Wednesday, January 31, 2024



I think it's pretty clear now, Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for the presidency. Haley really has no viable avenue to the job. The only question now is who will be on the ticket with him. Will it be Don and Ron? Probably not, but I do believe his choice will be very important to this country. The reason? The latest polls show Trump beating Biden by eleven points. So, the vp candidate has an excellent chance of actually becoming the vice-president of this country. What about the quite gorgeous Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem? I don't know what kind of vp she would be but she would be easy to look at.


We are getting closer to the election so it is vitally important that we vote. This country cannot survive another term of Joe Biden. 


You may not be a Trump fan. I am not necessarily a giant fan myself but, against another Biden term, anyone would be an improvement. Oh, and the Democrats know this also. To those among you who might have to hold your nose to cast a vote for Trump, consider what your options are. To not vote for Trump is a vote for Biden. That would be a tragedy for us and for the free world as well.


I am not going to harp on this anymore. This group of readers understands the importance of it all. 


The Democrats have done about everything in their bag of dirty tricks to stop Trump and yet his popularity just continues to increase. They are not going to stop though. The silly indictments they have brought so far only encourages them to keep trying. When Trump is elected and in office, I don't like the futures of the few lefties who tried all the tricks to get rid of him. 


Keep watching, it's going to be fun.


Ron Scarbro January 31, 2024


Wednesday, January 17, 2024



Let's see if I have this straight. A group of homeless Palestinians decide to settle in the territory of a free and independent country. That country would be Israel. The area settled would be the Gaza Strip. After they illegally settle, they allow thugs known as Hamas to hide among themselves. They also allow them to dig tunnels under hospitals and schools in order to hide weapons and war-fighting gear. They look the other way when Hamas launches attacks on Israel.


Israel decides they have had enough after a recent murderous attack on innocent women and children, and declare war on Hamas. 


I'll stop here to say unequivocally that war is hell. War is ugly. There is usually collateral damage during war. Innocent people are injured and killed. That is especially true when war fighters hide among women and children. That certainly is true in this war.


The world doesn't like the fact that so many people are killed. So, they demand a cease fire. They want it all to go away. It is just too uncomfortable to read and hear about. I want it to go away also, but I am also a realist. Israel is killing Hamas to protect themselves. 


Here's another little fact about war. War only ends when there is a winner and a loser. Cease fires don't stop wars. Truces don't stop wars. Winning stops wars. This war will end when Hamas is destroyed.


The so-called innocents in Gaza can shorten this war by getting rid of the thugs they invited in. The rest of the world just has to face the fact that no country would put up with attacks like Israel has had to endure. 


This war will end soon because Hamas will be destroyed. If any other aggressor decides to involve themselves, they will be destroyed too.



Ron Scarbro January 16, 2024


Wednesday, January 3, 2024



There is no doubt in my mind that Hunter Biden is a crook. To believe his father has been in on some of the illegal activities is not a stretch. In fact, the whole Biden family is probably a crime syndicate. Who knows how many millions have flowed into the various Biden bank accounts? 


Hunter is supposed to have been hired by foreign companies, and paid millions, for what? What could a young dope addict possibly do for any company that would be worth anything, let alone that kind of money. Wait, I think I have it. It turns out to be his last name. He was obviously selling access to the "big guy". And the big guy was obviously for sale. We all know who the big guy is.


So, now comes a Congressional inquiry to determine if any impeachable offenses have occurred. Hmmm. What do you suppose this inquiry will turn up. And even if they do find offenses sufficient to impeach, what are the chances a Democrat controlled Senate will find him guilty?


There are some realities that we all have to deal with. First and foremost, the national, mainstream media is an arm of the Democrat party. They will never show anything but good for Democrats. And it has been that way for years. Biden could molest little children at a church picnic and the press would keep it quiet. That's just how it is. A little thing like influence peddling is not, to them, a big deal. So, who's kidding whom?


So, what should we do? Just look the other way? Or do we continue the investigation? I think we continue and we release all of the evidence. We embarrass the Justice Dept. and the FBI. We force the media to cover and report the story. We are a country governed by law and order. We cannot put up with crooks in high office.


I am fairly confident that Biden will not be reelected but that's not enough. We need to take a hard look at anybody who even thinks about running for office and we need to cull the crooks before they are elected. The idea that whoever has the most money has the best chance of winning is repulsive to me and should be to you as well. I'm pretty sure that is not what our Founders had in mind.


Ron Scarbro, January 3, 2024