Wednesday, January 29, 2020


I have tried to watch some of the so-called impeachment of our President. Frankly it has been so disgusting, it is almost unwatchable. I am writing this on Saturday just shortly after the Republicans have started their defense. If, what the defense is saying is true, and I believe it is, the Democrats should hang their heads in shame. Consider this. If the Democrats had a majority in the Senate today, Trump would be removed from office. With no evidence, no crime, no misdemeanor, the vote of the American people would be thrown out and the Democrats would select a President that suits them without regard to the will of the American people. That my friends, is the real danger here today. 

Future Presidential elections would become irrelevant. In the event voters elect a President who is of a different party than the Congress, all the Congress has to do is impeach him and he would be removed, no questions asked. And that goes for the Republicans as well as Democrats. Any such President would be subject to blackmail. The Speaker simply has to say to the President, give us what we want or we will kick you out of office. Is that what America wants? I think not. That is the weaponization of the impeachment process. 

I have mentioned Joe Soucheray before. Joe is a radio personality whose show is called “Garage Logic”. He broadcasts from St. Paul, Minnesota. Joe has a lot of interesting sayings but one of my favorites is this, “liberals can’t connect the dots.'' It’s one of the main reasons most of their programs fall apart. They never consider what the result of their pipedreams will be. They either can’t or won't connect the dots. They obviously haven’t considered the outcome of this latest political dirty trick. I am quite sure that they have a perfect scenario in their minds that basically eliminates Trump from office as well as removing him from the ballot in the 2020 election. They have publicly announced that they cannot beat him at the ballot box so they have to impeach him. Do you think a political party should have the power to select who will be the President without the vote of the people? I’m pretty sure that is not what the Founders had in mind when they established the rules for impeaching a president.

So, what is next? As much as I would like to see the continued humiliation of the Democrats in the House, I think Leader McConnell should call for a vote and end this charade immediately. It would be for the good of the country.

Then we should put into place a system that stops this kind of political chicanery for all time. Our government consists of three branches. Maybe the answer is to make the Judicial more powerful so as to rein in politicians who scream insults at the President and threaten him. That already is illegal. Why don’t we prosecute offenders? Maxine Waters should be held to account for screaming for the impeachment of Trump on the day he was sworn in as President. 

Look at the millions the Democrats have spent already trying to thwart the will of the American people. Look at the lives that have been ruined in this effort. Look at the reputations which have been destroyed. We need a legal remedy for this nonsense. 

Finally, the Democrats must be held responsible. Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Waters, AOC and the squad, plus all others who have participated in this scam should be summarily removed from office forever. America deserves better. The Congressional districts involved deserve better. 

The Justice Dept. and the FBI absolutely must clean house. Individuals, regardless of their rank, who would lie to any court in order to gain favorable rulings should be prosecuted. And this last frightening thought, if Hillary had won, we would never have known about any of this corruption. This is America. Quit messing with it. 

Ron Scarbro, January 29, 2020

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