Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Millionaire, pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell from an apparent suicide. That much we know because the breathless media has reported it. We also know that in life Epstein ran with a pretty high-test group. He was arrested for providing very young girls to wealthy, powerful men for, shall we say, fun and games? A lot of big names have been thrown around and they include that bastion of morality, our very own former President, Bill Clinton. 

Let’s examine the events surrounding the death of Epstein. We know that he had been previously arrested and convicted of similar crimes in Florida but received a sweetheart deal from the prosecutor and the courts. It would appear that he didn’t learn from his good fortune and continued to procure and provide young girls to powerful people. He was rearrested. 

He was denied bail because he was a flight risk, well duh, and held in jail. He is alleged to have attempted suicide and was found in his cell in the fetal position with wounds on his neck. He survived. He was then placed on suicide watch, incarcerated in a cell with a cell mate, and watched every thirty minutes as well as video recorded. This is where it gets interesting. After just a few days he was taken off suicide watch. His cellmate was moved out of his cell. He apparently was then left alone in his cell, unattended, for hours at a time. That is until he was found unresponsive and dead in his cell from an apparent suicide. Hmmm.

It has now been reported that the video recorder was facing the wrong way. More hmmm.

Those are some strange circumstances, wouldn’t you say? And who knows, they could be true. Or, they could be a pack of lies. 

It is helpful to know who benefits from a dead Epstein. Remember there is a lot of money, power and influence involved in this group of people who were provided with young girls. So, did he really kill himself? 

I find it interesting that people who seem to have dirt on the Clintons wind up committing suicide. Probably just a coincidence, right? 

A number of both current and former inmates have said that it is impossible to commit suicide in that particular jail. And yet, we are told he did. There was a news report that there were screams and shrieks emanating from his jail cell during the night he was supposed to have killed himself. Death by hanging, as has been alleged, produces no sound because one’s vocal chords are compromised. Now, we are hearing that the jail guards are refusing to assist in the investigation. It just gets curiouser and curiouser. 

Attorney General Barr has said he will get to the bottom of this mystery. The FBI is also involved. I’ll tell you this. The American people demand answers and answers that make sense and are supported with proof. I’m also pretty sure most people don’t give a damn that this pedophile pimp is dead but the circumstances have to be investigated. 

Why was he taken off suicide watch? Why was his cellmate moved? Why was he not looked in on? Did the guards charged with the responsibility of watching him actually fall asleep and forge their time sheets? Again the question, who benefits from a dead Epstein? How many people would have to be looking the other way whether it was a suicide or murder? 

I believe we will get our answers. This clown probably did kill himself. He was certainly cowardly enough to do so. I also believe the malfeasance demonstrated in this case must be punished. 

These final thoughts. The victims in this case, the young girls, must be compensated to the limit of Epstein’s estate. And the other so-called powerful people involved must be brought to justice and their wealth must also be subject to attachment as well. We should never tolerate this kind of crap, period.

Ron Scarbro 

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