Thursday, February 13, 2020


Everything they have tried has failed. From the Russian hoax to impeachment, nothing has worked. The reason is simple, it has all been a lie. No reasonably sane person actually believed Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to win an election. The Democrats pulled everything they could out of their dirty tricks bag and it all failed. 

The multimillion-dollar Mueller investigation proved to be just a silly, expensive exercise in futility. This, you may remember, was originated by FBI agents lying to the FISA court to get authority to spy on the Trump campaign. You should also remember that the so-called evidence offered to the court was from a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton which has since been proven to be all lies and made up from whole cloth by a disgraced British spy. 

All of this was clearly coordinated by higher ups in the Justice Department and the FBI. It may have even been run by the Obama Administration. 

When Trump refused to be intimidated by all this, the Congress decided to just impeach him and deal with it that way. We were treated to wild eyed drama from wild eyed Congressmen and women. All led by the most wide eyed of them all, Nancy Pelosi. The result? Complete exoneration, of course. This, their final act of desperation, also failed. Worse than that for them, it resulted in Trump’s popularity growing by leaps and bounds. 

Now any reasonable person watching all this would have to conclude that it was a wasted exercise and now it is time to get back to the real work of the Congress. I did say reasonable didn’t I? Apparently Democrats shouldn’t be considered as reasonable. 

They have now decided to start all over again with what they are calling “Impeachment 2.0”. I am reminded of the old adage, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. They have to know that they will lose this fight again and will come away looking like complete idiots. But, I guess that’s what idiots do. 

The real problem for the Democrats is that they think they represent majority- thinking regarding Trump. Nothing could be further from the truth. They look like a general waving a sword charging into battle leading his troops only to realize nobody is following him. 

So, how do reasonable, sane people stop this nonsense? Well I don’t know if this would stop it, but I guarantee it would put a serious dent in their thinking. We should immediately begin prosecuting all those who were involved with the attempted overthrow of our duly elected government. Hillary conspired with the Russians, not Trump. The FBI lied to the FISA court, not Trump. Adam Schiff lied to the Congress, not Trump. You would be amazed at what few well-placed indictments might accomplish, not to mention a few parades in orange jumpsuits in front of the cameras.

Those closest to me say this is just having wishful thinking. Probably, but all those folks involved in this attempted coup should go to bed tonight and thank God that I am not in charge. 

In the final analysis it is up to us. I heard talk today that if the Republicans wind up with control of Congress after the next election, they intend to expunge the record of Trump’s impeachment. So much for Pelosi’s belief that Trump will forever be stained by this impeachment. I don’t care. I never believed it was a legal impeachment anyway. It was always just a political dirty trick and the fun part is that it has blown up in the face of the perpetrators.

Ron Scarbro February 9, 2020

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