Okay. Biden got his Supreme Court Justice. She is black, and she is a woman. Those were his requirements. She is also a flaming liberal who has been overturned many, many times. Had I been picking a justice I would probably have had different requirements. The fact that she is a black woman neither qualifies nor disqualifies her. I would be more concerned that she could read and understand English. And that she had a thorough understanding of the Constitution. Oh, and that she knew what a woman was.
The next issue rearing its ugly head is our southern border. Article 42 is in place to keep individuals in Mexico if they represent significant threat due to various diseases. It is not just for covid but many diseases like tuberculosis for example. Biden is set to lift this restriction on May 23. The border control people tell us that when this article is lifted, tens of thousands will rush our border. Too many to be dealt with. We are told by the time Biden's term has ended, fully 20% of the population in America will be illegal aliens. That's not a happy thought.
This brings us to ugly number three. That is Putin's invasion and slaughter of thousands in Ukraine. It was just reported that over 100,000 children have been kidnapped by his thug army and taken to Russia. Like you, I ask how is this possible? Why is the free world looking the other way? I suspect they fear Putin's nuclear capability. Well guess what. We also have nuclear capability and it probably is far superior to Putin's. It is well past time that we put the hammer down and send what would be left of Putin's army back to their rat hole country. Then we should immediately arrest Putin for war crimes. This is the 21st century. We no longer are tribal crazies. Putin needs to learn that.
Shame on Putin but also shame on the free world for allowing this brutal carnage to continue. Are we so afraid of this little punk that we look the other way? Putin should be the one who is afraid. And we should immediately give him reasons to fear. As long as dictators like Putin are in power, we have to face the very real possibility of war. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan backed them down to bring an end to the USSR. It can happen again. The problem is, of course, Joe Biden is no Ronald Reagan.
Let's talk inflation. Biden says he is doing everything he can do to bring down inflation which he calls the Putin price hikes. I believe he is doing everything he knows to do to deal with the terrible inflation which he caused, not Putin. That's the problem. He doesn't seem to understand that it was his actions which caused this mess. His first step must be to restart our fossil fuel industry. Open up our pipelines. Open up our public lands for drilling and exploring. That would be a good start. It is amazing how that move would start the ball rolling.
Finally, get a message to Putin and the Russian people. That message is simple. Bring your troops home and keep them there. Return the kidnapped children your thug soldiers took. Do so immediately or we, the free world, will take out a few cities in Russia. We will bomb Russia back to the 19th century. If you even think about using any nuclear weapon, there will be nothing left of Moscow for years in the future.
I am offering these suggestions to Biden free of charge. Good luck.
Ron Scarbro April 20, 2022