Wednesday, May 18, 2022


I just watched Biden giving a speech on the reason we are having inflation. His contention is that there are two reasons for our inflation. Number one, he says, was the worldwide pandemic caused by Covid. His second reason was, in his words, Putin's war on Ukraine.  


Now, while both of these situations are bad, they are not the reason we are suffering this inflation. The first problem is he announced this to the world and the second big problem is that Biden might actually believe what he's saying. By placing the blame on these events, he relieves himself and his administration of the true blame. It also basically guarantees inflation will be with us for a long time. 


His words should prove to all who listened that this job is too big for Joe Biden. All includes Republicans and Democrats alike. He has been in and around politics in Washington for about fifty years. That should have given him sufficient knowledge to deal with these issues. It reminds me of my guitar playing. I have played the guitar for maybe seventy years, but I didn't learn anything new after the first year. So, I have been replaying my first year for seventy years. Those of you who have heard me play understand what I'm saying.


Now we are going to play the game "What If". What if Trump had not lost the election? Let's consider inflation. Trump would not have canceled the Keystone Pipeline or stopped drilling on public lands. Gasoline and diesel would be the same price as two years ago. We would still be energy independent and actually selling oil and gas to Europe, not begging some Middle Eastern dictator to sell us oil. Do you realize how much of our economy revolves around the cost and availability of fuel? Today diesel fuel costs around $5.50 a gallon. It is obvious who has to pay for this fuel. I saw a bumper sticker recently that said, "if you have it, it was brought to you by a trucker." Diesel fuel has more than doubled under Biden. Thanks Joe. 


But Ron. What about the war in Ukraine? Ok, who among you actually believes Putin would have attacked Ukraine if Trump were in the white House? He probably is crazy, but he's not stupid. Trump made our position clear to the entire world. Sadly, so has Biden. The difference is unmistakable. Trump conveyed strength and Biden's demeanor and presentations display weakness. Putin sees that. In fact, the whole world sees that. I firmly believe if Trump were still in the White House, Putin and his thug army would still be in Russia happily guzzling vodka.


Let's consider the southern border. If Trump were still in office we wouldn't be having a crisis there. First, by now, the border fence would probably be completed. The illegal aliens would have a much more difficult time invading this country. The illegal drugs that are pouring across that border would be greatly hampered. Remember, Trump had an agreement with Mexico that these illegals would have to stay in Mexico until their court cases could be heard. The Biden administration has done everything in their power to eliminate all things Trump and it is biting them in their posterior. 


For the sake of this country Biden has to be removed. If Harris proves to be the incompetent that she has displayed so far, we remove her too. In November we elect adults who have the intelligence to do the jobs. Until then we hang on for dear life.


Ron Scarbro May 17, 2022


Wednesday, May 4, 2022


When is enough, enough? Did you see the Easter Egg Roll at the White House? A couple of things happened that require comment. 


Biden was working the crowd when someone asked him a question about foreign affairs. Biden dutifully attempted to answer the question when suddenly the Easter Bunny interrupted and stepped in between Biden and the crowd and led him away. It turns out that Mr. Bunny was actually a staffer from the Administration. Someone, either the bunny or someone else gave the order to shut Biden up immediately. Mission accomplished. 


The second event that happened that day was Biden's lovely wife directing him where to stand and what to do. It was pitiful to watch. Biden looked totally lost. 


I have a simple question. Who is running the show? Who is in charge? Who is the President, the most powerful man in the world? Kinda scary, huh? Maybe it's the Easter Bunny. Maybe it's Mrs. Biden. Who knows? 


The problem here is not difficult to understand. Our enemies see the same things we see and it isn't good. They see weakness and senility when they need to see strength. 


One of the liberal New York newspapers recently published the possible Democrat contenders for President in 2024. Their number one was Biden. Number two was not Harris. She was number three. Number two was Pete Buttigieg. Now let's think about this. Buttigieg is living an open homosexual life where he serves as the wife. If he became President, what would we call his husband, first queer? Personally, I don't get it. 


Meanwhile we continue to wallow in inflation caused not by Putin, but in fact caused by Biden. While it is sad to consider, we are in this situation because Biden and his handlers decided that anything Trump created had to be destroyed and changed. Thus began the downfall of our economy, our energy independence, our place in the world, and our southern border. All of these were under control under Trump. Now they are all in free fall. Thank you Biden voters. 


Secretary Mayorkis just testified to Congress that the Biden Administration inherited a mess at the border caused by Trump. Attention Mr. Secretary. Nobody believes that nonsense. If you do, you are even dumber than we all thought. The mess has been caused and exacerbated by idiotic decisions coming from your department and from Biden. All because you have to blame your incompetence on Trump instead of yourself. Look in the mirror. There you will see who is actually to blame. 


Every day Biden gets worse. He loses his way. He has always been a screwup waiting to happen but now it is happening. He is screwing up and we will be the ones to pay for all of this. My wife asked a simple question. Surely the Democrats can see the same things we are seeing. What will they do about it? Right now Putin is probably laughing at us, while the rest of the world is shuddering.


One final thought. Who really believes Hunter Biden is an upstanding, honest, and just lucky individual to receive millions from China and from Russia? Who believes Joe didn't get in on the loot? They have been involved in activities that would put the Mafia to shame. Here in a country of law and order, they need to be outed and prosecuted. In November when this country begins its recovery with Republicans running the Congress, we will see just such prosecutions. 


You and I know Biden's election was more about a vote against Trump than a vote for Biden. The national media made their choice and would not be denied. They got their wish. And we are left to pay the bill. We all need to promise, never again.


Ron Scarbro May 3, 2022