Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Do you remember when Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher got together and brought communism to its knees? Like most others, I lived in fear of communist Russia. We were warned that an attack could happen at any time. The Russians had the bomb and we had the bomb. It was just going to be a matter of who fired the first shot. I remember the bomb drills at school where we had to get down on the floor and get under our desks and cover our heads. As if that would provide any protection in the event of a nuclear bombing. The communists had a propaganda machine that kept pumping out scary stuff. 

During my early years we lived about fifteen miles from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. You may recall that was where our country was developing nuclear weapons and for a certainty the communists knew it. I even had silhouette cards of airplanes that we would watch in case Russian bombers flew over. We watched the planes as they flew by and were to report any unidentified planes. Kinda scary for a preteen kid. 

I served in the military and on one assignment we were bivouacked in a forest near the communist wall in Germany. It turns out that the Russians were also camped out on the other side of the wall. I figured this was it. We were locked and loaded with our missiles aimed and ready. I am sure those Russian kids were as scared as we were. That was the time when Kruschev had given us an ultimatum to be out of Germany or else. America chose or else and the communists backed down. Fortunately for both sides. 

It was soon after that Russia came to their senses and decided they really were no match for us and they would have been destroyed. The wall came tumbling down. 

So here we are now in the twenty-first century when most of the people living today have no memory of, or because of a seriously deficient education, any knowledge of communism or its harmful effect on people. Today many of these uninformed people are seriously considering a socialist, which is nothing more than a communist light, as a Presidential candidate. Sometimes I wonder when I will wake up from this ugly dream.

Bernie Sanders is not the benevolent grandfather as he is advertised to be. Sanders is a subjugator looking for subjects to whom he can dictate and many under- accomplished, over-educated individuals who seriously lack general intelligence are lining up to volunteer.

Over the years we have seen and heard silver tongued people orate their way into positions of power and bring countries down. Don’t think for a moment that it can’t happen here. As scary as it sounds, we are always only one election away from destruction if the wrong people are put into power. And the Democrats know it too. Over the next few months they will do everything in their power to bring the Sanders charade to an end once and for all.

What is truly frightening is that some thirty percent of voters in this country would vote for someone like Sanders. What does that say about their overall intelligence? I believe it is an indictment of our very liberal educational system along with a completely confused and dangerous liberal media. 

Somehow, someway, we the people have to get a handle on this crap. The difference between Republicans and Democrats used to be just different ways of solving the problems of our day. No more. It has become a class war for the souls of the citizenry. It is a pitting of the responsible against the irresponsible, the independent against the dependent, the accomplished against the wannabes. This battle devalues what it means to be an American. 

As the preacher said last Sunday morning, the time has come when we cannot stand aside or stand down. We, the people, must stand up.

Ron Scarbro March 4, 2020

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