Wednesday, March 13, 2019


What a week. So much has happened that it is difficult to zero in on one or two issues.

There now seems to be a movement among some “millennials” to forego having any children. The reason? They believe, due to global warming, the earth will end in twelve years so it doesn’t make any sense to create new life. They are offering this protest as a threat to the political leaders because they won’t address global warming and climate change.

I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you young ladies, but the world doesn’t care that you may not choose to have any children. In fact, some, like me, would probably prefer that people who think like you do refrain from inflicting any offspring on this earth who also might think the same way. You have accepted a religion based on junk science. Your children would almost certainly feel the same way.

I cannot count how many times in my life I have been told the world is coming to an end. From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore to the current crop of doomsday fear mongers, the nonsense never seems to end. I have lived through so many deadlines already so I just have a real problem believing any of this. Here is a fact you can take to the bank. The day you die, this world ends for you. Period.

Also, this week the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican party didn’t disappoint. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez informed the world through a news conference that she is the boss. And because she is the boss, this freshman Congresswoman with two months on the job, has decided to make certain any Democrat who doesn’t vote for her ideas and issues will be turned out of office because she will see to it. She is keeping a “list.” By the way, she was elected because the total voter turnout in her district was 9%. Had any of her opponent’s supporters believed she could win, they would have voted and Alexandria would be back tending bar. I am confident they won’t make that same mistake in the next election.

The next gift to the Republicans, freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar continued to spew her anti-Semitism. American Jews are paying attention to this idiot. The Democrats are going to continue to suffer the loss of Jews from their party because of Omar and the lack of a corrective response from the Democrat leadership. Omar’s loyalty is obviously to the home of her birth rather than the home which gave her everything including a job in the Congress. Here’s the deal Ilhan, if you prefer Somalia, move back there. Trust me, we won’t miss you.

And finally the next gift that keeps on giving was foisted on America by the Democrats in Detroit, Rashida Tlaib. This freshman Congresswoman identifies herself as a Palestinian. The problem with that is, there is no such place on this earth as Palestine. Again, this young lady, famous for her potty mouth, seems to have more loyalty to some mythical country in the Middle East than this country.

As I have mentioned, these are truly gifts to Donald Trump and subsequently to the American people.

The liberal media was breathless as they reported on the makeup of the new Congress and how diversified it was. Well diverse it is but, the future will decide whether that diversity is good or just ridiculous. Or whether it will just guarantee the reelection of Trump.

Pelosi obviously has lost control of her own party. Just more gifts to the American people. The farther the left takes the Democrats to the rim of the cliff, the sooner they disappear from the horizon. It couldn’t happen soon enough for me.

Ron Scarbro

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