Thursday, January 30, 2025



Wow, we have a new sheriff in town and he has been busy. I'm not going to go over what he has already done but it is sufficient to say it's a lot. Our world and our country are going to flourish under President Trump. Personally I don't want Greenland to be a state. I also don't want Canada to become one either. In my mind they are all a bunch of weenie liberals who would try to screw up this country the way they have Canada. 


Concerning what he has already done, I definitely approve of the tariffs he has proposed. We are a country of consumers and I don't mind paying a little more for quality goods and services. Why shouldn't countries pay for the privilege of selling their products to us? If we want them, we will pay what that costs. If they raise their prices to cover the new tariff cost, we will decide whether or not to buy.  The added revenue will go to our treasury. These are decisions best made by people who are qualified to make them. I am definitely not one of them. 


There's a big uproar over social media going on now. I don't believe in government censorship in any form, but I believe in personal responsibility. A major part of living in a free society is personal responsibility. I don't have an answer for how to deal with irresponsibility. Maybe the best way is just to ignore stupidity. But, of course that wouldn't work. 


Here's the reality, it's a new day. True Americans are going to have to rise to the occasion. That sounds simple but it isn't. We all have to be responsible for our country. We are all responsible for success or failure. We shouldn't have to worry about somebody doing or saying something really stupid. We are free people, but that requires responsibility. Don't be stupid. We cannot blame politicians for everything that goes wrong. Most of it we bring on ourselves.


We are embarking on a new year and it is going to be exciting. Prosperity awaits anyone who goes for it. I'm looking forward to a great new year. Join me.


Ron Scarbro January 29, 2025


Thursday, January 9, 2025



Several years ago I concluded that there were just some people who either could not or would not be rehabilitated. They seem committed to a life of crime. If you have it, they want it and they will kill you to get it. Many of these criminals are raised in fatherless homes. While this is not the only reason, it is most certainly a contributing factor. 


Why was the animal who raped and killed that young mother in Memphis out looking for victims at four in the morning? Mind you he had just recently been released from prison after spending twenty years there. He didn't get much rehabilitation, did he? If I had the power, I guarantee he would never do that again. I would gut shoot him with buckshot and feed him to feral hogs. End of problem. 


In my mind this is a big part of the problem. We, as a society, seem unwilling to properly punish offenders. We keep thinking we can rehabilitate them. I believe there are some people who just cannot be rehabilitated. And there are many examples. This clown being one of them. 


I realize my answers seem too simple to work, but why don't we try some of them? Some people cull themselves from society. Let's take them out of society. Why should we continue to punish ourselves?


And to you weenie liberals out there, what do we have to lose? Maybe if we required these former convicts to be your next door neighbor, you might reconsider your position. Let's get smart and truly punish offenders. It's a win, win for us all.


Ron Scarbro January 9, 2025