Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Why are liberals always so mad? Take a look at Bernie Sanders. Have you ever seen him smile? Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are always scowling and just visibly angry. Perhaps if you had the world view that they have, you would be mad too. It could be that they know in their heart of hearts that they are fighting a losing battle and it is just a matter of time until it is all over for them. Or it could be that they understand that Trump’s programs are working and their plans have proven time and again not to work. That’s enough to bring a frown to any liberal’s face.

I actually know a few liberals personally and even communicate with them. We don’t usually talk about the future however. Liberals seem to have a negative idea of the future. What a terrible way to live. 

Listen to Bernie. Everything is bad and getting worse, and he actually believes it. The same with Joe Biden. The problem with these folks is that they don’t want to be confused with any facts. They seem to prefer the world they live in. Where did all this thinking come from? This isn’t America. America is a shining city on a hill, not the pit of despair these liberals believe it to be.

Conservatives, on the other hand, seem to have a more positive attitude about the world in general. Look at Trump. Even with the entire Democrat party trying to come down on his head, he still smiles broadly. His world view is completely different from that of the Democrats. I think this comes from the confidence of knowing. 

So, what do conservatives know that gives them such confidence? Well they know that the programs that have been put into effect by the Trump Administration work. They know that personal responsibility is necessary in a free society and they are capable of being responsible. They know that having a job beats being on the government dole. 

For years I have tried to determine the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Liberals don’t. Conservatives believe in the rule of law. Liberals don’t. Conservatives believe there should be some restraint on one’s actions. Liberals don’t. I know some liberal folks who, given the opportunity, would lay on their sofa, smoking dope, drawing a government check, and never even think about getting an actual job. Conservative people would shudder at the thought of not being able to earn their own living. 

I lived in the California Bay Area during my early twenties. I watched the onset of the hippie movement. I remember seeing large groups of them in San Francisco standing on a corner and I could smell them from quite a distance. You see, they didn’t believe in bathing. This was the beginning of today’s liberal movement. They didn’t want any rules. They wanted to just travel through life doing whatever they pleased, whenever they pleased. Bathing was for other people. Jobs were for suckers. Besides it all got in the way of their preferred way of living which was total freedom with no restraints.

Fortunately, that way of living faded into the dust, but remnants have remained. Some of these hippies had offspring and some of these offspring grew up and became actual adults. The problem is they brought some of their parent’s thinking with them into adulthood. Today’s San Francisco is an example of what I am talking about.

I believe today’s liberals were spawned by hippie thinking. Bernie Sanders lived on welfare for most of his early adulthood. He is nothing more than an aging hippie and his thinking is dangerous to freedom loving people everywhere. 

This country needs responsible people to get busy and send these flakes back to their hippie pads and out of public life. Then we all can smile.

Ron Scarbro February 25, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


The Democrats have a dilemma. They know that none of their announced candidates for President can beat incumbent Donald Trump. Worse than that, they also know that if Sanders wins the nomination, he will split the Democrats beyond any means of recovery. Their original hope that Biden would be their champion has proven to be faulty. Biden’s age and lack of any real political skill is showing every day. They know that avowed homosexual Buttigeig cannot win a national election. Warren was always a joke. Billionaire Steyer is a political neophyte and it shows. Bloomberg comes off as a hateful old man who really isn’t gaining the kind of traction he would need to win any national election. Besides, nobody wants government to tell them how much salt they can use or regulate the size of their soft drink.

When you add to that the simple fact that under Trump our economy is exploding, unemployment is at historic lows, and confidence is growing more every day. For Democrats, this is a dilemma. 

Did you hear James Carville? You may remember Carville as the Democrat operative who was key to the election of Bill Clinton. He is the one who famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Well he is going to be famous again. On a recent television talk show he said that some in the Democrat party seem to want to be in a cult. He was obviously referring to the socialist movement in the party and specifically Bernie Sanders. No doubt he was also talking about the “squad” and those who seem hell bent on taking over the Democrat party and moving it so far to the left that it goes over the cliff. Carville said he was not a cult kind of person. I’m pretty sure you are not alone, James. Bernie commented on hearing Carville’s thoughts that he was just a political hack. Politics is a tough business. 

Plainly stated, the Democrat party is in disarray.

I don’t want to think about it but, if Bernie Sanders even got the nomination to be President, the stock market would lose half of its value in a matter of days. Did you know that since Trump’s election it has gained over 11,000 points? Some say, so what. They don’t seem to understand that our entire economy as well as their jobs and way of life is directly affected by the stock market. The actual election of any socialist or even one who leans in that direction would put this country back to the dark ages. I could see real estate losing over half of its value and unemployment in double figures.

America needs to wake up. This leftist movement is designed to destroy this country as we know it. All the free stuff is nothing more than shiny objects meant to divert our attention away from the true motives of the socialists. 

The Democrats and their willing associates in the liberal leftist media have done everything in their power to get rid of this President. They have lied and continue to do so. They investigate, use special prosecutors, and even tried to impeach him. It didn’t work. 

Attention Democrats and the liberal media, in the last election sixty-three million people voted for Trump. I am sure some of those thought their vote was less than a ringing endorsement of Trump, but they voted anyway. Since Trump’s election and the almost miracle-like recovery our country has experienced, how many of those people do you suppose will vote for Trump in 2020? I’d say probably all those sixty-three million plus another thirty to forty million more. Who believes this country wants to return to the dismal days of Democrats in charge? Does anybody actually think this country would throw it all away for a moron like Bernie Sanders?

The Democrats know everything I just wrote is true and that’s called a dilemma.

Ron Scarbro February 15, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Everything they have tried has failed. From the Russian hoax to impeachment, nothing has worked. The reason is simple, it has all been a lie. No reasonably sane person actually believed Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to win an election. The Democrats pulled everything they could out of their dirty tricks bag and it all failed. 

The multimillion-dollar Mueller investigation proved to be just a silly, expensive exercise in futility. This, you may remember, was originated by FBI agents lying to the FISA court to get authority to spy on the Trump campaign. You should also remember that the so-called evidence offered to the court was from a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton which has since been proven to be all lies and made up from whole cloth by a disgraced British spy. 

All of this was clearly coordinated by higher ups in the Justice Department and the FBI. It may have even been run by the Obama Administration. 

When Trump refused to be intimidated by all this, the Congress decided to just impeach him and deal with it that way. We were treated to wild eyed drama from wild eyed Congressmen and women. All led by the most wide eyed of them all, Nancy Pelosi. The result? Complete exoneration, of course. This, their final act of desperation, also failed. Worse than that for them, it resulted in Trump’s popularity growing by leaps and bounds. 

Now any reasonable person watching all this would have to conclude that it was a wasted exercise and now it is time to get back to the real work of the Congress. I did say reasonable didn’t I? Apparently Democrats shouldn’t be considered as reasonable. 

They have now decided to start all over again with what they are calling “Impeachment 2.0”. I am reminded of the old adage, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. They have to know that they will lose this fight again and will come away looking like complete idiots. But, I guess that’s what idiots do. 

The real problem for the Democrats is that they think they represent majority- thinking regarding Trump. Nothing could be further from the truth. They look like a general waving a sword charging into battle leading his troops only to realize nobody is following him. 

So, how do reasonable, sane people stop this nonsense? Well I don’t know if this would stop it, but I guarantee it would put a serious dent in their thinking. We should immediately begin prosecuting all those who were involved with the attempted overthrow of our duly elected government. Hillary conspired with the Russians, not Trump. The FBI lied to the FISA court, not Trump. Adam Schiff lied to the Congress, not Trump. You would be amazed at what few well-placed indictments might accomplish, not to mention a few parades in orange jumpsuits in front of the cameras.

Those closest to me say this is just having wishful thinking. Probably, but all those folks involved in this attempted coup should go to bed tonight and thank God that I am not in charge. 

In the final analysis it is up to us. I heard talk today that if the Republicans wind up with control of Congress after the next election, they intend to expunge the record of Trump’s impeachment. So much for Pelosi’s belief that Trump will forever be stained by this impeachment. I don’t care. I never believed it was a legal impeachment anyway. It was always just a political dirty trick and the fun part is that it has blown up in the face of the perpetrators.

Ron Scarbro February 9, 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020



Every time I think I have seen or heard it all, something happens to blow my mind all over again. 

It has become the norm for Members of Congress to behave in certain ways during the State of the Union speech by the President. If the President is a Republican, the Democrats as members of the opposition party sit on their hands during applause breaks. After all one could not expect the opposition to approve of anything good coming out of the other side. It is all so predictable. Even when the very security of the country is discussed, Democrats can find no good reason to offer congratulations to a Republican President.

I have no problem with this childish behavior. Look at who we are dealing with. For the most part these are people you wouldn’t even allow in your house for a meal. Let them play their silly little games. The only message they offer is that they are trite little people who would be more at home on a school playground than in the halls of Congress. 

Last night’s State of the Union was no exception. It all went as planned until the very end. That’s when the Speaker of the House, the queen of the swamp, Nancy Pelosi decided to give pettiness a brand new meaning. In a dramatic display of disrespect, she tore up her copy of the speech given to her by the President after his remarks. She did it with an evil relish and a snarl on her face. She appeared to make sure that the entire event was front and center for the cameras. I am sure that in her tiny mind she was showing the world how disgusted she was with the whole affair. Well guess what. She miscalculated. This whole thing is blowing up in her face. People all across the spectrum and that includes members of her own party were disgusted by the spectacle. 

As it stands today, those torn up pages could well find their way to the National Museum where they would sit on display as a testament to the former party known as Democrat. 

If you are a Democrat is this what you expect from one of your leaders? Are you okay with such an expression of hatred for the duly elected President of the United States? If this is all okay with you, shame on you. Shame on Nancy Pelosi. Shame on the very few in the audience who thought this was funny. It was not.

I suspect this November, when Trump is reelected by a landslide and the Republicans take over both houses of Congress, that situation like Pelosi’s hissy fit might come back to haunt them. Many current Members will be looking for new jobs. I was just at a McDonalds. They had a sign up that they were looking for help. Don’t say I never helped people in need. 

In all my years on this planet I never thought I would see such disrespect on display. We are better than this. We have the right to demand better from our elected Representatives. They are our employees. Let’s fire them and start over.

Ron Scarbro, February 5, 2020