Thursday, June 20, 2024



War is hell. But we keep doing it. I believe there has been a war going on ever since I was born. Now we haven't been involved in all of them but we sure have had our share.


I have learned a few things about war over the years. Obviously, war is hell. War kills people and breaks things. Innocent people are killed and injured in war. And regardless of the outcome, wars never seem to have a satisfactory ending. That brings to mind an interesting question. When does a war end? 


I have a simple answer to that question. A war can only end when there is an obvious winner and then of course an obvious loser. Peace treaties and ceasefire agreements sound good but they rarely end wars. How many treaties and agreements have occurred between Israel and Hezbollah? And still their war goes on. The world has demanded that Israel stop shelling their enemies in Gaza. It is clear if they did, Israel would continue to be attacked. Israel has announced they will stop when Hezbollah is destroyed. And not until.


How would we feel if Haiti suddenly decided to attack Florida? In that attack they kidnapped a few dozen citizens to hold for ransom. Then we go after them. Guns blazing. Which is probably what we would do. Then some little country on the other side of the world demanded that we cease-fire. Again I ask. How would we feel? We would probably tell that little country to pound sand. 


Wars appear to be inevitable. Somebody always seems to want what somebody else has. Look at Russia. They seem intent on taking Ukraine as their own and are willing to kill anybody who gets in the way. That war will end only when one side wins and the other side loses. Who knows how many must die in the process? I personally am rooting for Ukraine. I enjoy reading about their victories. 


Some have said that war is a proxy war for us. Probably. Anyway Russia doesn't look very strong. They experience major losses every day. The weaker they look, the better for us. And they know how weak they are. That should serve to keep them under control. Hopefully. If this world goes to war again, nobody is going to win.  

 Ron Scarbro June 20, 2024




Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Surprise, surprise, a Manhattan prosecutor in a Manhattan courtroom with a Manhattan jury and a Manhattan judge secures a guilty verdict against an avowed conservative individual. Why would they even waste the time for a trial? To all of them Trump was already guilty. They just had to make it look official and somewhat legal. They also had to come up with a crime whether they had one or not. Apparently actually committing a crime is not necessarily required to get convicted in Manhattan.


If you are in business there you had best beware. Somebody in the hierarchy of the city or county may just decide to get rid of you. Your business may provide unwanted competition for them. They may just not like you or your politics. Whatever, you probably don't have a chance if they want to get rid of you. 


Here's the problem with this scenario. What if the individual you thought you got rid of suddenly gets a massive infusion of money and goes on to win their election. What do you suppose might await you when this happens?


After Trump was “convicted” in Manhattan, he has received millions in campaign contributions. The actions of the judge and the prosecutor may well come back and bite them. What they seem to fail to understand is that Trump is immensely popular across this country.  In fact he's much more popular than prosecutors and judges in Manhattan who just cannot understand Trump's appeal. 


It turns out that Manhattan is just a small part of this country and has very little influence over the rest of us. I know that's hard for those people to comprehend but it's true. 


So, where do we go from here? We have an election in November and we see who wins. The polls are not looking good for Biden. I have forwarded this thought before, but I think there is a really good chance that the Democrats will nominate someone else. Wouldn't that be fun? They're Democrats but they are not dumb. They know where the polls are. At any rate it's going to be a fun few months ahead. Hang on to your posteriors.


Ron Scarbro June 5, 2024