Does anybody with a
functioning brain really think Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat
Hillary? Of course he didn’t. First of all, the Russians would never have
wanted Trump to be our President. Hillary would have been much easier for them
to manipulate. The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of this country
was bad news for the Russians and any other would-be enemy of America. But
mostly it was bad news for Hillary and her supporters. This whole farce was
concocted by her losing campaign as a way of explaining why their candidate
lost so miserably. This was to be the grounds for delegitimizing the election of
Donald Trump. A very willing media jumped on the wagon and has taken this lie
to a whole new level of ridiculous. All you losers need to get over it. The
sooner this particular bit of fiction is put to rest, the better.
How about the integrity
of those in high office when they harass and even molest women around them?
What ever happened to honor and class? Is Al Franken that bereft of common
decency? His actions were just stupid. Not only is that kind of conduct illegal
it is repulsive. As I think about it, to me Al Franken is repulsive. Conyers is
just a sad old man. He should have been put out to pasture years ago.
The media, no longer
known as the “mainstream media” for obvious reasons, as they are miles away
from the mainstream of America, has lost all credibility. Their hatred of Trump
has so clouded their judgement that they just cannot be believed anymore.
Outright lies reported as facts, phony pictures, and opinion reported as news,
has ruined a once respected segment of our society and culture. I believe
people in the media can have any opinion they choose but that doesn’t give them
the right to lie for the purpose of attempting to destroy a sitting President.
I didn’t like Obama, but I would never have stooped to the level some in the
national media have to oust the choice of the American voters. CNN and ABC are
now having to use valuable air time to apologize for the lies of their
reporters. That is just sad. No integrity left. The media and Hollywood are
just going to have to get used to the fact that we have chosen our President
and he will probably be reelected in 2020 and this country is returning to her
traditional place in history. The election is over, deal with it.
And to those who just
don’t like this country and her traditions, move. Find another home. We are a
country of law and order. We respect our flag, our military, and our
traditions. If you can’t get on board with that, find someplace else to live.
We won’t miss you.
There are a few gifts
that would make this Christmas better than ever. Congress, pass Kate’s Law. Who
could be against that? Pass tax relief and reform. Get rid of lottery driven
“chain immigration.” Secure our borders. The voters of this country elected a
Republican President, and a Republican Congress. Quit wasting this opportunity.
Get busy and get the work of the American people done.
Ron Scarbro
The Social Security Administration magnanimously approved a 2% COLA
increase but raised the cost of medicare by 23% thereby gobbling up the
entire increase. So, all recipients go backwards. Hmmmm. A bit hard to explain,
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