Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Not a lot amazes me anymore but a 21-year-old National Guardsman with a top secret clearance issued by our government amazes me. When I was in the Army I had a secret clearance but top secret was reserved for top Pentagon brass and high ranking government officials. The highest clearance for low ranking individuals like me was a secret clearance.  My job was radio/teletype operator and in that capacity I dealt with sensitive messages on troop movement and other logistics. To qualify for secret clearance required a total vetting by the government. They went to my hometown and interviewed former teachers, neighbors, church people, and anyone they felt necessary to know everything about me. It was very serious business. How this kid in the National Guard got a top secret clearance is a mystery to me. The resulting mess he caused will probably fix the problem. 


The Biden Administration is promoting a bill that would guarantee transexual women the right to compete in regular women's sporting activities. I've said before and I'll say it again, they must be tone deaf. Many states have already passed laws against this unfair nonsense. 


Speaking of Joe Biden, he is soon to announce whether he is running for reelection in 2024. The whole world is holding its collective breath waiting for this historic announcement. Wait a minute, I lied. Most of us could care less. The people who are really nervous and should be, are the Democrats. They know he can’t win. The next thing they know is that they don’t have anybody else. Regardless of who is our next President, they are going to have a tremendous mess to clean up. Inflation is still rampant, crime is everywhere, and while the Biden Administration should be dealing with that, they are instead publicly worrying about climate change. But I’m not worried about the Democrats’ problem. The Republicans have issues of their own.


In spite of every dirty trick the Democrats have tried to pull, Donald Trump remains at the top of the polls for most Republicans. Personally, I loved what Trump did as President. If he were still President, I believe Putin would have never attacked Ukraine. China would be dealing with their own mess instead of trying to take over the world. Our military would be stronger. Our economy would be greater and we would be energy independent. And so you ask, what’s wrong with electing Trump again? The problem comes in the fact of the chaos his presence in the White House causes. The liberal media and the so-called progressives are scared to death of him and will do anything and everything to disrupt his Presidency. That being said, if he gets the nomination, I will vote for him. He will need a landslide to not only win but also to send a message to his detractors to back off and to stop trying to interfere with his work. The media needs to think more about what's good for the country and less about their personal prejudices.


There is no doubt that our country is in a mess. It’s easy to see why. Why this country chose Joe Biden over Donald Trump is not only weird but it has made us the laughing stock of the world. We have a chance to fix it but it’s not going to be fixed by putting another Democrat in office. They just don’t get it.


Ron Scarbro April 19, 2023

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


For the most part I try to stay away from religious matters on this blog. Once in a while I can’t help myself. Your religion or lack of it is your business. But since this is my blog, I intend to express some of my religion.


I believe that God created Adam and Eve, two different genders. He told them to be fruitful and multiply. That means go make babies. The design of human male and female bodies is ideally suited for that purpose. Nowhere in any of my research can I find another gender. There can be hermaphrodites but they are accidents of nature and very rare. A hermaphrodite is an animal born with male and female genitalia. For many years I was in the hog business and have seen thousands of hogs. I encountered maybe two or three hermaphrodite pigs.


So now, woke individuals want me to believe that there are more than two genders, and that third gender is “trans.” 


State Legislatures are trying to deal with this issue. There are many issues to consider. Female transexuals want to compete in female sport activities which is obviously unfair. Several international sports governing bodies have ruled to keep transexual females out of the games. Schools and public buildings are having difficulty in deciding what bathrooms to use. Sport teams have to decide who showers where. And this is all because some individuals are unhappy with their birth gender and want to live the life of the opposite gender. 


Solving this is really quite simple. Quit pandering to special interests. If a guy wants to use the bathroom marked for women and my wife or daughter are in there, it could get really quite ugly for him. He would be happy to use a proper bathroom in the future.


If you are unhappy with your birth gender, too bad. Suck it up and be who you are, not what you wished you were. Oh, and if you find any other transexuals in the animal kingdom, let me know. 


Ron Scarbro April 4, 2023