Saturday, December 24, 2022


War has been declared on religion in general and on Christianity specifically. The left wing progressive liberal movement has decided that they prefer to worship the god of big government. Along with them are the radical environmentalists. They have attempted to advance the Godless and arrogant theory of man-caused global warming with the idea that man is in charge of nature instead the other way around with man being subject to the laws of nature. One would think if you are hugging a tree, you would realize that man cannot, and has never been able to, create a tree. Just a thought.


As a rule I have tried to stay away from religious matters in my columns. I have always believed that one’s religion is very private and personal and should remain that way. That having been said, and since we are in one of the most holy seasons of the year for Christians, something needs to be said about Christmas in the face of this war. As for me and my house, Christmas is the “Mass of Christ.” While we have a joyous time with the tree, the presents, and the great music, in the final analysis Christmas is a celebration of the birth of the Christ child. We never forget that and encourage you to do the same.


In a recent poll, some 67% of those polled proclaim Christianity as their religion. Christians don’t deny anybody else whatever religion they choose. In fact Christians even tolerate those with no religion, the atheists. Christians are not at war with anybody. All we have ever asked is that non-Christians tolerate our beliefs as well. Whether you choose to celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday or a secular holiday, that is your choice. Please have the grace to tolerate our choice of celebration.


I believe I know the truth. I further believe that someday we all will know the truth. If you would rather hug a tree or even a politician as your religion, that’s okay with me. Just leave me and mine alone to our choice as to whom we will hug.


A short time ago I had the very good fortune of visiting with a gentleman who was a retired preacher and a sufferer of terminal heart disease. Some of you might remember him from the web. He was Tommie Joiner or, as he was known to his blog readers, Bo Lumpkin. He knew his time on this earth was short. In fact I learned just today that he had died last month.  I asked him then how he was dealing with his condition and the fact that he may soon die? His answer was both simple and profound. He said, “In many ways I’m looking forward to it because I have read the Book and I know how it ends.” Well I too have read the Book and I also know how it ends. I recommend the Book for your reading. There is a great deal of comfort in knowing how it will all end.


I hope as you look forward to Christmas that you will find comfort and peace. Comfort and peace in the knowledge that we are not alone and that a force much greater than mere man is in control.


I will leave you with this quote which was recently sent to me. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” That pretty much says it all.


Merry Christmas,


Ron Scarbro

December 2013

Re-Published December 2022



Wednesday, December 14, 2022


We had our chance and we blew it. Now we have to put up with Biden and his liberal lefties for a few more years. Having the House at least puts Pelosi out to pasture. A strong united Republican majority in the House will also make Biden's agenda a bit more difficult. A way to make it even more difficult will be when impeachment articles are presented. When it is proven that Biden took bribes from sworn enemies of America, even Democrats will have a hard time defending him. Those investigations must begin immediately. This country has waited long enough. 


Just based on the info on the "laptop", that should be enough for indictments of many high up in Biden's Administration as well as Biden himself. Republicans were not returned to power in the House for any other reason than to clean house. Now they need to get to it.


We have another election on the horizon and I fully expect to see major changes in the majorities. It is looking more and more like Biden is trying to talk himself into running for another term. Being 82 myself, I can tell you unequivocally that he is too old for the office of President. I believe if he does decide to run again, he will lose dramatically. That should embarrass the Democrats to a point that they take their collective heads out of the sand and pay attention to what the American people want and expect from their leadership. It is pretty obvious we aren't getting it now. 


The elephant in the room is, of course, Trump. Personally, I believe he was one of our greatest Presidents of modern time. But, and this is a big but, too many people with too much money and too much power will do anything in their power to prevent his being elected again. The simple reason is that he won't play their games and that makes him a threat to their agenda.


The Republicans have a valid answer. He is Ron DeSantis. He is an attractive conservative who is loved by the citizens of Florida. He's young, smart, and a military veteran. I do not believe the Democrats have a competitor for DeSantis. The Governor of California is dreaming if he thinks he's the man. He is lucky to have survived a recent recall election. It is truly hard for me to believe that a majority of Americans want to turn our country into California. 


For our very survival we must put adults back in charge. We must re-activate our fossil fuel industry, and we must make sure the world knows we are back. Putin and his ilk need to get out of their neighbor's countries and just fix their own. 


It took Biden less than two years to destroy most of what Trump built. We can rebuild but we have to get to work.


Ron Scarbro December 12, 2022