It's Fall y'all. That's what our TV weatherman announced
recently when he came on to give his weather report. Some of us are really
looking forward to fall and cooler weather.
There is no doubt that most of us have experienced a hot summer. Some say even hotter than normal, whatever normal is. A very cursory look at our summer weather uncovers a villain. El Nino. That's right. It wasn't global warming or even climate change. It was just a fairly normal phenomenon that happens occasionally.
Well, guess what. We now should expect a visit from another phenomenon known as La Nina. Those among you with foreign language skills will recognize El Nino as little boy and La Nina as little girl. Generally El Nino brings hot weather and La Nina brings cooler, wetter weather.
We have weathermen and women ready to tell us what to expect from the weather. These people are scientists known as meteorologists. They are highly educated but, sadly they seem to miss about as often as they are correct. I have often believed they just stick their thumb into the air to see what is going on.
So then, here comes The Farmer's Almanac which has been the standard many in this country have depended on for weather information for years. They now predict a colder, wetter winter than normal. There's that word normal again. Oh well.
Here is what I expect and predict. I am a staunch believer in "climate change." Not the climate change preached by the global warming crowd, but actual real climate change. It happens every year and human activity has nothing to do with it. For most of us it occurs four times a year. It's called spring, summer, fall, and winter.
In my eighty plus years on this earth we have seen these climate changes. I love the fall. I love winter. Spring might be my favorite because everything seems to be reborn and come alive. Since my earliest memories, summer has been the hot season. That's when tomatoes get ripe and fruit trees bear their delicious offerings.
When God created all this, he had a plan that still works today. I for one am grateful for His plan. In the meantime, all I can say is, relax because it's Fall y'all.
Ron Scarbro September 27, 2023