makes it much more difficult for them to change this country into their radical idea of a socialist form of government. Thank you President Trump.


So, where do we go from here? Like most of you I have lived through many elections. I have learned that America is stronger than any one politician. America is stronger than any single administration. We are stronger than any one election. We will survive regardless of who serves as President the next four years.


If Biden is the choice of the voters, we will be able to show once again how socialism doesn't work. Even if he is elected, he doubtless will not serve the entire four year term and that is not good news. Harris is a true moron who owes her soul to radical lefties. 


If you haven't voted yet, it is crystal clear for whom you should cast your ballot. I don't want to look forward to a dark winter. I'm more into a bright, sunny spring. The decision is in the hands of the American people. Please God, help them make the right decision.


Ron Scarbro October 25, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Sunday was my eightieth birthday. I have seen and experienced a lot in these eighty years. Some of it has been good and of course some has been bad. I think of all the great discoveries and accomplishments that have happened in these last eighty years. I think of how the world has changed. 


When I was a young child, we lived very near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. That was the place where our country was developing the atomic bomb. We all knew that our enemies would try to destroy our facilities there. That was quite frightening to a young child. Of course the "red menace" kept their distance and we did indeed come up with a great weapon which all but guaranteed total annihilation if we ever had to use it. Well, we did use it and brought Japan to her knees thereby saving thousands of lives, both Allies and Japanese. 


I remember polio. We weren't allowed to wade in wading pools because we might get polio. Polio was a dreadful disease and then along comes Jonas Salk with a vaccine and polio is all but eliminated. Many, many killer diseases have been neutered over these past years. Leukemia scared me as much as any disease. Especially when I was blessed to have children. Danny Thomas built St. Judes and while the disease has not been cured, it is no longer an automatic death sentence. How fortunate we are to live in this time. 


Politics has changed a lot also. In my earlier time, politicians were cordial and respectful to each other and to their constituents. I remember Republican President Ronald Reagan and his relationship with Democrat Tip O'Neill. They spent hours together over adult beverages working out the issues facing the country. Wow, has that ever changed. Both sides of the aisle seem hell bent on the destruction of the other side. The "loyal opposition" has disappeared. 


Today our President is treated with such disrespect that we should all be embarrassed. Open sedition and treason seem to be okay. Ever since Trump was elected, an all-out effort has been put forth to get rid of him. Lying and conjuring up phony dossiers were used. Creating tales about Russian involvement were widely distributed. It all fell apart when the truth finally came out. Trump has survived and is probably more popular now than ever. 


High government officials have committed Federal crimes, lied to courts, spied illegally, and done everything they can to change the outcome of a legitimate election. It all disgusts me. It is my fervent hope that these guilty officials are brought to justice, and soon.


On the positive side, medicine has greatly improved. In the year of my birth, 1940, eighty-year-old people were quite rare. Now they are among the fastest growing population in America and in the world. Personally, I have an artificial shoulder and knee. My ankle is held together with screws and metal bands. I wear eyeglasses, have hearing aids, some false teeth, and sleep with a CPAP machine because of sleep apnea. Eighty years ago they probably would have just put me down. I believe today that I have many more years of life left in me thanks in large measure to modern medicine.


Intellectually I know that most of my life is behind me, and I have loved all of it. It has been a great life. I don't know what is ahead of me, but I plan to live and enjoy all that is left. 


I worry about my country and the growth of socialism, though. Young people today have no idea how destructive such a form of government is. This country may well have to find out the hard way. I hope not. 


I wish you well and pray for the best.


Ron Scarbro October 20, 2020


Thursday, October 15, 2020


I saw a black gentleman on TV the other day who was wearing a shirt that caught my eye. It was a black T-shirt with this printed on it, "Black Dads Matter." At first glance it looked like the typical Black Lives Matter shirt. But it was a shirt with a much different message, a message that needs to be loud and clear. 


All dads matter. Many, if not most of these young thugs, both black and white, come from fatherless homes.  A father is more than just a sperm donor. He's more than just financial support. A father is an integral part of the whole family dynamic. It seems that more and more children, especially black children, are born into fatherless homes. 


In the "lesser" animal kingdom males breed any receptive female available.  When did that become okay in the human race? In that lesser kingdom offspring are basically left to their own devices. Sadly the same seems to be true in fatherless homes. In many communities we see feral kids looking for ways to get into trouble and they usually don't have to look that far. Homes without the influence of a loving father invites gang involvement. 


For black lives to truly matter, black dads have to matter. Unless and until the black family becomes whole again, nothing much is going to change. 


Nancy Pelosi, you are an embarrassment to this country. Democrats, you should hang your heads. In her moronic brain she has conjured up yet another fantasy. This time she intends to remove President Trump under the 25th Amendment of the Constitution. She, in her medical wisdom, has concluded that Trump has been addled and compromised by the medicine he was prescribed for his coronavirus exposure and therefore incapable of discharging his duties as President. This in the face of the most famous doctors in this country pronouncing him fully capable of returning to work and to the campaign trail. I didn't know Nancy was a doctor too. What an idiot. Democrats, do you realize she is speaking for you? She tried impeachment and that blew up in her face. They tried the Russia hoax and that was a joke. When will she learn she's just not that smart? Pelosi might want to actually read the Amendment. 


President Trump has just declassified boxes full of material which will be a major problem for Hillary, Obama, Biden, and a lot of top people at the FBI and Justice Dept. You all know my position. I want to see orange jumpsuits and perp walks. Senators, AG Barr, are you listening? Unless you prosecute these criminals, you are basically saying treason and insurrection are okay. We, the people, are watching you. Don't disappoint us again. Like you, we all know criminal acts when we see them. Let's get the indictments going. Your failure to act is making it more possible for a Biden victory. The idea sticks in my mouth.


Finally, the national media is an insult to the intelligence of the American people. They refuse to even try to pin Biden down on anything. Asking him what kind of a tree would he like to be is not a probing question. How he is going to control the radicals in his party might be a bit more informative. How involved was he in Hunter Biden's criminal acts? How much of those Ukrainian and Chinese millions flowed into Joe's bank account? Curious people would like to know.


Anybody with an ounce of sense understands Biden is mentally incapable of the Presidency. A vote for him is actually a vote for Harris and the puppeteers who control her. She said recently that if Trump announced a vaccine was ready for Covid that she wouldn't take it because she doesn't trust Trump. Is she really that stupid? Can the voters in this country be that stupid? I hope not.


Only you can prevent this tragedy.


Ron Scarbro October 14, 2020



Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Back in 2016 I voted for Donald Trump for a number of reasons. First among them was there was no way I would ever have entrusted my country to the likes of Hillary Clinton. That was never going to happen.


Another of the main reasons I voted for Trump was the Supreme Court. I felt he might have the opportunity to name maybe two new Justices. Honestly I didn't think Scalia's seat would need to be filled but it turned out that way. 


Trump didn't disappoint. He named two brilliant, Constitutionalist judges to the Court. Well, it happened again. Ginzberg died and opened up another seat on the Court. The President followed the law and the Constitution and named a replacement to the Court. 


The Democrats are screaming foul. If I were in their shoes and had the world view that they have, I'd be screaming too. But it's not going to matter. The new Justice will be installed on the Court. 


The talking heads say that would give the Court a six to three conservative majority. What? I thought the Supreme Court was supposed to be non-political. Sadly, over the years the Court has become quite political. Of course, when the Court had a liberal majority, the Dems kept their mouths shut. Now, it will be a conservative for many years to come. 


Not so fast, say the Dems. We will just win the Presidency, take a majority in the Senate, and then we will pack the court. We will add more Justices until we have our liberal majority again. And, by the way, under the Constitution, the number of Justices is up to the Senate if the President doesn't veto their plan. FDR tried to pack the Court during his term but was denied by the Senate. 


Here's the problem. First the Dems have to win the White House and the Senate to have their wish. Then, as soon as the Republicans take those offices back, they will pack the Court even more to regain a conservative majority. So, what is gained? Politicians seem never to be able to connect the dots. 


Here's a thought. Why don't we just obey the law and follow the dictates of the Constitution? The reality is that Amy Barret will be confirmed and seated on the Court. And, because of this conservative, Constitutionally directed majority, America will be the winner.


We will continue to face serious situations going forward. Liberal policies have unleashed radicals who seem intent on tearing down our entire economic system. Godless socialism has again reared its ugly head. We, the people, are going to have to be heard and soon. Not now and not ever will we allow our government to be destroyed. 


We need to rid our educational system of the morons who have wormed their way into positions of authority. We need to be teaching true American history and civics. I think a majority of college students today have no idea how our economy works. I also don't think they know anything about our politics. 


To those of you who think these youngsters will be our future leaders, I've got some bad news for you. Most of them couldn't flip hamburgers at Burger King or qualify to enter the military either physically or mentally let alone govern free people. You don't have to look far to prove my point. Look at the major cities currently being run by liberal politicians. Does anybody really believe Newsome or DiBlasio or the Mayor of Seattle could even feed themselves without help?


It is past time for some honesty. Our country works because Americans work. Our country works because most Americans are responsible, hard working citizens.


Having said all this we still have to consider how we will survive if Trump isn't reelected. With the selection of Barrett to the Court, he has given this country a great gift. With the policies he has put in place and the appointments to the courts he has made, it will be difficult for Biden to reverse the work President Trump has done. He will have left us in a good place. 


Ron Scarbro October 5, 2020