Wednesday, December 20, 2023



This will be my last column before Christmas. Because this is the season of love and peace, I will refrain from my normal rantings about the things in this world that are so wrong. 


Instead, my column today will serve only to wish for you that same peace and love. There is a crispness in the air that seems to beg for quiet and tolerance. Ok, I'll be quiet and tolerant for the season. Soon enough I'll be back at it. 


In the meantime, Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. 


With the reason for the season,

Ron Scarbro December 20, 2023


Wednesday, December 6, 2023



So, Biden is now 81 years old. Is that a big deal? It shouldn't be, but it is. I'll tell you why. 


First, not everyone ages the same way. I have known 80 plus year olds who act and seem much younger. I also have known 70 year olds who act much older. I am sure you have had similar experience. It is probably just genetics. 


Biden is old. He is frail both physically and mentally. I have watched as recently he has had difficulty speaking lucidly. To see him walk is painful. Climbing stairs continues to be a challenge.


I happen to be 83 years old and I know that I have declined a great deal in recent years. No amount of conversation or hype will change the facts. I don't retain information as much as I used to. I sometimes forget why I am in a certain room. My doctor says it's normal and just a part of aging. Okay, but I'm not running a country and in a very scary world. Biden is.


There is an obvious attempt on the part of the Democrats to make Biden look normal. It ain't working. 


Another thing that amazes me is why would his wife and family as well as close friends even allow this old man to continue kidding himself. He's just too old. He should be sitting in a nice easy chair by the beach. They should be working to convince him to give it up. 


The Democrat party knows what's coming in the next election. And it's not going to be pretty for them. They know as do we all that Biden's presidency has been a disaster. I am sure this country is not looking forward to more of the same.


This world is just too dangerous for America to have somebody like Biden at the helm. We need new thinking and new policies. There are many possibilities out there. Anybody the Republicans are considering would be an improvement over what's going on now. 


I urge you to think carefully as we face the next election. We cannot make the same mistake again. Age is more than just a number.


Ron Scarbro December 6, 2023


PS…I have an important bit of news. My beautiful daughter has just published her first book. It is available on Amazon under books. Search for the author Heather S. Owens and book title is "Emma's Enchanted Journal: Discovering the Secrets to a Successful Life.” I know you will love it. No, I don't get a commission.



Wednesday, November 22, 2023



It's Thanksgiving. One of my favorite holidays. When I was a young teenager, Thanksgiving Day was the beginning of rabbit hunting season. We would get up early and head out to the fields looking for the elusive bunnies. We were often successful and had to get back home, dress our rabbits, get cleaned up and head for grandma's house to join the feast. And what a feast it was.


There was always turkey and ham. All the aunts brought their best recipes. The dessert table was a beautiful sight. There were pies, especially pecan, cakes of every kind. Oh, and banana pudding. In your wildest dreams you could not imagine a more elaborate meal spread. I remember the cousins would run our legs off so we could fit more food in. Those were great memories. 


As I grew older and had a family of my own, we tried to continue the traditions of our childhoods. Fortunately for the rabbits, that didn't include shooting innocent bunnies. But the food, the feast, was definitely a big part of that tradition. 


I have fond memories of many Thanksgiving days. Those memories should be about thankfulness but they are mostly about food. And, one of the great treats of the day are the smells. There is something about the aroma of turkey and stuffing in the oven that makes the day even more special. 


One year my wife and I decided to go out for Thanksgiving. It just wasn't the same. My house didn't smell like Thanksgiving. Oh, and the final straw, turkey sandwiches. I know you can buy turkey at any deli in any grocery store, but, it's just not the same. I'm sure everybody has their favorite way of making a turkey sandwich. I sure do and deli turkey won't get it done.


This year we will again prepare the feast. And we will enjoy it all. But, this year I promise to spend more time being thankful. Thankful for my health, thankful for my loving wife and family, and thankful for yet another wonderful holiday with them. We are all so blessed and we should never forget where those blessings come from. For me and my house we are thankful to God for it all.


Happy Thanksgiving

Ron 2023