Wednesday, February 19, 2020


The Democrats have a dilemma. They know that none of their announced candidates for President can beat incumbent Donald Trump. Worse than that, they also know that if Sanders wins the nomination, he will split the Democrats beyond any means of recovery. Their original hope that Biden would be their champion has proven to be faulty. Biden’s age and lack of any real political skill is showing every day. They know that avowed homosexual Buttigeig cannot win a national election. Warren was always a joke. Billionaire Steyer is a political neophyte and it shows. Bloomberg comes off as a hateful old man who really isn’t gaining the kind of traction he would need to win any national election. Besides, nobody wants government to tell them how much salt they can use or regulate the size of their soft drink.

When you add to that the simple fact that under Trump our economy is exploding, unemployment is at historic lows, and confidence is growing more every day. For Democrats, this is a dilemma. 

Did you hear James Carville? You may remember Carville as the Democrat operative who was key to the election of Bill Clinton. He is the one who famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Well he is going to be famous again. On a recent television talk show he said that some in the Democrat party seem to want to be in a cult. He was obviously referring to the socialist movement in the party and specifically Bernie Sanders. No doubt he was also talking about the “squad” and those who seem hell bent on taking over the Democrat party and moving it so far to the left that it goes over the cliff. Carville said he was not a cult kind of person. I’m pretty sure you are not alone, James. Bernie commented on hearing Carville’s thoughts that he was just a political hack. Politics is a tough business. 

Plainly stated, the Democrat party is in disarray.

I don’t want to think about it but, if Bernie Sanders even got the nomination to be President, the stock market would lose half of its value in a matter of days. Did you know that since Trump’s election it has gained over 11,000 points? Some say, so what. They don’t seem to understand that our entire economy as well as their jobs and way of life is directly affected by the stock market. The actual election of any socialist or even one who leans in that direction would put this country back to the dark ages. I could see real estate losing over half of its value and unemployment in double figures.

America needs to wake up. This leftist movement is designed to destroy this country as we know it. All the free stuff is nothing more than shiny objects meant to divert our attention away from the true motives of the socialists. 

The Democrats and their willing associates in the liberal leftist media have done everything in their power to get rid of this President. They have lied and continue to do so. They investigate, use special prosecutors, and even tried to impeach him. It didn’t work. 

Attention Democrats and the liberal media, in the last election sixty-three million people voted for Trump. I am sure some of those thought their vote was less than a ringing endorsement of Trump, but they voted anyway. Since Trump’s election and the almost miracle-like recovery our country has experienced, how many of those people do you suppose will vote for Trump in 2020? I’d say probably all those sixty-three million plus another thirty to forty million more. Who believes this country wants to return to the dismal days of Democrats in charge? Does anybody actually think this country would throw it all away for a moron like Bernie Sanders?

The Democrats know everything I just wrote is true and that’s called a dilemma.

Ron Scarbro February 15, 2020

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