Wednesday, March 11, 2020


It has been quite a week. The Democrats have now seriously thinned down their candidates. Basically we are down to two, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren finally saw the handwriting on the wall and pulled the plug. 

Just a few days ago the Biden campaign was floundering and on life support. Today it has found new life. A number of what they call establishment middle-of-the-roaders have endorsed him and jump started his bid. 

What does this all mean to Sanders? Well, it's not good. It is pretty clear the powers that be in the Democrat party also saw some handwriting somewhere. They know Sanders has absolutely no chance of ever winning a national election. This country will never actually choose socialism. Socialism can only occur in this country by a very bloody revolution and that is equally unlikely regardless of how many millennials try to make it happen. Based on all that has occurred in the last few days, it is obvious the Dems have picked Biden to be their standard bearer. It is also obvious to me that many, if not most, of Sanders supporters will probably sit this election out. That’s fine with me.

Some of you may recall a few months ago I wrote in this column that the Republicans had the goods on Biden but had hoped to hold off until he was for a certainty the Democrat choice. The impeachment fiasco interfered with those plans. Biden and his family were seriously harmed by revelations during those hearings and the mock trial. Those revelations pale however to what is coming next. Biden and his family are dirty and all the evidence proving that will soon be on full display. 

Also, in these past few days Chuckie Schumer showed the world his true colors again. He stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened two sitting Supreme Court Judges by name. He has since tried to walk it back to no avail. Like Trump said, if Schumer was a Republican he would have already been arrested. His actions were dangerous and irresponsible. A censure resolution has been introduced in the Senate. I hope it gets passed. Schumer is an embarrassment to his party and to this country.

The FISA Court is also under investigation. Some very curious Senators want to know how unproven and unverified evidence could have been acceptable by the court who then issued warrants to spy on Americans. It is a little curious, isn’t it? A lot of people were put in compromising positions because of this illegal act by the FBI and the FISA court.

Some more bad news for the Democrats but very good news for America is that over the next four years President Trump will have the opportunity to appoint at least two new Supreme Court Judges. He will name individuals who know how to read and understand exactly what is written in our Constitution. He will be less inclined to appoint based on quotas or gender or sexual preference. His appointments will be based on what is best for the country. If Schumer is upset by judgements by the Court now, imagine how he is going to feel when, instead of five to four decisions, we will see more seven to two. 

It occurs to me, as tornadoes tear through middle Tennessee and a new virus tries to overtake the world, that we have plenty of problems to deal with without spending so much energy on political differences. We have a perfectly good President and an election coming in a few months. When the voters in this country look out and see what they have versus what the Democrats are proposing, they will make the right decision.

Ron Scarbro March 8, 2020

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