Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Why are liberals always so mad? Take a look at Bernie Sanders. Have you ever seen him smile? Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are always scowling and just visibly angry. Perhaps if you had the world view that they have, you would be mad too. It could be that they know in their heart of hearts that they are fighting a losing battle and it is just a matter of time until it is all over for them. Or it could be that they understand that Trump’s programs are working and their plans have proven time and again not to work. That’s enough to bring a frown to any liberal’s face.

I actually know a few liberals personally and even communicate with them. We don’t usually talk about the future however. Liberals seem to have a negative idea of the future. What a terrible way to live. 

Listen to Bernie. Everything is bad and getting worse, and he actually believes it. The same with Joe Biden. The problem with these folks is that they don’t want to be confused with any facts. They seem to prefer the world they live in. Where did all this thinking come from? This isn’t America. America is a shining city on a hill, not the pit of despair these liberals believe it to be.

Conservatives, on the other hand, seem to have a more positive attitude about the world in general. Look at Trump. Even with the entire Democrat party trying to come down on his head, he still smiles broadly. His world view is completely different from that of the Democrats. I think this comes from the confidence of knowing. 

So, what do conservatives know that gives them such confidence? Well they know that the programs that have been put into effect by the Trump Administration work. They know that personal responsibility is necessary in a free society and they are capable of being responsible. They know that having a job beats being on the government dole. 

For years I have tried to determine the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Liberals don’t. Conservatives believe in the rule of law. Liberals don’t. Conservatives believe there should be some restraint on one’s actions. Liberals don’t. I know some liberal folks who, given the opportunity, would lay on their sofa, smoking dope, drawing a government check, and never even think about getting an actual job. Conservative people would shudder at the thought of not being able to earn their own living. 

I lived in the California Bay Area during my early twenties. I watched the onset of the hippie movement. I remember seeing large groups of them in San Francisco standing on a corner and I could smell them from quite a distance. You see, they didn’t believe in bathing. This was the beginning of today’s liberal movement. They didn’t want any rules. They wanted to just travel through life doing whatever they pleased, whenever they pleased. Bathing was for other people. Jobs were for suckers. Besides it all got in the way of their preferred way of living which was total freedom with no restraints.

Fortunately, that way of living faded into the dust, but remnants have remained. Some of these hippies had offspring and some of these offspring grew up and became actual adults. The problem is they brought some of their parent’s thinking with them into adulthood. Today’s San Francisco is an example of what I am talking about.

I believe today’s liberals were spawned by hippie thinking. Bernie Sanders lived on welfare for most of his early adulthood. He is nothing more than an aging hippie and his thinking is dangerous to freedom loving people everywhere. 

This country needs responsible people to get busy and send these flakes back to their hippie pads and out of public life. Then we all can smile.

Ron Scarbro February 25, 2020

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