Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Well, the midterms are finished, the Republicans did okay, and Trump announces that he is a candidate for President in 2024. Why he would put himself and his family through all that again is a mystery to me, but he has announced.


Trump was truly one of the most effective presidents in my lifetime to be sure. But I would prefer he not run again. I believe he will have difficulty being elected. The "deep state" and the national media are going to do everything in their power to make sure he doesn't win. For some reason, they hate him and they are afraid of him. Maybe that's the reason they hate him. 


Less than a week after his announcement, our esteemed Attorney General, Merrick Garland, announced that he had appointed a "special prosecutor" to investigate the former president. That was quick. Now does anyone really believe this country needs to spend millions of dollars investigating the most investigated man on earth? And does anyone really believe any criminal charges will come out of this investigation? No, this is an effort on the part of a few self-appointed big shots to control who will be our next President. They know they have nothing but that is not going to stop them. They just don't want him to be President again. 


Well, I have some bad news for these clowns in the Justice Dept. and the FBI. You could be stopped this time. This time by a Republican House who is going to do a little investigating of their own. Oh, and guess what? The House controls the purse strings and will not fund any more political witch hunts. 


All of the upper echelon of Justice and State better get their records together because they all are going to be called to testify before Congressional Committees and will have to prove they are worthy of their jobs very soon.


One of the first things they will be asked is how the investigation of Hunter Biden and "the big guy" is going? Here we have real and actual crimes which have never been looked at by authorities. Sadly, this investigation is going to happen. I say sadly because I sincerely believe Joe Biden is up to his ears in dirty dealings with sworn enemies of America. He is compromised and his decisions show it. Once again innocent citizens will suffer because of the greed of a few. Nobody wins if Biden is found to be guilty of criminal activity. 


The good news is that we have laid the groundwork to bring about necessary change. A Republican majority is a first big step. Electing Hershel Walker to the Senate is next. Then all we have to do is convince Joe Manchin from West Virginia to convert to the Republican party. His state needs to get away from liberal fossil fuel haters and the Republicans will help that state big time. 


I am pretty sure the "lameduck" Dems in the house will try to spend a few more trillion dollars before they have to turn over the keys in January. Republicans must protect this country from any such shenanigans. 


Ok, job one, elect Hershel Walker. Job two, convince Joe Manchin to become a Republican. After that, the rest will be a piece of cake.


Ron Scarbro November 29, 202


Wednesday, November 16, 2022


For the past two years we, the people of the United States of America, have been subjected to the worst possible governance imaginable. We have watched as freedoms have been destroyed. We have seen our energy independence compromised almost beyond recovery by stupid, political decisions by a politician who clearly is incapable of the job of President. That has caused prices for everything to go through the roof. All the while as this was happening, our borders have been invaded by people from all around the world. Crime rates have been exploding in virtually every big city in our country. And our image in the world as the bright and shining city on the hill has definitely been tarnished. 


And, guess what. All of this crap can be laid right at the feet of liberals and Democrats. 


However, every two years our Constitution gives us a way out of the mess we sometimes get ourselves into. We get to throw the bums out. We just had such an opportunity and we didn't get the job done. One exit poll I heard showed 75% of the voters believed we were headed in the wrong direction. I agree. But, even with those sentiments, they voted to keep many of the bums in office that were causing us to go in the wrong direction. How stupid is that? We are a country of over 350 million people and we are being steadily destroyed by about 500 individuals. 


Over the next few weeks if you hear somebody griping about inflation, or crime, or our porous border, ask them how many Democrats they voted for. If they voted for any, they contributed to the problem. Biden was asked what he planned to change about his policies going forward. He said nothing. His belief is apparently that the citizens are okay with the mess he has gotten us into, so why should he change anything?   


As you might expect, I have some thoughts on this moronic reaction. The new House will have a Republican majority. That means no more Pelosi. It also means we can finally get to the bottom of the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden money scam. There is no doubt in my mind that the Bidens are compromised by bribes from world leaders, many of whom are considered enemies. That simply means that many decisions are made because they are paid for.


The question arises. How can we investigate anything or anybody with the Justice Dept. or the FBI that we now have?  Again, the answer is simple. We get rid of the disloyal and the crooked and replace them with honorable people and hold their feet to the fire. We are a law-and-order country and we must demand that from those we hire to run our government. 


Concerning the border. The fence that is currently laying unfinished and rusting in the desert is paid for. All we need to do is build it. Then, of course, we need to enforce our borders. A country is not a country without borders and borders aren't borders unless they are enforced.


So here's the deal Republicans, we hired you to get the job done. Get it done. Get the government boot off of the neck of the fossil fuel industry. Fire anyone in the Justice Dept and the FBI who refuse to enforce the law. Bring charges against the Bidens and anybody else who is breaking our laws. Build the fence that has already been paid for and enforce our border and our border laws. Finally get rid of any prosecutors who refuse to hold felons in jail or bring proper charges in court. We do not get to pick and choose which laws we obey. 


That's it. Simple enough. If you can't get it done, get another job and step aside for someone else.


Ron Scarbro November 14, 2022  



Wednesday, November 2, 2022





Keep your words soft and sweet because someday you may have to eat them. Have you ever heard that? Well, I changed it up just a bit. Keep your memories soft and sweet because someday they may have to sustain you. This column is going to be a departure from my normal ranting about politics to deal with something much more personal.  I hope you'll bear with me this one time. 


I just celebrated my 82nd birthday. And in about a month, Linda and I will celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary. I'm not bragging, it is just that these events play into the column I have chosen to write. 


First, I have never been 82 before so, in many ways, I don't know what to expect. For a certainty things are different for me now. I definitely experience more pain now than ever in my past. I move more slowly. I find an afternoon nap has become more common for me. Is this all normal? My doctor doesn't know or at least he won't say.  When I was very young, there were few older people for me to talk to and even fewer of them were men. I knew they were slow to move around but they didn't complain about pain. They must have been tougher than me. I have pain in places that I didn't even know I had places.


I have also become aware that the foods I have enjoyed my whole life now have a tendency to bite me back. I can remember sitting down and eating a whole pizza by myself. No more. A couple slices of a medium pizza and I am stuffed. Not only that but everything I eat or drink seems to show up on my semi-annual blood test. It was only after I became an old man that I had ever heard of A1c and what it was all about. Well, I know now.


A lot of things have changed in my life to be sure. So, what is my future to be? Am I relegated to sitting in my easy chair and watching the world go by? I know beyond a doubt that I won't be running over mountains chasing deer and elk anymore.  I do well to walk out to the car. So what do I do to sustain myself? 


The answer turns out to be really quite simple. I now have to rely on my memories. While I can't chase a deer over a mountain anymore, I can certainly remember when I did. I can also remember eating the game which I harvested. The deer, the elk, the pheasants, and the many other wild game species I was fortunate enough to take. Those memories are certainly sweet. You'd have to admit though it's much easier opening a package of steak from the grocery store than chasing an animal down, shooting it, dressing it, then carrying it several thousand yards down a mountain. 


It is good to have these memories now. My life, our life, has been memorable. We will spend our remaining time here happy with our lives. It has definitely been sweet.


Ron Scarbro October 31, 2022