I believe Biden is a crook. I believe, along with his son, Hunter, he has pocketed millions of dollars illegally, and lied about all of it. I believe most people in this country will never hear the evidence that proves beyond a doubt that he is guilty. The media refuses to report anything that would hurt Biden's chances because they are all in the same boat.
I don't know why. I wish I did. I cannot figure out how Democrat tax-and-spend policies benefit the media.
Did you hear Biden's prediction at the last debate? He said we are headed for a dark winter. I guarantee if Biden is elected, we will in fact be headed for a dark winter. For reasons I cannot understand, liberals see everything as negative. Trump, on the other hand, has a very positive outlook on everything. He is the picture of optimism.
Speaking of optimism, we will probably have the long awaited vaccine very shortly. It will be available quickly because Trump accelerated the process. Do you suppose Obama will take credit for that too? That vaccine will put Covid 19 on the same status as other flus.
This is going to be very tough on the would-be Dictators like some governors who have made real ugly names for themselves. They will have no place to hide. Their stupid decisions will come back on them big time.
I am writing this on Sunday ahead of the Senate confirmation vote on our newest Justice, Amy Coney Barrett. Regardless of the outcome of the election, the Supreme Court will finally be in a position to return to the Constitution for our laws. It is clear the Democrats don't want a Supreme Court with Justices who believe in the actual words as written in our Constitution. Barrett's confirmation makes it much more difficult for them to change this country into their radical idea of a socialist form of government. Thank you President Trump.
So, where do we go from here? Like most of you I have lived through many elections. I have learned that America is stronger than any one politician. America is stronger than any single administration. We are stronger than any one election. We will survive regardless of who serves as President the next four years.
If Biden is the choice of the voters, we will be able to show once again how socialism doesn't work. Even if he is elected, he doubtless will not serve the entire four year term and that is not good news. Harris is a true moron who owes her soul to radical lefties.
If you haven't voted yet, it is crystal clear for whom you should cast your ballot. I don't want to look forward to a dark winter. I'm more into a bright, sunny spring. The decision is in the hands of the American people. Please God, help them make the right decision.
Ron Scarbro October 25, 2020