Wednesday, March 25, 2020


I loved the 50s and the 60s. I remember them well. The question before us, is that where we are headed? Our economy has reduced by 20% in the last three weeks. My personal holdings have lost 25% in the same period. Is it just a matter of time before we are back there? 

I bought my first house in the 60s for $16,500. It was a cute little three bedroom two bath very livable home. At the time my wife was pregnant and I was making about $500 per month. Sound familiar? The home we are living in now cost me $165,00. It is also a three bedroom two bath very liveable little home. So, what’s the difference? There was just another zero added to the price. Oh, and I don’t make $500 per month now. 

Seriously. I understand what the government is trying to do. The theory is that if we just keep away from each other, we can stop this virus from spreading. I certainly hope so. Sometimes I wonder if the cure isn’t worse than the disease though. 

Another question I have is, how long do you suppose the American people will put up with these restrictions? Here in Georgia, our local government has closed the beaches. What? The beaches? My wife and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate her birthday and we were the only people in the restaurant. In Florida, the Governor has closed all restaurants and bars for about three weeks. Their beaches are also closed to humans. I heard California has also closed all restaurants. It doesn’t surprise me. After all, it’s California, the land of fruits and nuts. I am sure they will expect the rest of the country to bail them out when this is all over.

I truly feel so sorry for all those people who, as we did back in the 50s and 60s, live from paycheck to paycheck. That is a painful way to live. 

I also understand a lot of people are arming themselves and buying up ammunition. What’s that all about? This all will be over very soon. Do they think people will start going out looking to steal anything they can get their hands on?

Here’s the point of all this. The government experts believe this will all be over in just a few short weeks. I hope they are right. I truly don’t know how long the American people will allow themselves to be dictated to. America has prospered because we are a country of the people, by the people, and for the people. Just because there is a virus afoot, nothing has changed. 

So here is me, Mr. Patience, suggesting that we all just have to be patient. As the old people used to say, this too will pass. And I hope and believe it will pass soon. 

We are very near the end of this. The whole situation has been very revealing. I have seen grocery buyers hoarding all kinds of products, especially paper products. Many stores are empty because of this. Most shoppers however are dealing with the situation in a mature manner.

The economy is another matter. It takes much longer to fix messes like we have gotten ourselves into. The inordinate fear and panic that has spread is sad. It will take courage and time for this all to work through.

We have fought many wars in our history. We won them all. That's what we do. We win our wars and we will win this one as well. Exhale. Breathe. By summer this will all be behind us. 

Patience, patience, patience.

Ron Scarbro 
March 22, 2020

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