Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Rush Limbaugh said of North Korea, they are a zit on the butt of a hog. The reality is that North Korea is a tiny little country who cannot even feed themselves let alone fight a war. While it’s probably true that they have some nuclear capability, their first strike on anyone or anything of significance would be their last strike on anybody. Today, sitting in the coastal waters just off their shores is a fleet of warships and submarines armed to the teeth with weaponry the likes the world has never seen. As one prominent retired General said last week, North Korea would become a parking lot.

The media keeps warning us of the threat posed by China. Really? Does anyone truly believe China wants to fight a war with us? For the first time in their modern history, they finally have some semblance of economic security. They are not about to jeopardize that security for North Korea. They are far more likely to just pop that little zit and go about their business of making cheap knock-off toys and electronics. Our problem is not China, no it’s the mainstream media. The biggest threat we face is a media more determined to interfere with Trump’s agenda than a shooting war with anybody.

Truth be told, most of this war talk is our own fault. We could have and should have shut this down years ago. For these past several years we have failed in our duty to make countries like North Korea and others understand just where they stand on the war fighting issue. By letting them get away with their past attempts at blackmail and extortion, we have allowed them to believe they have some sort of parity with the rest of the world. We haven’t convinced them that a war with the United States would mean their immediate annihilation. I am not convinced there is anyone in North Korea with enough intelligence to know what will happen if they don’t just get back in their little huts and keep their collective mouths shut. For a certainty there’s a new sheriff in town.

Now, with President Trump finally letting the world know what is at stake, the liberals are going ballistic. They are apoplectic. Maxine Waters basically said that she would rather live with a nuclear armed North Korea than to upset them in any way by all this “reckless” talk. Sorry Maxine. The adults are in charge now. Get used to the fact that little countries like North Korea and their ilk are just not going to be allowed to continue to threaten us or our allies.

I don’t favor a first strike at this time, but, if the mouthy little dictator doesn’t get the message, we maybe should surface a couple of our nuclear submarines a few hundred yards off North Korea’s coast just for them to see.

My hope, not only for us and our allies, but also for the millions of North Koreans living miserable lives in that God forsaken country, is that wiser heads get the big picture and get rid of Lil Kim before he steps in something that he cannot clean off his shoes. Once the war fighting force that is known as the United States Military is unleashed, all hell will break loose.

Not only will that take care of the North Korean problem but it should also serve as a lesson for any other little two-bit dictators bent on suicide.

While we are not the world’s police department, we are most certainly not the rug on which these punks wipe their feet.

Rob Scarbro

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