Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Finally the Mueller report is finished and submitted to the Attorney General. Initial reports are that there are no more indictments or charges coming, so we can assume all of those suspected of being guilty of crimes have already been indicted. Some outlier individuals around the president have been arrested for crimes real and imagined. The President himself has not been charged with anything regarding collusion or obstruction. So, what do you think? Is our country safer now? Did we get our money’s worth from this witch hunt? Could the millions spent on the investigation been used elsewhere?

This investigation always was politically motivated. From the beginning of the investigation I said it was all a fabrication created by the Hillary campaign in an attempt to explain why she lost the election. None of them could believe she was actually the poorer choice for the country. Well, she was and the country made the proper decision. Our system worked and apparently the Democrats just cannot accept the will of the American people. If 2016 was hard on them, just wait until 2020. When Trump beats whichever candidate the Dems run and wins overwhelmingly, what will they do then? They will be in a much more difficult position because they will also lose their majority in the House. I predict wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

Here is what is obvious today. For the last two years we have been lied to by the Democrats and the mainstream media. They bought into a lie from the Hillary people and ran with it. We have just witnessed a two year effort to find crimes that never existed and criminals which were nothing more than figments of the imagination of Trump haters. Now the Democrats say the Mueller report was just the beginning and now they will continue to investigate. My question is, how much are the taxpayers of this country willing to spend chasing Democrat fantasies and lies? Trump won and Hillary lost. Deal with it.

This is what should now happen. Immediate prosecution of the liars from the Obama and the Clinton camps who foisted this nonsense on us for the past two years. I would like to see orange jumpsuits made ranging from very tall, Comey, to short and pudgy, Hillary, to several medium to stout for all the rest. This country needs to see these lawbreakers punished so we can begin to rebuild our confidence in the Justice Department and the FBI.

America is a country built on the principle of fairness. We believe in law and order. We select our representatives and leaders through a tried and proven process of elections. That has carried us for the last nearly three hundred years and it isn’t going to end just because a few disgruntled Democrats and Socialists can’t win an election. We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights which has guided us since our beginnings and it will continue to do so. If the liberals and Socialists want to change the rules, there is a process laid out in the Constitution for that process. Good luck with that.

In the meantime how about we require the Congress to get back to work on real issues. Let’s take care of border security. Let’s enact fair and equitable laws dealing with people who want to legally immigrate to this country. Let’s properly fund the VA. We have enough real issues without wasting time and money on loser’s fantasies. We have infrastructure problems that need attention. Get busy doing the job you were elected to do.  

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


So, let’s see now. If you are rich and famous, mostly rich, you can buy you kid’s admission into virtually any prestigious university or college you wish. You can even buy qualifying scores on the admission tests. I now have found out that for the right money you can get your kid a spot on an athletic team whether that kid had ever even played that sport or any sport for that matter. Hmmm. Does that mean that money talks? Does that mean that the “golden rule” is really whoever has the gold makes the rules? It sure seems that way.

What if you, a normal person of average means, with average intellectual accomplishment, having average skills at sports, or in other words, like most of us? Does this put you at some disadvantage? You bet your life it does. It means that, if a university has just so many open spots for admission, those spots are reserved for the highest bidder rather than those most deserving of admission. It cheapens the entire process as well as the diploma from those schools.

What then are our students learning? Are they learning the material necessary for a career? If their goal is to become a doctor or a nurse, is it important that they know the difference between an enema and a tongue depressor? If their goal is to serve in Congress and on important committees that deal with our economy, is it necessary they master the principles of economics? Does that remind you of anyone?

Maybe what they are learning is that cheaters do prosper. Maybe they are learning that the diploma from certain universities is more important than what they might learn in class. Maybe they are learning that if you are rich enough, you can travel through life as a complete moron, survive, and even prosper.

The whole concept has a lot of pitfalls. Consider, if you will, you buy good test scores for your child and you then pay off some shyster college official to get that child into, say, Yale. How in the world can that child possibly hold their own amidst students who are actually qualified to be there? Does it mean that the entire educational level of the classroom has to be reduced to include individuals who could never understand the material? How is that helpful to education?

Lying and cheating have become second nature today. From fudging the numbers on your Income tax return to the highest levels of government. From businesses who sell inferior products, some even dangerous, to advertisers who tell you anything to get you to buy these products.

Why wouldn’t some people cheat to get a prestigious diploma? There seems to be no downside. Why wouldn’t some cheat to get rich? Why wouldn’t some people cheat to get elected? Why wouldn’t aging athletes cheat by taking performance enhancing drugs to extend their playing days? Is there a penalty for this activity?

Well, I’m here to tell you there is a downside. There is a judgement day. We all have heard of rich, seemingly successful people who suffer serious depression. Some even commit suicide. I believe a lot of that can be laid at the feet of a life of cheating. Some individuals know they don’t deserve the success they have had. Many athletes who extend their playing lives, suffer terrible injury when their bodies can’t take the punishment. Trying to cheat Mother Nature is never a good idea.

As a child I was taught that cheaters never prosper. Even though some seem to get away with it, I still maintain that cheating will eventually catch up with you. Cheating for your kids is actually cheating your kids. You are denying them the opportunity to fail and to learn from that failure. At some point in their lives they will have to face reality.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


What a week. So much has happened that it is difficult to zero in on one or two issues.

There now seems to be a movement among some “millennials” to forego having any children. The reason? They believe, due to global warming, the earth will end in twelve years so it doesn’t make any sense to create new life. They are offering this protest as a threat to the political leaders because they won’t address global warming and climate change.

I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you young ladies, but the world doesn’t care that you may not choose to have any children. In fact, some, like me, would probably prefer that people who think like you do refrain from inflicting any offspring on this earth who also might think the same way. You have accepted a religion based on junk science. Your children would almost certainly feel the same way.

I cannot count how many times in my life I have been told the world is coming to an end. From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore to the current crop of doomsday fear mongers, the nonsense never seems to end. I have lived through so many deadlines already so I just have a real problem believing any of this. Here is a fact you can take to the bank. The day you die, this world ends for you. Period.

Also, this week the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican party didn’t disappoint. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez informed the world through a news conference that she is the boss. And because she is the boss, this freshman Congresswoman with two months on the job, has decided to make certain any Democrat who doesn’t vote for her ideas and issues will be turned out of office because she will see to it. She is keeping a “list.” By the way, she was elected because the total voter turnout in her district was 9%. Had any of her opponent’s supporters believed she could win, they would have voted and Alexandria would be back tending bar. I am confident they won’t make that same mistake in the next election.

The next gift to the Republicans, freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar continued to spew her anti-Semitism. American Jews are paying attention to this idiot. The Democrats are going to continue to suffer the loss of Jews from their party because of Omar and the lack of a corrective response from the Democrat leadership. Omar’s loyalty is obviously to the home of her birth rather than the home which gave her everything including a job in the Congress. Here’s the deal Ilhan, if you prefer Somalia, move back there. Trust me, we won’t miss you.

And finally the next gift that keeps on giving was foisted on America by the Democrats in Detroit, Rashida Tlaib. This freshman Congresswoman identifies herself as a Palestinian. The problem with that is, there is no such place on this earth as Palestine. Again, this young lady, famous for her potty mouth, seems to have more loyalty to some mythical country in the Middle East than this country.

As I have mentioned, these are truly gifts to Donald Trump and subsequently to the American people.

The liberal media was breathless as they reported on the makeup of the new Congress and how diversified it was. Well diverse it is but, the future will decide whether that diversity is good or just ridiculous. Or whether it will just guarantee the reelection of Trump.

Pelosi obviously has lost control of her own party. Just more gifts to the American people. The farther the left takes the Democrats to the rim of the cliff, the sooner they disappear from the horizon. It couldn’t happen soon enough for me.

Ron Scarbro

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


I have a sign over my desk which says, “I’m not arguing with you. I’m just explaining why I am right.” That is basically the motto of any opinion writer. Most would say that my opinions are from the right side of the political spectrum. I would agree with that assessment because in my view the opposite of right is wrong, so why wouldn’t I think that way?

As we enter this political season preparing for the 2020 Presidential election, we see a lot of wrong political opinions. So far there is a huge bunch of Democrats out there who believe they are the best people for the job of President. This column is in no way an argument against any of them. It will instead be an explanation of why I am right to oppose any and all of them.

So far, without identifying any one of them in particular, as a group they seem to be offering the following, legalized marijuana, free medical care for everybody, free college for everybody, termination of ICE, opening the borders of this country to anybody from anywhere, getting rid of police officers, and greatly curtailing our military. Then there is their “green new deal”. That calls for the elimination of air travel, the use of any fossil fuels, and the elimination of methane producing animals including cattle and laying hens, and paying people not to work. Then we could all just sit around in their socialist paradise, unemployed, getting stoned, and be taken care of for the rest of our lives while eating fresh salads or just grazing in the nearby fields. Oh, don’t worry about how we are going to pay for all this. After all we are the richest country in the world and we can afford it.

Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, what happens when the money runs out? Much of the country’s “wealth” is in the form of profitable companies and their real estate holdings. If no one is working or producing anything, where are our goods going to come from? Why would real estate be of value if there are no buyers? In other words, in this new socialist “paradise” all of the wealth would disappear. And guess what. While it is great to have a dollar bill in your pocket, I don’t think you would enjoy eating it. Somebody has to produce the food we eat and the clothes we wear. Someone has to build the dwellings in which we live. And this one thought. How would you like to go to a doctor who is forced by the government to practice medicine but is paid the same as a field laborer? Somehow I don’t think his heart would be in it.

The point of all this is simple. It is past time we confronted the morons who spew out this nonsense and call it “fundamentally changing our way of living.”  They need to be publicly ridiculed for the idiots they are.

America is indeed the shining mansion on the hill and has been since our beginning. Why do you think the rest of the world is trying to escape their cesspool countries to come here? Yes we are wealthy, but how do you think that happened? It is because of our traditions. It is because we have always rewarded exceptionalism. We have always recognized and rewarded talent. Historically we have turned out entrepreneurs willing to take chances with their ideas. The good ones have produced the wealth that the left now seems determined to confiscate.

Again, as the bearer of bad news I gotta tell you, it ain’t gonna happen. Unless the Democrat party gets a handle on this bunch of candidates, the whole party is in serious danger of disappearing from the face of the earth. Oh, and I’ll be over here eating a big, rare, steak with eggs.

Ron Scarbro