There are a lot of things on my mind this week. I try to pick one subject and cover as much as I can. But sometimes it just builds up.
Let's start with this. Now I understand politics has always been a dirty business but, doesn't there come a point where politicians should think of our country first and put their party on the back burner? A poll just released showed a majority of respondents believe the future of America is in jeopardy because of liberal policies. Inflation is killing our economy. Our southern border is completely unsecure. To hear Biden, you would think everything is going just the way he wants it. Is he that stupid? Is he that tone deaf? That silly little press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, is a joke. Even the Democrats, through their media partners, seem less than enthused by her ridiculous answers.
The Texas Governor and the Florida Governor are rounding illegals up and sending them to northern blue states who claim to be sanctuary states only to be met by screams of foul. Texas gets thousands of illegals every day and Martha's Vineyard gets less than a hundred. And they blame Texas for their influx of illegals who were supposed to be welcome anyway. Isn't that what sanctuary means? I'm pretty sure these liberal "progressives" never thought they would actually see an illegal alien except for the gardener or maybe the housekeeper let alone a whole busload.
The brilliant governor of California wants to have Florida and Texas governors arrested for kidnapping. I've said it before and I'll say it again, what a moron. He should be arrested for impersonating a governor.
Did you hear what the Democrat governor of Illinois is bringing to his poor state in 2023? No cash bail. He intends to release murderers, kidnappers, rapists, and numerous other perpetrators back on the street without holding them in jail until their trial. Now does anybody with the brainpower of stale bread believe these thugs are going to show up for trial? Also, does anybody actually believe these criminals are going to suddenly become good citizens and not continue in their life of crime? People are going to continue to die in the streets of Chicago and other formerly great cities of that idiotic state. And the numbers will grow. Where do people like this governor come from? How about the mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot? Are you kidding me? And how do these idiots get elected?
The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution allows for cash bail. It also forbids excessive bail and cruel punishment. Nowhere in our Constitution is there any allocation for reduced cash or no cash bail because the perpetrator can't afford it. Just more progressive nonsense. You wonder how they might feel if one of these thugs they release shows up at their house in the middle of the night. They might reconsider.
And finally, we are now being told there will be a social security cola increase for next year of about 8 or 9 percent. Wow, thank you social security. I don't know about you, but my costs of everything started exploding about a year ago and it's well more that 8 or 9 percent. It is more like 20 to 25%. It all began when Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline and stopped oil and coal exploration in this country. My readers will remember that I predicted this would be the beginning of massive inflation. I wish I hadn't been so accurate. If recipients do get a nice increase, they will be behind at least a year. The purpose of SSA Cola is to keep senior retirees on an even keel with everybody else and keep up with the cost of living. Oops, pretty obvious that ain't working.
Ron Scarbro September 21, 2022